sonar-tools copied to clipboard
Additional command line based tools to help in SonarQube administration tasks
Command line tools to help in SonarQube administration tasks.
DISCLAIMER: This software is community software. None of the tools it contains are neither supported nor endorsed by SonarSource S.A. Switzerland, the company publishing the SonarQube, SonarCloud and SonarLint products
The following utilities are available:
- sonar-audit: Audits a SonarQube instance, and reports all the problems
- sonar-housekeeper: Deletes projects, branches, PR that have not been analyzed since a certain number of days, or deletes tokens created since more than a certain number of days
- sonar-loc: Computes lines of code per project and in total, as they would be computed by SonarQube (and the licensing system on commercial editions)
- sonar-measures-export: Exports measures/metrics of one, several or all projects of the instance in CSV
- sonar-findings-export (Also available as sonar-issues-export (deprecated) for backward compatibility): Exports issues and hotspots (potentially filtered) from the instance in CSV
- sonar-findings-sync: Synchronizes issues and hotspots changelog between branches, projects or even SonarQube instances (formerly sonar-issues-sync, now deprecated)
- sonar-projects-export: Exports all projects from a SonarQube instance (EE and higher)
- sonar-projects-import: Imports a list of projects into a SonarQube instance (EE and higher)
- sonar-config: Exports or Imports a SonarQube platform configuration to/from configuration as code file (JSON file).
:information_source: Although they are likely to work with many versions, the offered tools are only tested against SonarQube LTA (Long Term Active, currently 9.9.x) and LATEST versions
:warning: sonar-tools 2.7 or higher is required for compatibility with SonarQube 10
What's New - Release notes
Requirements and Installation
requires python 3.6 or higher - Installation is based on pip.
- Online installation.
- Run:
python3 -m pip install sonar-tools
(orpython3 -m pip upgrade sonar-tools
) If install does not behave as expected you can try the pip--force-reinstall
option (see pip documentation)
- Run:
- Offline installation: If you have no access to the internet on the install machine, you can:
- Download the
file from or attached to the release at The file should be something like. sonar_tools-<VERSION>-py3-none-any.whl - Copy the downloaded file on the install machine
- On the install machine, run
python3 -m pip install sonar_tools-<VERSION>-py3-none-any.whl
- Note: The package is dependent upon
python packages that are automatically installed when installingsonar-tools
- Download the
Common command line parameters
All tools accept the following common parameters:
: Displays a help and exits -
: URL of the SonarQube server. The default is environment variable$SONAR_HOST_URL
by default if the environment variable is not set -
: User token to invoke the SonarQube APIs, likesqu_83356c9b2db891d45da2a119a29cdc4d03fe654e
. The default is environment variable$SONAR_TOKEN
. Using login/password is not possible. The user corresponding to the token must have enough permissions to achieve the tool tasks -
: Organization, for SonarCloud - Ignored if running against a SonarQube instance -
: Logging verbosity level (WARN
). The default isINFO
and above is always active. -
: Allows to specify an optional client certificate file (as .pem file) -
: Sets the timeout for HTTP(S) requests to the SonarQube platform -
: Starting with sonar-tools 2.11, by default all sonar tools occasionnally check on if there is a new version of sonar-tools available, and output a warning log if that is the case. You can skip this check with this option. -
-l <logFile>
: Send logs to <logFile>, stdout by default
See common error exit codes at the bottom of this page
allows to audit a SonarQube instance and output warning logs for all anomalies found.
See complete documentation for details
allows to synchronizes issues and hotspots changelog (false positives, won't fix, issue severity or type change, review status, tags and comments) between branches, projects or SonarQube instances.
See complete documentation for details
Deletes obsolete/outdated data from SonarQube:
- Projects whose last analysis date (on any branch) is older than a given number of days.
- User tokens older than a given number of days
- Inactive branches (Branches not analyzed for a given number of days), excepted branches marked as "keep when inactive"
- Inactive pull requests (PRs not analyzed for a given number of days)
Usage: sonar-housekeeper [-P <days>] [-B <days>] [-R <days>] [-T <days>] [--mode delete] [-h]
-P <days>
: Will search for projects not analyzed since more than<days>
days. To avoid deleting too recent projects it is denied to specify less than 90 days -
-B <days>
: Will search for projects branches not analyzed since more than<days>
days. Branches marked as "keep when inactive" are excluded from housekeeping -
-R <days>
: Will search for pull requests not analyzed since more than<days>
days -
-T <days>
: Will search for tokens created since more than<days>
days -
--mode delete
: If not specified,sonar-housekeeper
will only perform a dry run and list projects branches, pull requests and tokens that would be deleted. If--mode delete
is specified objects are actually deleted
:warning: sonar-tools 2.7 or higher is required for sonar-housekeeper
compatibility with SonarQube 10
Required Permissions
To be able to delete anything, the token provided to sonar-housekeeper
should have:
- The global
Administer System
permission to delete tokens - Plus
permission on all projects to delete (or with branches or PR to delete)
:information_source: Limitations
To avoid bad mistakes (mistakenly deleting too many projects), the tools will refuse to delete projects analyzed in the last 90 days.
:warning: Database backup
A database backup should always be taken before executing this script. There is no recovery.
sonar-housekeeper -u -t 15ee09df11fb9b8234b7a1f1ac5fce2e4e93d75d
Exports all projects lines of code as they would be counted by the commercial licences.
See sonar-loc -h
for details
Basic Usage: sonar-loc [-f <file>] [--format csv|json] [-a] [-n] [--withURL] [--portfolios] [--topLevelOnly]
: Define file for output (default stdout). File extension is used to deduct expected format (json if file.json, csv otherwise) -
: Choose export format between csv (default) and json -
: Output the LOC of projects (this is the default if nothing specified) -
: Output the LOC of applications (Developer and higher editions) -
: Output the LOC of portfolios (Enterprise and higher editions) -
: For portfolios, only output LoCs for top level portfolios (Enterprise Edition only) -
-n | --withName
: Outputs the project or portfolio name in addition to the key -
-a | --withLastAnalysis
: Output the last analysis date (all branches and PR taken into account) in addition to the LOCs -
: Outputs the URL of the project or portfolio for each record -
: Export LoCs for each branches of targeted objects (projects or applications)
Required Permissions
needs Browse
permission on all projects of the SonarQube instance
Exports one or all projects with all (or some selected) measures in a CSV file.
The CSV is sent to standard output.
Plenty of issue filters can be specified from the command line, type sonar-measures-export -h
for details
Basic Usage: sonar-measures-export -m _main [-f <file>] [--format csv|json] [-b] [-r] [-p] [-d] [-d] [-n] [-a] [--withURL]
-m | --metricKeys
: comma separated list of metrics to export-
-m _main
is a shortcut to list all main metrics. It's the recommended option -
-m _all
is a shortcut to list all metrics, including the most obscure ones
: Define file for output (default stdout). File extension is used to deduct expected format (json if file.json, csv otherwise) -
: Choose export format between csv (default) and json -
-b | --withBranches
: Exports measures for all project branches (by default only export measures of the main branch) -
-r | --ratingsAsNumbers
: Converts ratings as numbers (by default ratings are exported as letters between A and E) -
-p | --percentsAsString
: Converts percentages as strings "xy.z%" (by default percentages are exported as floats between 0 and 1) -
-d | --datesWithoutTime
: Outputs dates without time -
-n | --withName
: Outputs the project or portfolio name in addition to the key -
-a | --withLastAnalysis
: Output the last analysis date (all branches and PR taken into account) in addition to the LOCs -
: Outputs the URL of the project or portfolio for each record -
: Export measures history instead of only the last value
Required Permissions
needs Browse
permission on all projects of the SonarQube instance
export SONAR_TOKEN=squ_83356c9b2db891d45da2a119a29cdc4d03fe654e
# Exports LoCs, nbr of bugs and number of vulnerabilities of all projects main branch
sonar-measures-export -m ncloc,bugs,vulnerabilities >measures.csv
# Exports main metrics of all projects and all their branches
sonar-measures-export -m _main -b -f measures.json
# Exports all metrics of projects myProjectKey1 and myOtherProjectKey main branch. Convert ratings to letters
sonar-measures-export -k myProjectKey1,myOtherProjectKey -m _all -r -f all_measures.csv
(Also available as sonar-issues-export
for backward compatibility, but deprecated)
Exports a list of issues as CSV, JSON or SARIF format. The export is sent to standard output or into a file
Plenty of issue filters can be specified from the command line, type sonar-findings-export -h
for details.
:warning: On large SonarQube instances with a lot of issues, it can be stressful for the instance (many API calls) and very long to export all issues. It's recommended to define filters that will only export a subset of all issues (see examples below).
Basic Usage: sonar-findings-export [--format csv|json|sarif] [--sarifNoCustomProperties] [-k <keyList>] ...
--format csv|json|sarif
: Choose export format. Default is based on output file extension, and csv in last ---sarifNoCustomProperties
: For SARIF export. By default all Sonar custom properties are exported which makes the SARIF export quite verbose. Use this option to not export the Sonar custom properties (only the SARIF standard ones) -
--statuses <statusList>
: Only export findings with given statuses, comma separated among OPEN,CONFIRMED,REOPENED,RESOLVED,CLOSED,TO_REVIEW,REVIEWED -
--resolutions <resolutionList>
: Only export findings with given resolution, comma separated among FALSE-POSITIVE,WONTFIX,FIXED,REMOVED,ACCEPTED,SAFE,ACKNOWLEDGED,FIXED -
--severities <severityList>
: Only export findings with given resolution, comma separated among BLOCKER,CRITICAL,MAJOR,MINOR,INFO -
--types <typeList>
: Only export findings with given type, comma separated among BUG,VULNERABILITY,CODE_SMELL,SECURITY_HOTSPOT -
--createdAfter <YYYY-MM-DD>
: Only export findings created after a given date -
--createdBefore <YYYY-MM-DD>
: Only export findings created before a given date -
--tags <tagList>
: Comma separated list of tags corresponding to issues -
--languages <languageList>
: Comma separated list of languages from whom findings should be exported -
: Use SonarQube api/projects/export_findings whenever possible -
-k <keyList>
: Comma separated list of keys of objects to export (all objects if not specified) -
-b <branchList>
: For projects and apps, comma separated list of branches to export (Use * for all branches) -
: Reports timestamps only with date, not time resort
Required Permissions
needs Browse
permission on all projects for which findings are exported
export SONAR_TOKEN=squ_83356c9b2db891d45da2a119a29cdc4d03fe654e
# Exports all issues (main branch). This can be very long and stressful for SonarQube APIs
sonar-findings-export >all_issues.csv
# Exports all issues of project myProjectKey
sonar-findings-export -k myProjectKey -f project_issues.csv
# Exports all false positive and won't fix issues across all projects
sonar-findings-export -r FALSE-POSITIVE,WONTFIX -f fp_wf.json
# Exports all issues created in 2020
sonar-findings-export -a 2020-01-01 -b 2020-12-31 -f issues_created_in_2020.csv
# Exports all vulnerabilities and bugs
sonar-findings-export -types VULNERABILITY,BUG --format json >bugs_and_vulnerabilities.json
# Exports all vulnerabilities and bugs in SARIF format
sonar-findings-export -types VULNERABILITY,BUG --format sarif >bugs_and_vulnerabilities.sarif.json
# Export all findings of project myProjectKey in SARIF format without the custom Sonar properties
sonar-findings-export -k myProjectKey ----sarifNoCustomProperties -f myProjectKey.sarif
Exports all projects of a given SonarQube instance.
It sends to the output a JSON with the list of project keys, the export result (SUCCESS
), and:
- If the export was successful, the generated zip file
- If the export was failed, the failure reason
Basic Usage: sonar-projects-export [--exportTimeout <timeout>] >exported_projects.json
: Defines timeout to export a single project in seconds, by default 180 s (large projects can take time to export) -
: Define file for JSON output (default stdout)
:information_source: All zip files are generated in the SonarQube instance standard location (under data/governance/project_dumps/export
). On a DCE, the export may be distributed over all the Application Nodes
:warning: sonar-tools 2.7 or higher is required for compatibility with SonarQube 10
The JSON file generated is to be used by the sonar-projects-import
Required Permissions
requires Administer project
permission on all projects to be exported
export SONAR_TOKEN=squ_83356c9b2db891d45da2a119a29cdc4d03fe654e
# Exports all projects, with results of export in CSV file exported_projects.json
sonar-projects-export >exported_projects.json
# Exports 2 projects with keys myProjectKey1 and myOtherProjectKey, with results of export in JSON file exports.json
sonar-projects-export -k myProjectKey1,myOtherProjectKey -f exports.json
# Exports all projects, with results of export in JSON file exported_projects.json
sonar-projects-export -f exported_projects.json
Imports a list of projects previously exported with sonar-projects-export
:warning: Unlike projects export that is available on all editions, project import requires a SonarQube Enterprise or Data Center Edition.
It takes as input a CSV or JSON file produced by sonar-projects-export
:warning: sonar-tools 2.7 or higher is required for compatibility with SonarQube 10
Basic Usage: sonar-projects-import -f <file.json>
: Define input file for project import, result of asonar-projects-export
:information_source: All exported zip files must be first copied to the right location on the target SonarQube instance for the import to be successful (In data/governance/project_dumps/import
Required Permissions
needs the global Create Projects
export SONAR_TOKEN=squ_83356c9b2db891d45da2a119a29cdc4d03fe654e
# Import all projects with the JSON information file generated by `sonar-projects-export`
sonar-projects-import -f exported_projects.json
Exports or imports all or part of a SonarQube platform configuration.
is expected to export/import everything that is configurable in a SonarQube platform, except secrets
Basic Usage: sonar-config --export -f <file.json>
: Define the output file, if not specifiedstdout
is used -
: Specify the export operation -
: Specify what to export (everything by default) -
k "<key1>,<key2>,...,<keyn>"
: Will only import/export projects, apps or portfolios with matching keys -
: Will also export object properties that are not used for an import by may be of interest anyway See sonar-config complete doc
:warning: sonar-tools 2.7 or higher is required for compatibility with SonarQube 10
Required Permissions
To export and import configuration, sonar-config
needs elevated permissions.
See sonar-config complete documentation for details
export SONAR_TOKEN=squ_83356c9b2db891d45da2a119a29cdc4d03fe654e
# Exports all platform configuration from
sonar-config -e >config.json
# Exports QG, portfolios, users and groups from platform configuration
sonar-config -u -t 15ee09df11fb9b8237b7a13333c5fce2e4e93d999 --export --what "qualitygates,portfolios,users,groups" -f partial_export.json
# Imports customized rules and quality profiles found in config.json (using $SONAR_HOST_URL as target)
sonar-config --import --what "rules,qualityprofiles" -f config.json
For more about what is exported and imported by sonar-config
please see the sonar-config complete documentation
Exit codes
When tools complete successfully they return exit code 0. En case of fatal error the following exit codes may be returned:
- Code 1: Authentication error (Incorrect token provided)
- Code 2: Authorization error (provided token has insufficient permissions)
- Code 3: Other general Sonar API HTTP error
- Code 4: No token provided
- Code 5: Non existing project key provided
- Code 6: Incorrect finding search criteria provided
- Code 7: Unsupported operation requested (because of SonarQube edition or configuration)
- Code 8: Audit rule loading failed (at startup)
- Code 9: SIF audit error (file not found, can't open file, not a legit JSON file, ...)
- Code 10: Incorrect command line arguments
- Code 11: Global analysis or project analysis token provided (user token needed for sonar-tools)
- Code 12: HTTP request time-out using the SonarQube API
Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Olivier Korach mailto:olivier.korach AT gmail DOT com
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.