svelte-progressbar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
svelte-progressbar copied to clipboard

A multiseries, SVG progressbar component made with Svelte


A multi-series SVG progress bar component made with Svelte 3. It can be rendered as a linear, radial (circular), semicircular or even custom-shaped progressbar. Progression bars and values are fully animated.

If rendered as a linear progressbar there are 2 styles supported:

  • Standard: uses svg masks to display inverted text color for the value.
  • Thin: the progression bars are rendered as thin bars and the values are placed externally

No dependencies, only 35kb when minified (11kb gzipped)!


From npm

npm i @okrad/svelte-progressbar

Using in a standard js module

import ProgressBar from '@okrad/svelte-progressbar';

const pb = new ProgressBar({
        target: document.getElementById('demo'),
        props: {
                series: 20

Using in a Svelte app

import App from './App.svelte';

const app = new App({
        target: document.body,
        props: {
                series: [20, 42]

export default app;
  import ProgressBar from "@okrad/svelte-progressbar";
  export let series = [];

<ProgressBar {series} />

<button on:click={() => series = [50, 50]}>fill</button>
<button on:click={() => series = [0, 0]}>clear</button>

Building from source

npm run build

Creates unminified index.js and index.mjs files.


npm run dist

Creates minified index.js and index.mjs files.

Either way, include index.js in your html file, then instantiate the component:

const pb = new ProgressBar({
        target: document.getElementById('demo'),
        props: {
                series: 20

This creates a standard progressbar with 20% progression.

const pb = new ProgressBar({
        target: document.getElementById('demo'),
        style: 'radial',
        props: {
                series: [20, 10]

This creates a radial progressbar with 2 series (20% + 10%).


ProgressBar(options): The constructor. Available props are:

  • series (number | object | array): for single series progressbars, it can be a number indicating the progression percentage (0-100), or a json object with "perc" and "color" properties. This property is reactive. For example:
series: 42
series: [10, 32]
series: [
                perc: 10,
                color: '#5AB6DF'
                perc: 32,
                color: '#65CEA7'
  • valueLabel: the label that must be shown as the progress value. It can be a simple text or a markup fragment. The label can contain "markers" in the form "%1", "%2"... that will be substituted with the value of the corresponding series (for example: "perc 1: %1, perc 2: %2"). If not specified, the progress percentage will be shown.
  • style: can be "standard" (default), "thin", "radial", "semicircle" o "custom"
  • width: determines the width of the whole component
  • height: determines the height of the svg viewbox. If not specified, it defaults to the 14% of the viewbox width for standard progressbars, 1% of the viewbox width for thin progressbars, and to the 100% of the viewbox width for radial ones.
  • thickness: used only for radial progress bars. It determines the thickness of the bar as a unitless number between 0 and 50 (corresponding to the ray of the circle).
  • textSize: the size of the font (in percentage) for the progression value (default: 30 for thin progressbars, 70 for default progressbar, 150 for radial)
  • addBackground: determines if a further bar should be added as background to the value bar. Default true.
  • bgColor: if addBackground is true, specifies the color of the background bar
  • bgFillColor: available only for "radial" and "semicircle" bars. If addBackground is true, specifies the color of the "inner circle" of the progress bar.
  • labelColor: specifies the color of the label.
  • invLabelColor: specifies the "inverted" label color.
  • stackSeries: currently available for "radial" and "semicircle" styles only. If true (default), series will be stacked one after the other. If false, series will be rendered as independent, concentrical arcs.
  • margin: currently used only for radial non-stacked bar. Determines the space between the series bars.
  • thresholds: list (array) of objects that define which color apply to the progress in relation with the variation of the series value.
  • cls: css class to apply to the main element.
  • rx, ry: horizontal and vertical border radius (for linear progress bars). If ry is not specified, it defaults to rx.
  • fillDirection: direction of "filling". Can be one of "l2r" (left to right [default]), "r2l" (right to left), "t2b" (top to bottom) o "b2t" (bottom to top).
  • labelAlignX: alignment of the label along the "x" axis. Can be one of "center" (default), "left", "right", "leftOf", "rightOf".
  • labelAlignY: alignment of the label along the "y" axis. Can be one of "middle" (default), "top", "bottom", "above", "below".
  • path: used only for custom progress bars. It defines the svg path that corresponds to the shape of the progress bar. The path should not have any padding around the actual shape.

updateSeries(series): update all of the series. Since the "series" property is reactive, if you are using the component in a Svelte app, you can simply bind to it and change its value as needed.

updatePerc(perc, seriesId = 0): update the specified series progress percentage. Again, since the "series" property is reactive, if you are using the component in a Svelte app, you can simply bind to it and change its value as needed.

Component composition

Within a svelte app, you can add a subcomponent to a radial progress bar:

<ProgressBar style='radial' series={[80]}>
  <MySubcomponent ... />

Or you can for example add an HTML fragment by using a foreignObject tag. In this case just make sure to explicitly set the namespace with the xmlns attribute:

<ProgressBar style='radial' series={[80]}>
  <foreignObject x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" xmlns="">
    <button on:click={...}>CLICKME</button>


//Linear progress with single series with vanilla js
new ProgressBar({
  target: document.getElementById('pb_container'),
  props: {
    series: [90]

//Linear progress as a Svelte component
<ProgressBar series={[90]}/>

//Linear progress with two series with vanilla js
new ProgressBar({
  target: document.getElementById('pb_container'),
  props: {
    series: [40, 25]

//Linear progress with two series as a Svelte component
<ProgressBar series={[40, 25]}/>

//Linear progress with "thin" style and two series
new ProgressBar({
  target: document.getElementById('demo3'),
  props: {
    style: 'thin',
    series: [30, 15]

//Custom progress bar
  path="m 99.999994,28.641477 c 0,26.036253 -23.181375,32.218477 -49.999995,47.14281 C 25.522677,62.948324 0,54.67773 0,28.641477 10e-8,2.6052245 24.031722,-6.9568368 50.598798,6.1131375 78.0152,-7.6240828 99.999994,2.6052245 99.999994,28.641477 Z"/>

//Semicircular progress bar
new ProgressBar({
  target: document.getElementById('demo3'),
  props: {
    style: 'semicircle',
    series: [30]

<ProgressBar style='semicircle' series={[30]}/>

//Radial progress bar with single series and thresholds
new ProgressBar({
  target: document.getElementById('pb_container'),
  props: {
    style: 'radial',
    series: [80],
    thickness: 10,
    thresholds: [
        till: 50,       //Color stays red from 0% to 50%
        color: '#800000'
        till: 100,      //Color goes green from 51% to 100%
        color: '#008000'

        till: 50,       //Color stays red from 0% to 50%
        color: '#800000'
        till: 100,      //Color goes green from 51% to 100%
        color: '#008000'

Take a look at these working examples!


2021/02/23: Version 1.11.2.

  • Fixed exception on component destruct

2021/01/29: Version 1.11.1.

  • Fixed issue for inverted label not being visible on Chrome 88
  • Fixed a small regression

2021/01/22: Version 1.11.0.

  • Introducing CustomShapeProgressBar!
  • LinearProgressBar has been refectored to use CustomShapeProgressBar
  • Added custom label template
  • x & y label positions can be controlled through the labelAlignX and labelAlignY props
  • inverted label color can be changed with the invLabelColor prop
  • Fill direction can be controlled with the "fillDirection" prop

2021/01/15: Version 1.10.0.

  • "color" property is now reactive (and interpolates)
  • "updateSeries" function added
  • Small fix: Avoid style leaking in the global scope

2020/11/23: Version 1.9.4.

  • Small fixes

2020/11/05: Version 1.9.3.

  • Typescript fixes

2020/11/02: Version 1.9.2. Removed "legacy" build

2020/10/27: Version 1.9.1. Improved TypeScript support.

2020/10/18: Version 1.9.0.

  • Initial TypeScript support!
  • Add rx, ry attributes to control linear pb radius
  • Add cls parameter for style customization
  • Fix to avoid progress overflow
  • Fix for Safari positioning bug

2020/09/22: Version 1.8.0. Add component composition handling in radial bars

2020/09/05: Version 1.7.1. Small fixes

2020/08/31: Version 1.7.0

  • Major store refactorization, simplified overall code
  • Label can be set from outside with the valueLabel prop
  • Allow markup (and styling) in label
  • Add bgFillColor property
  • Add labelColor property

2020/08/26: Version 1.6.2. Bugfixes for radial stacked progress bars

2020/08/12: Version 1.6.1. Semicircular bar fixes

2020/08/10: Version 1.6.0. Added semicircle bar style

2020/08/09: Version 1.5.0. series prop become reactive

2020/03/17: Version 1.4.0. Added thresholds, store refactorization

2020/02/07: Version 1.3.1. Added "addBackground", "bgColor", "stackSeries", "margin" parameters. Introduced "legacy" mode for compatibility with IE/Edge.

2019/08/07: Added dist task

2019/08/06: Refactored thin progressbars

2019/08/02: Added textSize parameter

2019/08/01: Handled svg viewport (width/height) while keeping proportions