
Results 39 comments of olechnwin

@6br, I was able to generate .gam and gam.index files/folder. But, the SequenceTubeMap is not displayed. This is my `config.yaml`: ``` bin: vg: "vg" vg_tmp: "vg" vg_volume_prefix: "" graphviz: "dot"...

I'm not sure how to navigate to the exact location that you referenced above for the CHM1 example data. Tried copy pasting that address in firefox but it doesn't look...

Looks like I was using vg version 1.25: ``` singularity exec --pwd ~/opt/MoMI-G/scripts docker://momigteam/momig-tools:autobuild /vg/bin/vg INFO: Using cached SIF image vg: variation graph tool, version v1.25.0 "Apice" ``` So, I...

Tried to run vg 1.6 but got an error: ``` singularity run docker://momigteam/momig-tools:6 ~/Data/A673_pacbio/HiFi/vcf/A673.HiFi.hg19.sniffles.TRA.vcf momig_input_vg1_6 /vg/bin/vg ~/hg19/hg19.fa ... ruby /usr/src/app/vcf2gfa/gfa_generator.rb .//momig_input_vg1_6.pcf.bp.merged.tsv .//momig_input_vg1_6.pcf.output.pcf /home/xxt050/hg19/hg19.fa error:[vg] command convert not found vg: variation...

For CHM1 demo, `singularity run --pwd /vg docker://momigteam/momig-backend` doesn't have internal server error in the beginning and no tubemap. The internal server error appears after I clicked on the feature...

I tried to run the following to display CHM1 demo running my own backend server using `docker://momigteam/momig-backend:prod` so I can use the `vg 1.25` but got the following error: ```...

I still cannot get both CHM1 demo and my own data to display SequenceTube. I don't know if this helps, but I noticed in your CHM1 demo log, you have...

I tried run singularity with `--writable-tmpfs` but the `sequenceTube` still doesn't appear and I don't have the status code. I made sure to clean up the cache before re-running: ```...

I think I got further by binding `/tmp` to `/vg/tmp` but still no SequenceTube. I can now see it tries to load the index `.xg` file but failed. The status...