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A collection of Dockerfiles

Dockerfiles Build Status

A collection of Dockerfiles.

Fresh images are generated by the CI on a daily basis.


  • Swiss Army Knife
  • Bazel
  • GnuPG
  • ImageMagick
  • CUPS print server
  • Debian packaging tools
  • Java development tools
  • KCachegrind
  • LibreOffice
  • Pandoc
  • Node.js
  • uncss
  • uglify
  • JSON Resume
  • HackMyResume

Note: images are based on the olbat/debian image that's built daily from the docker-base-images repository


Project's structure

  • Each directory contains dockerfiles used to build a specific image
  • builds images and tag them using their directory and the extension of their Dockerfile (i.e. the gnupg/Dockerfile.unstable is used to build the $DOCKER_USER/gnupg:unstable image).
  • build.env: contains settings for the script
  • this script is used to generate dockefiles every time a gen-*.env file is found in a directory (the Dockerfile is generated using the gen-$ script and named Dockerfile.$TYPE)
  • this script is used to generate multi-stage dockefiles used to build light images that only contains a few executables and static files (no system tools, no shell, ...).
  • */gen-*.env: contains settings for the Dockerfile generation scripts