José Fernández Aguilera
José Fernández Aguilera
Currently, Fim only logs the produced events at the time of execution. We want to improve this feature by adding a database to store the previous object state. This will...
We want to include a way to send logs through network and avoid to use external tools. One possible approach could be to use RSyslog.
Hello! We want to include a wiki page with ingestion tutorial. - Include way to create events charts - Include event tracking (count) - Include data monitoring Regards.
Hello, From Reddit post the user `/u/chrysn` suggest to include the `fs-verity` method. From my research is a way on ext4 filesystem to check read only integrity in files....
Hello! We want to include a way to easy test and deploy FIM in production environments. To achieve that we want to include a dockerfiles and docker compose file to...
From our user @zodiacnet we know that Auditctl check is not working at Ubuntu 18 system. We want to solve this issue as soon as possible by adding a conditional...
We have reduced the schedule to join all architectures. - Related ticket: - Related MR: In progress - Needles: N/A - Verification run:
Hello team, We want to update the `5.0-dev` branch to include all required changes made on master/4.3 branch. We probably have to include: - Solaris SCA files - Python upgrades...
We have added one method to auto-generate JSON profiles that can be later imported into Agama. - Related ticket: - Needles: N/A - Verification run: