ok icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ok copied to clipboard

Scheduled biweekly dependency update for week 32

Open pyup-bot opened this issue 6 years ago • 0 comments


Here's a list of all the updates bundled in this pull request. I've added some links to make it easier for you to find all the information you need.

raven[flask] 6.0.0 » 6.1.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
sqlalchemy 1.1.9 » 1.1.13 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
rq 0.7.1 » 0.8.1 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
apache-libcloud 1.5.0 » 2.1.0 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
Flask-RESTful 0.3.5 » 0.3.6 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
Flask-Migrate 2.0.3 » 2.1.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo | Docs
sendgrid 3.6.3 » 3.6.5 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
requests 2.13.0 » 2.18.3 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
jsmin 2.2.1 » 2.2.2 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
pygal 2.3.1 » 2.4.0 PyPI | Homepage
pytest 3.0.7 » 3.2.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo | Homepage
pytest-cov 2.4.0 » 2.5.1 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
selenium 3.3.3 » 3.4.3 PyPI | Changelog | Repo


raven[flask] 6.0.0 -> 6.1.0


  • Support both string and class values for ignore_exceptions parameters. Class values also support child exceptions.
  • Ensure consistent fingerprint for SoftTimeLimitExceeded exceptions
  • Add sample_rate configuration
  • fix registration of hooks for Django

sqlalchemy 1.1.9 -> 1.1.13


:include_notes_from: unreleased_11

.. changelog::


:released: July 24, 2017

.. change:: cache_order_sequence :tags: feature, oracle, posgresql :versions: 1.2.0b1

   Added new keywords :paramref:`.Sequence.cache` and
   :paramref:`.Sequence.order` to :class:`.Sequence`, to allow rendering
   of the CACHE parameter understood by Oracle and PostgreSQL, and the
   ORDER parameter understood by Oracle.  Pull request
   courtesy David Moore.

.. change:: 4033 :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 4033 :versions: 1.2.0b2

   Fixed regression from 1.1.11 where adding additional non-entity
   columns to a query that includes an entity with subqueryload
   relationships would fail, due to an inspection added in 1.1.11 as a
   result of :ticket:`4011`.

.. change:: 4031 :tags: bug, orm :versions: 1.2.0b2 :tickets: 4031

   Fixed bug involving JSON NULL evaluation logic added in 1.1 as part
   of :ticket:`3514` where the logic would not accommodate ORM
   mapped attributes named differently from the :class:`.Column`
   that was mapped.

.. change:: 4030 :tags: bug, orm :versions: 1.2.0b2 :tickets: 4030

   Added ``KeyError`` checks to all methods within
   :class:`.WeakInstanceDict` where a check for ``key in dict`` is
   followed by indexed access to that key, to guard against a race against
   garbage collection that under load can remove the key from the dict
   after the code assumes its present, leading to very infrequent
   ``KeyError`` raises.

.. changelog::


:released: Monday, June 19, 2017

.. change:: 4012 :tags: bug, sql :tickets: 4012 :versions: 1.2.0b1

   Fixed AttributeError which would occur in :class:`.WithinGroup`
   construct during an iteration of the structure.

.. change:: 4011 :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 4011 :versions: 1.2.0b1

   Fixed issue with subquery eagerloading which continues on from
   the series of issues fixed in :ticket:`2699`, :ticket:`3106`,
   :ticket:`3893` involving that the "subquery" contains the correct
   FROM clause when beginning from a joined inheritance subclass
   and then subquery eager loading onto a relationship from
   the base class, while the query also includes criteria against
   the subclass. The fix in the previous tickets did not accommodate
   for additional subqueryload operations loading more deeply from
   the first level, so the fix has been further generalized.

.. change:: 4005 :tags: bug, postgresql :tickets: 4005 :versions: 1.2.0b1

   Continuing with the fix that correctly handles Postgresql
   version string "10devel" released in 1.1.8, an additional regexp
   bump to handle version strings of the form "10beta1".   While
   Postgresql now offers better ways to get this information, we
   are sticking w/ the regexp at least through 1.1.x for the least
   amount of risk to compatibility w/ older or alternate Postgresql

.. change:: 4006 :tags: bug, postgresql :tickets: 4006 :versions: 1.2.0b1

   Fixed bug where using :class:`.ARRAY` with a string type that
   features a collation would fail to produce the correct syntax
   within CREATE TABLE.

.. change:: 4007 :tags: bug, mysql :tickets: 4007 :versions: 1.2.0b1

   MySQL 5.7 has introduced permission limiting for the "SHOW VARIABLES"
   command; the MySQL dialect will now handle when SHOW returns no
   row, in particular for the initial fetch of SQL_MODE, and will
   emit a warning that user permissions should be modified to allow the
   row to be present.

.. change:: 3994 :tags: bug, mssql :tickets: 3994 :versions: 1.2.0b1

   Fixed bug where SQL Server transaction isolation must be fetched
   from a different view when using Azure data warehouse, the query
   is now attempted against both views and then a NotImplemented
   is raised unconditionally if failure continues to provide the
   best resiliency against future arbitrary API changes in new
   SQL Server versions.

.. change:: 3997 :tags: bug, oracle :tickets: 3997 :versions: 1.2.0b1

   Support for two-phase transactions has been removed entirely for
   cx_Oracle when version 6.0b1 or later of the DBAPI is in use.  The two-
   phase feature historically has never been usable under cx_Oracle 5.x in
   any case, and cx_Oracle 6.x has removed the connection-level "twophase"
   flag upon which this feature relied.

.. change:: 3973 :tags: bug, mssql :tickets: 3973 :versions: 1.2.0b1

   Added a placeholder type :class:`.mssql.XML` to the SQL Server
   dialect, so that a reflected table which includes this type can
   be re-rendered as a CREATE TABLE.  The type has no special round-trip
   behavior nor does it currently support additional qualifying

.. changelog::


:released: Friday, May 19, 2017

.. change:: 3986 :tags: bug, orm :versions: 1.2.0b1 :tickets: 3986

   Fixed bug where a cascade such as "delete-orphan" (but others as well)
   would fail to locate an object linked to a relationship that itself
   is local to a subclass in an inheritance relationship, thus causing
   the operation to not take place.

.. change:: 3975 :tags: bug, oracle :versions: 1.2.0b1 :tickets: 3975

   Fixed bug in cx_Oracle dialect where version string parsing would
   fail for cx_Oracle version 6.0b1 due to the "b" character.  Version
   string parsing is now via a regexp rather than a simple split.

.. change:: 3949 :tags: bug, schema :versions: 1.2.0b1 :tickets: 3949

   An :class:`.ArgumentError` is now raised if a
   :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` object is created with a mismatched
   number of "local" and "remote" columns, which otherwise causes the
   internal state of the constraint to be incorrect.   Note that this
   also impacts the condition where a dialect's reflection process
   produces a mismatched set of columns for a foreign key constraint.

.. change:: 3980 :tags: bug, ext :versions: 1.2.0b1 :tickets: 3980

   Protected against testing "None" as a class in the case where
   declarative classes are being garbage collected and new
   automap prepare() operations are taking place concurrently, very
   infrequently hitting a weakref that has not been fully acted upon
   after gc.

.. change:: :tags: bug, postgresql :versions: 1.2.0b1

   Added "autocommit" support for GRANT, REVOKE keywords.  Pull request
   courtesy Jacob Hayes.

.. change:: 3966 :tags: bug, mysql :versions: 1.2.0b1 :tickets: 3966

   Removed an ancient and unnecessary intercept of the UTC_TIMESTAMP
   MySQL function, which was getting in the way of using it with a

.. change:: 3961 :tags: bug, mysql :versions: 1.2.0b1 :tickets: 3961

   Fixed bug in MySQL dialect regarding rendering of table options in
   conjunction with PARTITION options when rendering CREATE TABLE.
   The PARTITION related options need to follow the table options,
   whereas previously this ordering was not enforced.

.. changelog::

rq 0.7.1 -> 0.8.1


  • Replace job.id with Job instance in local _job_stack . Thanks katichev!
  • job.save() no longer implicitly calls job.cleanup(). Thanks katichev!
  • Properly catch StopRequested worker.heartbeat(). Thanks fate0!
  • You can now pass in timeout in days. Thanks yaniv-g!
  • The core logic of sending job to FailedQueue has been moved to rq.handlers.move_to_failed_queue. Thanks yaniv-g!
  • RQ cli commands now accept --path parameter. Thanks kirill and sjtbham!
  • Make job.dependency slightly more efficient. Thanks liangsijian!
  • FailedQueue now returns jobs with the correct class. Thanks amjith!
  • Fixed an issue where job.save() may fail with unpickleable return value.


  • Refactored APIs to allow custom Connection, Job, Worker and Queue classes via CLI. Thanks jezdez!
  • job.delete() now properly cleans itself from job registries. Thanks selwin!
  • Worker should no longer overwrite job.meta. Thanks WeatherGod!
  • job.save_meta() can now be used to persist custom job data. Thanks katichev!
  • Added Redis Sentinel support. Thanks strawposter!
  • Make Worker.find_by_key() more efficient. Thanks selwin!
  • You can now specify job timeout using strings such as queue.enqueue(foo, timeout='1m'). Thanks luojiebin!
  • Better unicode handling. Thanks myme5261314 and jaywink!
  • Sentry should default to HTTP transport. Thanks Atala!
  • Improve HerokuWorker termination logic. Thanks samuelcolvin!

apache-libcloud 1.5.0 -> 2.1.0



  • [AWS] Update prices and fix some region names [GITHUB-1056] (Francisco Ros)
  • Fix bug in utils.decorators wrap exception method, used by vsphere driver [GITHUB-1054] (Anthony Shaw)
  • Use PyTest as the unit testing runner (Anthony Shaw)
  • Use of LXML is now disabled by defalt, use libcloud.utils.py3.DEFAULT_LXML = True to reenable. LXML has compatibility issues with a number of drivers and etree is a standard package [GITHUB-1038] (Anthony Shaw)
  • Switch RawResponse class to use content body instead of text body, up to 10x performance improvement for methods like StorageDriver.download_object [GITHUB-1053] (Quentin Pradet)


  • [OPENSTACK] Add support for Nova 2.x and Keystone 3 [GITHUB-1052] (Anthony Shaw)
  • [GCE] Add loadBalancingScheme parameter for ex_create_forwarding_rule method in GCE driver. [GITHUB-1079] (sT331h0rs3)
  • [GCE] Fix error codes not being parsed in certain scenarios [GITHUB-1074, LIBCLOUD-925] (micafer)
  • [EC2] Fix node's Block Device Mapping was parsed from incorrect mapping. EbsInstanceBlockDevice is different from EbsBlockDevice. [GITHUB-1075] (Gennadiy Stas)
  • [GANDI] Fixes the location name in image and instance type classes [GITHUB-1065] (Sayoun)
  • [GCE] Fix method for create instance properties, it previously ignored the disk type parameter and defaulted to pd-standard. [GITHUB-1064] (Evan Carter)
  • Fix missing return data from EC2 billing product methods [GITHUB-1062] (Alex Misstear)
  • Handle [VULTR] API rate limiting [GITHUB-1058] (Francisco Ros)
  • Fix Kili driver not correctly fixing the auth version for openstack to 2.0_password [GITHUB-1054] (Anthony Shaw)
  • [EC2] Add i3 instance types for AWS [GITHUB-1038] (Stephen Mullins)
  • [VULTR] Extend extra dict of Vultr sizes to include additional fields (plan_type and available_locations) [GITHUB-1044] (Francisco Ros)


  • New driver for Google Container Engine [GITHUB-1059] (Andy Maheshwari)
  • [KUBERNETES] Fix get_container method responding with None [GITHUB-1054] (Anthony Shaw)
  • [DOCKER] Fix for start_container method [GITHUB-1049] (johnnyWalnut)
  • [DOCKER] fix add an extra check otherwise list_containers breaks with AttributeError when fromImages is specified [GITHUB-1043] (johnnyWalnut)


  • [S3] Fix raise in s3.upload_object_via_stream [LIBCLOUD-914, GITHUB-1055] (Quentin Pradet)



  • Fix OpenStack drivers not correctly setting URLs when used with identity API, would default to and service catalog URLs were not adhered to. [GITHUB-1037, LIBCLOUD-912, LIBCLOUD-904] (Anthony Shaw)
  • Fix Aliyun ECS, Load balancer and storage adapters when using unicode UTF-8 characters in the names of resources in 2.0.0rc2 < it would fail as a MalformedResponseError, Python 2.7 element tree was raising a unicode error [GITHUB-1032] [GITHUB-994] (Anthony Shaw)
  • Refactor the test classes to use the full libcloud.http and libcloud.common.base modules, with Connection, Response all used with requests_mock. This increases our test coverages and catches bugs in drivers' custom parse_body and auth modules [GITHUB-1031] (Anthony Shaw)
  • Rename libcloud.httplib_ssl to libcloud.http now that we don't use httplib [GITHUB-1028] (Anthony Shaw)


  • [GOOGLE] Add test to check that can create a GCE volume at a given location [GITHUB-1048] (Francisco Ros)
  • [GOOGLE] Fix GCENodeDriver.ex_get_volume() when zone param is of class GCEZone or NodeLocation [GITHUB-1047] (Francisco Ros)
  • [GOOGLE] Fix call to GCENodeDriver._ex_populate_volume_dict [GITHUB-1046] (Francisco Ros)
  • [ARM] Add support for Azure Cloud Environments as well as Locations [GITHUB-969] (Peter Amstutz)
  • [EC2] Add support for ModifyVolume and DescribeVolumesModifications [GITHUB-1036] (Hennadii Stas)
  • [ARM] Fix string representation of the VhdImage type and fix listing of Public IP addresses [GITHUB-1035] (Anthony Shaw)
  • [GOOGLE] Remove validation checks for guestOsFeatures [GITHUB-1034] (Max Illfelder)
  • [VSPHERE] Fix issue with authentication methods crashing [GITHUB-1031] (Anthony Shaw)
  • [ARM] Add network security groups to azure ARM [GITHUB-1033] (Joseph Hall)
  • [ARM] Add the ability to list resource groups [GITHUB-1032] (Joseph Hall)
  • Add 1&1 compute driver [LIBCLOUD-911] [GITHUB-1029] (Jasmin Gacic)
  • Fix Azure ARM driver condition for ex_list_publishers where location is specified [GITHUB-1030] (Joseph Hall)
  • Added Import Snapshot and Describe Import Snapshot to EC2 compute driver [GITHUB-1023] (Nirzari Iyer)
  • Add price_monthly extra param to digitalocean sizes [GITHUB-1021] (Francisco Ros)
  • Add aliyun ecs instance join leave security group [GITHUB-992] (Jie Ren)
  • Add keypair management to OnApp driver [GITHUB-1018] (Tinu Cleatus)
  • Add missing regions in AWS storage and compute drivers [GITHUB-1019] (Alex Misstear)
  • Add SR-IOV net support to images in EC2 compute driver [GITHUB-1020] (Alex Misstear)
  • Fix - update t2.small image size from 11 CPU to 1 [GITHUB-1022] (Francisco Ros)
  • Added Billing Product for image in EC2 compute driver [GITHUB-1024] (Nirzari Iyer)


  • Add OnApp driver [GITHUB-1017] [LIBCLOUD-907] (Tinu Cleatus)



  • Fix LIBCLOUD_DEBUG trying to decompress already decompressed responses [LIBCLOUD-910] (Anthony Shaw)
  • Added an integration test API and a test suite for validating functionality without mocking any libcloud subsystems [GITHUB-970] (Anthony Shaw)
  • Fix for Linode classes since 2.0x [GITHUB-1026] (Anthony Shaw)
  • Fix CertificateConnection not correctly signing requests in 2.0rc1, impacted Azure classic driver, OpenStack and Docker driver [GITHUB-1015] (Anthony Shaw)
  • Change Cloudscale to cloudscale.ch. [GITHUB-993] (David Halter)
  • Explicitly check if response is None in RawResponse class [GITHUB-1006] [LIBCLOUD-901] (Richard Xia)


  • Outscale SAS doc improvements and logo update [GITHUB-950] (Javier M Mellid)
  • [GCE] Allow preemptible instances to be created [GITHUB-954] (John Baublitz)
  • Add support for forcing detachment of EBS volumes to EC2 driver [GITHUB-1007] (Sergey Babak)
  • Fix Public IP not assigned when creating NIC on Azure ARM [GITHUB-1013] [LIBCLOUD-906] (Simone Ripamonti)
  • [ONAPP] Add list images support for OnApp driver [GITHUB-1011] (Tinu Cleatus)
  • [EC2] Add r4 instance types for AWS [GITHUB-997] (Jens Deppe)
  • [EC2] support for AWS eu-west-2 and ca-central-1 regions [GITHUB-1009] (Marat Komarov)
  • [EC2] Add P2 GPU instance types [GITHUB-996] (MJK)
  • [EC2] Add method to modify snapshot attribute for EC2 [GITHUB-990] (Sayan Chowdhury)
  • [Linode] Add start, stop instance methods and fix incorrect state TERMINATED to STOPPED [GITHUB-986] (Markos Gogoulos)
  • [EC2] Add ENA support for EC2 compute images [GITHUB-983] (Alex Misstear)
  • [Azure ARM] fix typeerror on ex_list_nics [GITHUB-979] (Choi Jongu)
  • [GCE] allow delete instances from managed group [GITHUB-975] (zacharya19)


  • Reintroduce S3 multipart upload support with signature v4 [GITHUB-1005] [LIBCLOUD-834] (Alex Misstear)



  • Fix DEBUG mode, also add support for using io.StringIO as the file handle when calling libcloud.enable_debug. (GITHUB-978, LIBCLOUD-887) [Anthony Shaw]
  • Introduction of the requests package as the mechanism for making HTTP requests for all drivers. (GITHUB-928) [Anthony Shaw]
  • Fix bug where custom port and secure flag would not get propagated to connection class. (GITHUB-972) [Anthony Shaw]
  • Fix bug where custom port would not get propagated to connection. (GITHUB-971) [Anthony Shaw]
  • Fix bug where instantiating a connection from URL and then requesting an action with a leading / would lead to a malformed URL. (GITHUB-976) [Anthony Shaw]


  • Fix a bug in profitbricks driver where listing snapshots would request a malformed URL. [GITHUB-976] (Anthony Shaw)
  • Fix LIBCLOUD-806 bug where vsphere driver cannot be instantiated. (GITHUB-967) [Anthony Shaw]
  • [google compute] Improve performance of list nodes by caching volume information. (GITHUB-813, LIBCLOUD-826) [Tom Melendez]

Flask-RESTful 0.3.5 -> 0.3.6


Released May 31, 2017

  • Argument.help now supports unicode strings (564)
  • Flags can now be passed to inputs.regex (621)
  • Fix behavior of action=&#39;append&#39; in conjunction with location=&#39;json&#39; (645)
  • method_decorators can be a dict to apply decorator behavior for only specific HTTP methods (532)
  • JSON keys are no longer sorted by default in debug mode in python3 (680)
  • Various small fixes and updates to documentation

Flask-Migrate 2.0.3 -> 2.1.0


  • Support -x arguments in "migrate" command (148)

sendgrid 3.6.3 -> 3.6.5





requests 2.13.0 -> 2.18.3




  • Running $ python -m requests.help now includes the installed version of idna.


  • Fixed issue where Requests would raise ConnectionError instead of SSLError when encoutering SSL problems when using urllib3 v1.22.




  • requests.help no longer fails on Python 2.6 due to the absence of ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER.


  • We now support urllib3 v1.22.




  • Fix an error in the packaging whereby the *.whl contained incorrect data that regressed the fix in v2.17.3.




  • Response is now a context manager, so can be used directly in a with statement without first having to be wrapped by contextlib.closing().


  • Resolve installation failure if multiprocessing is not available
  • Resolve tests crash if multiprocessing is not able to determine the number of CPU cores
  • Resolve error swallowing in utils set_environ generator




  • Improved packages namespace identity support, for monkeypatching libraries.




  • Improved packages namespace identity support, for monkeypatching libraries.




  • Improved packages namespace identity support, for monkeypatching libraries.




  • Removal of the 301 redirect cache. This improves thread-safety.



  • Improvements to $ python -m requests.help.



  • Introduction of the $ python -m requests.help command, for debugging with maintainers!



  • Further restored the requests.packages namespace for compatibility reasons.



  • Further restored the requests.packages namespace for compatibility reasons.

No code modification (noted below) should be neccessary any longer.



  • Restored the requests.packages namespace for compatibility reasons.
  • Bugfix for urllib3 version parsing.

Note: code that was written to import against the requests.packages namespace previously will have to import code that rests at this module-level now.

For example::

from requests.packages.urllib3.poolmanager import PoolManager

Will need to be re-written to be::

from requests.packages import urllib3 urllib3.poolmanager.PoolManager

Or, even better::

from urllib3.poolmanager import PoolManager



  • Unvendor ALL the things!



  • Everyone makes mistakes.




  • Introduction of the Response.next property, for getting the next PreparedResponse from a redirect chain (when allow_redirects=False).
  • Internal refactoring of __version__ module.


  • Restored once-optional parameter for requests.utils.get_environ_proxies().




  • Changed a less-than to an equal-to and an or in the dependency markers to widen compatibility with older setuptools releases.




  • Changed the dependency markers to widen compatibility with older pip releases.




  • It is now possible to pass no_proxy as a key to the proxies dictionary to provide handling similar to the NO_PROXY environment variable.
  • When users provide invalid paths to certificate bundle files or directories Requests now raises IOError, rather than failing at the time of the HTTPS request with a fairly inscrutable certificate validation error.
  • The behavior of SessionRedirectMixin was slightly altered. resolve_redirects will now detect a redirect by calling get_redirect_target(response) instead of directly querying Response.is_redirect and Response.headers[&#39;location&#39;]. Advanced users will be able to process malformed redirects more easily.
  • Changed the internal calculation of elapsed request time to have higher resolution on Windows.
  • Added win_inet_pton as conditional dependency for the [socks] extra on Windows with Python 2.7.
  • Changed the proxy bypass implementation on Windows: the proxy bypass check doesn't use forward and reverse DNS requests anymore
  • URLs with schemes that begin with http but are not http or https no longer have their host parts forced to lowercase.


  • Much improved handling of non-ASCII Location header values in redirects. Fewer UnicodeDecodeErrors are encountered on Python 2, and Python 3 now correctly understands that Latin-1 is unlikely to be the correct encoding.
  • If an attempt to seek file to find out its length fails, we now appropriately handle that by aborting our content-length calculations.
  • Restricted HTTPDigestAuth to only respond to auth challenges made on 4XX responses, rather than to all auth challenges.
  • Fixed some code that was firing DeprecationWarning on Python 3.6.
  • The dismayed person emoticon (/o\\) no longer has a big head. I'm sure this is what you were all worrying about most.


  • Updated bundled urllib3 to v1.21.1.
  • Updated bundled chardet to v3.0.2.
  • Updated bundled idna to v2.5.
  • Updated bundled certifi to 2017.4.17.

jsmin 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2


  • Add license headers to code files (fixes i17)
  • Remove mercurial files (fixes 20)

pytest -> 3.2.0



Bug Fixes

  • Fix decode error in Python 2 for doctests in docstrings. (2434 &lt;https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2434&gt;_)
  • Exceptions raised during teardown by finalizers are now suppressed until all finalizers are called, with the initial exception reraised. (2440 &lt;https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2440&gt;_)
  • Fix incorrect "collected items" report when specifying tests on the command- line. (2464 &lt;https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2464&gt;_)
  • deprecated_call in context-manager form now captures deprecation warnings even if the same warning has already been raised. Also, deprecated_call will always produce the same error message (previously it would produce different messages in context-manager vs. function-call mode). (2469 &lt;https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2469&gt;_)
  • Fix issue where paths collected by pytest could have triple leading / characters. (2475 &lt;https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2475&gt;_)
  • Fix internal error when trying to detect the start of a recursive traceback. (2486 &lt;https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2486&gt;_)

Improved Documentation

  • Explicitly state for which hooks the calls stop after the first non-None result. (2493 &lt;https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2493&gt;_)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Create invoke tasks for updating the vendored packages. (2474 &lt;https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2474&gt;_)
  • Update copyright dates in LICENSE, README.rst and in the documentation. (2499 &lt;https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2499&gt;_)



Bug Fixes

  • Required options added via pytest_addoption will no longer prevent using --help without passing them. (1999)
  • Respect python_files in assertion rewriting. (2121)
  • Fix recursion error detection when frames in the traceback contain objects that can't be compared (like numpy arrays). (2459)
  • UnicodeWarning is issued from the internal pytest warnings plugin only when the message contains non-ascii unicode (Python 2 only). (2463)
  • Added a workaround for Python 3.6 WindowsConsoleIO breaking due to Pytests's FDCapture. Other code using console handles might still be affected by the very same issue and might require further workarounds/fixes, i.e. colorama. (2467)

Improved Documentation

  • Fix internal API links to pluggy objects. (2331)
  • Make it clear that pytest.xfail stops test execution at the calling point and improve overall flow of the skipping docs. (810)



Bug Fixes

  • pytest warning capture no longer overrides existing warning filters. The previous behaviour would override all filters and caused regressions in test suites which configure warning filters to match their needs. Note that as a side-effect of this is that DeprecationWarning and PendingDeprecationWarning are no longer shown by default. (2430)
  • Fix issue with non-ascii contents in doctest text files. (2434)
  • Fix encoding errors for unicode warnings in Python 2. (2436)
  • pytest.deprecated_call now captures PendingDeprecationWarning in context manager form. (2441)

Improved Documentation

  • Addition of towncrier for changelog management. (2390)



New Features

  • The pytest-warnings plugin has been integrated into the core and now pytest automatically captures and displays warnings at the end of the test session.

.. warning::

This feature may disrupt test suites which apply and treat warnings themselves, and can be disabled in your pytest.ini:

.. code-block:: ini

 addopts = -p no:warnings

See the warnings documentation page &lt;https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/warnings.html&gt;_ for more information.

Thanks nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Added junit_suite_name ini option to specify root &lt;testsuite&gt; name for JUnit XML reports (533_).
  • Added an ini option doctest_encoding to specify which encoding to use for doctest files. Thanks wheerd_ for the PR (2101_).
  • pytest.warns now checks for subclass relationship rather than class equality. Thanks lesteve_ for the PR (2166_)
  • pytest.raises now asserts that the error message matches a text or regex with the match keyword argument. Thanks Kriechi_ for the PR.
  • pytest.param can be used to declare test parameter sets with marks and test ids. Thanks RonnyPfannschmidt_ for the PR.


  • remove all internal uses of pytest_namespace hooks, this is to prepare the removal of preloadconfig in pytest 4.0 Thanks to RonnyPfannschmidt_ for the PR.
  • pytest now warns when a callable ids raises in a parametrized test. Thanks fogo_ for the PR.
  • It is now possible to skip test classes from being collected by setting a __test__ attribute to False in the class body (2007). Thanks to syre for the report and lwm_ for the PR.
  • Change junitxml.py to produce reports that comply with Junitxml schema. If the same test fails with failure in call and then errors in teardown we split testcase element into two, one containing the error and the other the failure. (2228) Thanks to kkoukiou for the PR.
  • Testcase reports with a url attribute will now properly write this to junitxml. Thanks fushi_ for the PR (1874_).
  • Remove common items from dict comparision output when verbosity=1. Also update the truncation message to make it clearer that pytest truncates all assertion messages if verbosity < 2 (1512). Thanks mattduck for the PR
  • --pdbcls no longer implies --pdb. This makes it possible to use addopts=--pdbcls=module.SomeClass on pytest.ini. Thanks davidszotten_ for the PR (1952_).
  • fix 2013_: turn RecordedWarning into namedtuple, to give it a comprehensible repr while preventing unwarranted modification.
  • fix 2208_: ensure a iteration limit for pytest.compat.get_real_func. Thanks RonnyPfannschmidt for the report and PR.
  • Hooks are now verified after collection is complete, rather than right after loading installed plugins. This makes it easy to write hooks for plugins which will be loaded during collection, for example using the pytest_plugins special variable (1821). Thanks nicoddemus for the PR.
  • Modify pytest_make_parametrize_id() hook to accept argname as an additional parameter. Thanks unsignedint_ for the PR.
  • Add venv to the default norecursedirs setting. Thanks The-Compiler_ for the PR.
  • PluginManager.import_plugin now accepts unicode plugin names in Python 2. Thanks reutsharabani_ for the PR.
  • fix 2308: When using both --lf and --ff, only the last failed tests are run. Thanks ojii for the PR.
  • Replace minor/patch level version numbers in the documentation with placeholders. This significantly reduces change-noise as different contributors regnerate the documentation on different platforms. Thanks RonnyPfannschmidt_ for the PR.
  • fix 2391: consider pytest_plugins on all plugin modules Thanks RonnyPfannschmidt for the PR.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix AttributeError on sys.stdout.buffer / sys.stderr.buffer while using capsys fixture in python 3. (1407). Thanks to asottile.
  • Change capture.py's DontReadFromInput class to throw io.UnsupportedOperation errors rather than ValueErrors in the fileno method (2276). Thanks metasyn and vlad-dragos_ for the PR.
  • Fix exception formatting while importing modules when the exception message contains non-ascii characters (2336). Thanks fabioz for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Added documentation related to issue (1937) Thanks skylarjhdownes for the PR.
  • Allow collecting files with any file extension as Python modules (2369). Thanks Kodiologist for the PR.
  • Show the correct error message when collect "parametrize" func with wrong args (2383). Thanks The-Compiler for the report and robin0371_ for the PR.

.. _davidszotten: https://github.com/davidszotten .. _fabioz: https://github.com/fabioz .. _fogo: https://github.com/fogo .. _fushi: https://github.com/fushi .. _Kodiologist: https://github.com/Kodiologist .. _Kriechi: https://github.com/Kriechi .. _mandeep: https://github.com/mandeep .. _mattduck: https://github.com/mattduck .. _metasyn: https://github.com/metasyn .. _MichalTHEDUDE: https://github.com/MichalTHEDUDE .. _ojii: https://github.com/ojii .. _reutsharabani: https://github.com/reutsharabani .. _robin0371: https://github.com/robin0371 .. _skylarjhdownes: https://github.com/skylarjhdownes .. _unsignedint: https://github.com/unsignedint .. _wheerd: https://github.com/wheerd

.. _1407: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1407 .. _1512: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1512 .. _1821: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1821 .. _1874: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/pull/1874 .. _1937: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1937 .. _1952: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/pull/1952 .. _2007: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2007 .. _2013: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2013 .. _2101: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/pull/2101 .. _2166: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/pull/2166 .. _2208: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2208 .. _2228: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2228 .. _2276: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2276 .. _2308: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2308 .. _2336: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2336 .. _2369: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2369 .. _2383: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2383 .. _2391: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2391 .. _533: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/533



  • Fix issue in assertion rewriting breaking due to modules silently discarding other modules when importing fails Notably, importing the anydbm module is fixed. (2248). Thanks pfhayes for the PR.
  • junitxml: Fix problematic case where system-out tag occured twice per testcase element in the XML report. Thanks kkoukiou_ for the PR.
  • Fix regression, pytest now skips unittest correctly if run with --pdb (2137). Thanks to gst for the report and mbyt_ for the PR.
  • Ignore exceptions raised from descriptors (e.g. properties) during Python test collection (2234). Thanks to bluetech.
  • --override-ini now correctly overrides some fundamental options like python_files (2238). Thanks sirex for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Replace raise StopIteration usages in the code by simple returns to finish generators, in accordance to PEP-479_ (2160). Thanks tgoodlet for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Fix internal errors when an unprintable AssertionError is raised inside a test. Thanks omerhadari_ for the PR.
  • Skipping plugin now also works with test items generated by custom collectors (2231). Thanks to vidartf.
  • Fix trailing whitespace in console output if no .ini file presented (2281). Thanks fbjorn for the PR.
  • Conditionless xfail markers no longer rely on the underlying test item being an instance of PyobjMixin, and can therefore apply to tests not collected by the built-in python test collector. Thanks barneygale_ for the PR.

.. _pfhayes: https://github.com/pfhayes .. _bluetech: https://github.com/bluetech .. _gst: https://github.com/gst .. _sirex: https://github.com/sirex .. _vidartf: https://github.com/vidartf .. _kkoukiou: https://github.com/KKoukiou .. _omerhadari: https://github.com/omerhadari .. _fbjorn: https://github.com/fbjorn

.. _2248: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2248 .. _2137: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2137 .. _2160: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2160 .. _2231: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2231 .. _2234: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2234 .. _2238: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2238 .. _2281: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2281

.. _PEP-479: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0479/



  • pytest no longer generates PendingDeprecationWarning from its own operations, which was introduced by mistake in version 3.0.5 (2118). Thanks to nicoddemus for the report and RonnyPfannschmidt_ for the PR.
  • pytest no longer recognizes coroutine functions as yield tests (2129). Thanks to malinoff for the PR.
  • Plugins loaded by the PYTEST_PLUGINS environment variable are now automatically considered for assertion rewriting (2185). Thanks nicoddemus for the PR.
  • Improve error message when pytest.warns fails (2150). The type(s) of the expected warnings and the list of caught warnings is added to the error message. Thanks lesteve for the PR.
  • Fix pytester internal plugin to work correctly with latest versions of zope.interface (1989). Thanks nicoddemus for the PR.
  • Assert statements of the pytester plugin again benefit from assertion rewriting (1920). Thanks RonnyPfannschmidt for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Specifying tests with colons like test_foo.py::test_bar for tests in subdirectories with ini configuration files now uses the correct ini file (2148). Thanks pelme.
  • Fail testdir.runpytest().assert_outcomes() explicitly if the pytest terminal output it relies on is missing. Thanks to eli-b_ for the PR.

.. _barneygale: https://github.com/barneygale .. _lesteve: https://github.com/lesteve .. _malinoff: https://github.com/malinoff .. _pelme: https://github.com/pelme .. _eli-b: https://github.com/eli-b

.. _2118: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2118

.. _1989: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1989 .. _1920: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1920 .. _2129: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2129 .. _2148: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2148 .. _2150: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2150 .. _2185: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2185



  • Add warning when not passing option=value correctly to -o/--override-ini (2105). Also improved the help documentation. Thanks to mbukatov for the report and lwm_ for the PR.
  • Now --confcutdir and --junit-xml are properly validated if they are directories and filenames, respectively (2089_ and 2078). Thanks to lwm for the PR.
  • Add hint to error message hinting possible missing __init__.py (478). Thanks DuncanBetts.
  • More accurately describe when fixture finalization occurs in documentation (687). Thanks DuncanBetts.
  • Provide :ref: targets for recwarn.rst so we can use intersphinx referencing. Thanks to dupuy_ for the report and lwm_ for the PR.
  • In Python 2, use a simple +- ASCII string in the string representation of pytest.approx (for example &quot;4 +- 4.0e-06&quot;) because it is brittle to handle that in different contexts and representations internally in pytest which can result in bugs such as 2111. In Python 3, the representation still uses ± (for example 4 ± 4.0e-06). Thanks kerrick-lyft for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Using item.Function, item.Module, etc., is now issuing deprecation warnings, prefer pytest.Function, pytest.Module, etc., instead (2034). Thanks nmundar for the PR.
  • Fix error message using approx with complex numbers (2082). Thanks adler-j for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Fixed false-positives warnings from assertion rewrite hook for modules imported more than once by the pytest_plugins mechanism. Thanks nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Remove an internal cache which could cause hooks from conftest.py files in sub-directories to be called in other directories incorrectly (2016). Thanks d-b-w for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Remove internal code meant to support earlier Python 3 versions that produced the side effect of leaving None in sys.modules when expressions were evaluated by pytest (for example passing a condition as a string to pytest.mark.skipif)(2103). Thanks jaraco for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Cope gracefully with a .pyc file with no matching .py file (2038). Thanks nedbat.

.. _syre: https://github.com/syre .. _adler-j: https://github.com/adler-j .. _d-b-w: https://bitbucket.org/d-b-w/ .. _DuncanBetts: https://github.com/DuncanBetts .. _dupuy: https://bitbucket.org/dupuy/ .. _kerrick-lyft: https://github.com/kerrick-lyft .. _lwm: https://github.com/lwm .. _mbukatov: https://github.com/mbukatov .. _nedbat: https://github.com/nedbat .. _nmundar: https://github.com/nmundar

.. _2016: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2016 .. _2034: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2034 .. _2038: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2038 .. _2078: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2078 .. _2082: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2082 .. _2089: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2089 .. _2103: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2103 .. _2105: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2105 .. _2111: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2111 .. _478: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/478 .. _687: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/687



  • Import errors when collecting test modules now display the full traceback (1976). Thanks cwitty for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Fix confusing command-line help message for custom options with two or more metavar properties (2004). Thanks okulynyak and davehunt_ for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • When loading plugins, import errors which contain non-ascii messages are now properly handled in Python 2 (1998). Thanks nicoddemus for the PR.
  • Fixed cyclic reference when pytest.raises is used in context-manager form (1965). Also as a result of this fix, sys.exc_info() is left empty in both context-manager and function call usages. Previously, sys.exc_info would contain the exception caught by the context manager, even when the expected exception occurred. Thanks MSeifert04 for the report and the PR.
  • Fixed false-positives warnings from assertion rewrite hook for modules that were rewritten but were later marked explicitly by pytest.register_assert_rewrite or implicitly as a plugin (2005). Thanks RonnyPfannschmidt for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Report teardown output on test failure (442). Thanks matclab for the PR.
  • Fix teardown error message in generated xUnit XML. Thanks gdyuldin_ for the PR.
  • Properly handle exceptions in multiprocessing tasks (1984). Thanks adborden for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Clean up unittest TestCase objects after tests are complete (1649). Thanks d_b_w for the report and PR.

.. _adborden: https://github.com/adborden .. _cwitty: https://github.com/cwitty .. _d_b_w: https://github.com/d_b_w .. _gdyuldin: https://github.com/gdyuldin .. _matclab: https://github.com/matclab .. _MSeifert04: https://github.com/MSeifert04 .. _okulynyak: https://github.com/okulynyak

.. _442: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/442 .. _1965: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1965 .. _1976: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1976 .. _1984: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1984 .. _1998: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1998 .. _2004: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2004 .. _2005: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2005 .. _1649: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1649



  • The ids argument to parametrize again accepts unicode strings in Python 2 (1905). Thanks philpep for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Assertions are now being rewritten for plugins in development mode (pip install -e) (1934). Thanks nicoddemus for the PR.
  • Fix pkg_resources import error in Jython projects (1853). Thanks raquel-ucl for the PR.
  • Got rid of AttributeError: &#39;Module&#39; object has no attribute &#39;_obj&#39; exception in Python 3 (1944). Thanks axil for the PR.
  • Explain a bad scope value passed to fixture declarations or a MetaFunc.parametrize() call. Thanks tgoodlet_ for the PR.
  • This version includes pluggy-0.4.0, which correctly handles VersionConflict errors in plugins (704). Thanks nicoddemus for the PR.

.. _philpep: https://github.com/philpep .. _raquel-ucl: https://github.com/raquel-ucl .. _axil: https://github.com/axil .. _tgoodlet: https://github.com/tgoodlet .. _vlad-dragos: https://github.com/vlad-dragos

.. _1853: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1853 .. _1905: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1905 .. _1934: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1934 .. _1944: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1944 .. _704: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/704



  • Improve error message when passing non-string ids to pytest.mark.parametrize (1857). Thanks okken for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Add buffer attribute to stdin stub class pytest.capture.DontReadFromInput Thanks joguSD_ for the PR.
  • Fix UnicodeEncodeError when string comparison with unicode has failed. (1864) Thanks AiOO for the PR.
  • pytest_plugins is now handled correctly if defined as a string (as opposed as a sequence of strings) when modules are considered for assertion rewriting. Due to this bug, much more modules were being rewritten than necessary if a test suite uses pytest_plugins to load internal plugins (1888). Thanks jaraco for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR (1891_).
  • Do not call tearDown and cleanups when running tests from unittest.TestCase subclasses with --pdb enabled. This allows proper post mortem debugging for all applications which have significant logic in their tearDown machinery (1890). Thanks mbyt for the PR.
  • Fix use of deprecated getfuncargvalue method in the internal doctest plugin. Thanks ViviCoder_ for the report (1898_).

.. _joguSD: https://github.com/joguSD .. _AiOO: https://github.com/AiOO .. _mbyt: https://github.com/mbyt .. _ViviCoder: https://github.com/ViviCoder

.. _1857: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1857 .. _1864: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1864 .. _1888: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1888 .. _1891: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/pull/1891 .. _1890: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1890 .. _1898: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1898



  • Fix regression when importorskip is used at module level (1822). Thanks jaraco and The-Compiler_ for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Fix parametrization scope when session fixtures are used in conjunction with normal parameters in the same call (1832). Thanks The-Compiler for the report, Kingdread_ and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Fix internal error when parametrizing tests or fixtures using an empty ids argument (1849). Thanks OPpuolitaival for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Fix loader error when running pytest embedded in a zipfile. Thanks mbachry_ for the PR.

.. _Kingdread: https://github.com/Kingdread .. _mbachry: https://github.com/mbachry .. _OPpuolitaival: https://github.com/OPpuolitaival

.. _1822: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1822 .. _1832: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1832 .. _1849: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1849



Incompatible changes

A number of incompatible changes were made in this release, with the intent of removing features deprecated for a long time or change existing behaviors in order to make them less surprising/more useful.

  • Reinterpretation mode has now been removed. Only plain and rewrite mode are available, consequently the --assert=reinterp option is no longer available. This also means files imported from plugins or conftest.py will not benefit from improved assertions by default, you should use pytest.register_assert_rewrite() to explicitly turn on assertion rewriting for those files. Thanks flub_ for the PR.
  • The following deprecated commandline options were removed:
  • --genscript: no longer supported;
  • --no-assert: use --assert=plain instead;
  • --nomagic: use --assert=plain instead;
  • --report: use -r instead;

Thanks to RedBeardCode_ for the PR (1664_).

  • ImportErrors in plugins now are a fatal error instead of issuing a pytest warning (1479). Thanks to The-Compiler for the PR.
  • Removed support code for Python 3 versions < 3.3 (1627_).
  • Removed all py.test-X* entry points. The versioned, suffixed entry points were never documented and a leftover from a pre-virtualenv era. These entry points also created broken entry points in wheels, so removing them also removes a source of confusion for users (1632). Thanks obestwalter for the PR.
  • pytest.skip() now raises an error when used to decorate a test function, as opposed to its original intent (to imperatively skip a test inside a test function). Previously this usage would cause the entire module to be skipped (607). Thanks omarkohl for the complete PR (1519_).
  • Exit tests if a collection error occurs. A poll indicated most users will hit CTRL-C anyway as soon as they see collection errors, so pytest might as well make that the default behavior (1421). A --continue-on-collection-errors option has been added to restore the previous behaviour. Thanks olegpidsadnyi and omarkohl_ for the complete PR (1628_).
  • Renamed the pytest pdb module (plugin) into debugging to avoid clashes with the builtin pdb module.
  • Raise a helpful failure message when requesting a parametrized fixture at runtime, e.g. with request.getfixturevalue. Previously these parameters were simply never defined, so a fixture decorated like pytest.fixture(params=[0, 1, 2]) only ran once (460). Thanks to nikratio for the bug report, RedBeardCode_ and tomviner_ for the PR.
  • _pytest.monkeypatch.monkeypatch class has been renamed to _pytest.monkeypatch.MonkeyPatch so it doesn't conflict with the monkeypatch fixture.
  • --exitfirst / -x can now be overridden by a following --maxfail=N and is just a synonym for --maxfail=1.

New Features

  • Support nose-style __test__ attribute on methods of classes, including unittest-style Classes. If set to False, the test will not be collected.
  • New doctest_namespace fixture for injecting names into the namespace in which doctests run. Thanks milliams_ for the complete PR (1428_).
  • New --doctest-report option available to change the output format of diffs when running (failing) doctests (implements 1749). Thanks hartym for the PR.
  • New name argument to pytest.fixture decorator which allows a custom name for a fixture (to solve the funcarg-shadowing-fixture problem). Thanks novas0x2a_ for the complete PR (1444_).
  • New approx() function for easily comparing floating-point numbers in tests. Thanks kalekundert_ for the complete PR (1441_).
  • Ability to add global properties in the final xunit output file by accessing the internal junitxml plugin (experimental). Thanks tareqalayan_ for the complete PR 1454_).
  • New ExceptionInfo.match() method to match a regular expression on the string representation of an exception (372). Thanks omarkohl for the complete PR (1502_).
  • __tracebackhide__ can now also be set to a callable which then can decide whether to filter the traceback based on the ExceptionInfo object passed to it. Thanks The-Compiler_ for the complete PR (1526_).
  • New pytest_make_parametrize_id(config, val) hook which can be used by plugins to provide friendly strings for custom types. Thanks palaviv_ for the PR.
  • capsys and capfd now have a disabled() context-manager method, which can be used to temporarily disable capture within a test. Thanks nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • New cli flag --fixtures-per-test: shows which fixtures are being used for each selected test item. Features doc strings of fixtures by default. Can also show where fixtures are defined if combined with -v. Thanks hackebrot_ for the PR.
  • Introduce pytest command as recommended entry point. Note that py.test still works and is not scheduled for removal. Closes proposal 1629. Thanks obestwalter and davehunt_ for the complete PR (1633_).
  • New cli flags:
  • --setup-plan: performs normal collection and reports the potential setup and teardown and does not execute any fixtures and tests;
  • --setup-only: performs normal collection, executes setup and teardown of fixtures and reports them;
  • --setup-show: performs normal test execution and additionally shows setup and teardown of fixtures;
  • --keep-duplicates: py.test now ignores duplicated paths given in the command line. To retain the previous behavior where the same test could be run multiple times by specifying it in the command-line multiple times, pass the --keep-duplicates argument (1609_);

Thanks d6e, kvas-it, sallner, ioggstream and omarkohl_ for the PRs.

  • New CLI flag --override-ini/-o: overrides values from the ini file. For example: &quot;-o xfail_strict=True&quot;'. Thanks blueyed_ and fengxx_ for the PR.
  • New hooks:
  • pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef, request): executes fixture setup;
  • pytest_fixture_post_finalizer(fixturedef): called after the fixture's finalizer and has access to the fixture's result cache.

Thanks d6e, sallner.

  • Issue warnings for asserts whose test is a tuple literal. Such asserts will never fail because tuples are always truthy and are usually a mistake (see 1562). Thanks kvas-it, for the PR.
  • Allow passing a custom debugger class (e.g. --pdbcls=IPython.core.debugger:Pdb). Thanks to anntzer_ for the PR.


  • Plugins now benefit from assertion rewriting. Thanks sober7, nicoddemus and flub_ for the PR.
  • Change report.outcome for xpassed tests to &quot;passed&quot; in non-strict mode and &quot;failed&quot; in strict mode. Thanks to hackebrot_ for the PR (1795) and gprasad84 for report (1546_).
  • Tests marked with xfail(strict=False) (the default) now appear in JUnitXML reports as passing tests instead of skipped. Thanks to hackebrot_ for the PR (1795_).
  • Highlight path of the file location in the error report to make it easier to copy/paste. Thanks suzaku_ for the PR (1778_).
  • Fixtures marked with pytest.fixture can now use yield statements exactly like those marked with the pytest.yield_fixture decorator. This change renders pytest.yield_fixture deprecated and makes pytest.fixture with yield statements the preferred way to write teardown code (1461). Thanks csaftoiu for bringing this to attention and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Explicitly passed parametrize ids do not get escaped to ascii (1351). Thanks ceridwen for the PR.
  • Fixtures are now sorted in the error message displayed when an unknown fixture is declared in a test function. Thanks nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • pytest_terminal_summary hook now receives the exitstatus of the test session as argument. Thanks blueyed_ for the PR (1809_).
  • Parametrize ids can accept None as specific test id, in which case the automatically generated id for that argument will be used. Thanks palaviv_ for the complete PR (1468_).
  • The parameter to xunit-style setup/teardown methods (setup_method, setup_module, etc.) is now optional and may be omitted. Thanks okken_ for bringing this to attention and nicoddemus_ for the PR.
  • Improved automatic id generation selection in case of duplicate ids in parametrize. Thanks palaviv_ for the complete PR (1474_).
  • Now pytest warnings summary is shown up by default. Added a new flag --disable-pytest-warnings to explicitly disable the warnings summary (1668_).
  • Make ImportError during collection more explicit by reminding the user to check the name of the test module/package(s) (1426). Thanks omarkohl for the complete PR (1520_).
  • Add build/ and dist/ to the default --norecursedirs list. Thanks mikofski_ for the report and tomviner_ for the PR (1544_).
  • pytest.raises in the context manager form accepts a custom message to raise when no exception occurred. Thanks palaviv_ for the complete PR (1616_).
  • conftest.py files now benefit from assertion rewriting; previously it was only available for test modules. Th

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