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FR: Batch/Bulk add "dg-publish: true"

Open ArneNostitz opened this issue 2 years ago β€’ 4 comments

is there a way to bulk-add this to a selection of files/search/dataview-result?

would be great as I have hundreds of files related to a project (scattered all over the place as I dont use folders to separate projects) .... thanks!

ArneNostitz avatar Jan 23 '23 17:01 ArneNostitz

I did try to make a feature in the plugin, where one could mass select files in folders easily. But it was a mess, so I scrapped it. I might add something in the future. πŸ˜„

For now, the best way I've found, as described in the tips and tricks section, is using the MetaEdit plugin.

oleeskild avatar Jan 24 '23 07:01 oleeskild

Here is a Deno script that can help...

#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-read --allow-write

import { join } from "https://deno.land/std/path/mod.ts";
import { walk } from "https://deno.land/std/fs/walk.ts";

for await (
  const note of walk(Deno.cwd(), {
    includeDirs: false,
    exts: ["md"],
    skip: [/^\.git$/, /README.md/],
) {
  const contents = await Deno.readTextFile(note.path);
  const match = contents.match(/^---\n(.+)---\n(.+)$/s);
  const publishTag = "dg-publish: true";
  const isHome = note.path === join(Deno.cwd(), "Home.md");
  const homeTag = "\ndg-home: true";
  const frontmatter = `---\n${match ? match[1] : ""}${publishTag}${
    !isHome ? "" : homeTag
    `${frontmatter}${match ? match[2] : contents}`,

It walks a vault (ignoring the .git directory) and for each markdown file that's NOT named README.md it adds dg-publish: true to the frontmatter of all notes, while preserving any existing frontmatter (dg-* tags are appended at the end of existing tags). For a file named Home.md in the project root, it will add the dg-home: true tag.

danforbes avatar Oct 15 '23 22:10 danforbes

Note to self: It could be a good idea to add a view to the publication center where users can toggle files that doesn't have dg-publish set and bulk add it similarly to how you can bulk publish notes.

oleeskild avatar Nov 07 '23 15:11 oleeskild

super simple Bash script that can help with batch editing. Isn't a perfect solution, but should help if you're starting from scratch

This assumes that dg-publish: true is always the 2nd line in any of your published files.

like so

gd-publish: true

# cd /mnt/uasis5/obsidian-livesync-data/dnd/livesync-bridge-dnd/data/vault/πŸ“ Campaigns/πŸ“ A Dance of Matter/ItemsπŸ’
cd /home/icicle/scripts/test-md

for file in ./*.md; do

  ## check if first line is "---"
  FIRSTLINE=$(head -n 1  "$file")
  SECONDLINE=$(sed -n '2p' "$file")

  ## if first line is ---
  if [ "$FIRSTLINE" = "---" ]; then

    ## se if "dg-publish: true is already 2nd line"
    if [ "$SECONDLINE" = 'dg-publish: true' ]; then
      echo "Already PUBLISHED: $file"
      sed -i '2i\dg-publish: true' "$file"
    # first line is something else
    sed -i '1s/^/---\ndg-publish: true\n---\n/' "$file"


wchorski avatar Feb 19 '24 03:02 wchorski