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A login service based on mobile phone number for Meteor
Accounts-Phone is a Meteor package that let you authenticate by phone number. The package use SMS code verification to verify the user account. The package is based and inspired by Meteor Accounts-Password package.
In a Meteor app directory, enter:
$ meteor add okland:accounts-phone
Via Bower:
$ bower install accounts-phone
Add to your index.html
<script src="bower_components/accounts-base-client-side/dist/accounts-base-client-side.bundle.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/accounts-phone/dist/accounts-phone.bundle.min.js"></script>
Let's say you want to register new user and verify him using his phone number
Verify phone number - Create user if not exists
var userPhone = '+972545999999';
// Request for sms phone verification -- please note before receiving SMS you should Follow the SMS Integration tutorial below
Accounts.requestPhoneVerification(userPhone, function(){});
//Debug: Verify the user phone isn't confirmed it.
console.log('Phone verification status is :', Accounts.isPhoneVerified());
// After receiving SMS let user enter his code and verify account by sending it to the server
var verificationCode = 'CodeRecivedBySMS';
Accounts.verifyPhone(userPhone, verificationCode, function(){});
//Debug: Verify the user phone is confirmed.
console.log('Phone verification status is :', Accounts.isPhoneVerified());
SMS Integration
If you are using twilio : you can just put your twilio credentials on server.
otherwise you can just override the function
SMS.send = function (options) {};
Where the parameter options is an object containing : * @param options * @param options.from {String} - The sending SMS number * @param {String} - The receiver SMS number * @param options.body {String} - The content of the SMS
Moreover to control the Sending number and the message content you can override the phone Template
SMS.phoneTemplates = {
from: '+9729999999',
text: function (user, code) {
return 'Welcome your invitation code is: ' + code;
- Note: it can only be done on server
Simple API
* @summary Request a new verification code. create user if not exist
* @locus Client
* @param {String} phone - The phone we send the verification code to.
* @param {Function} [callback] Optional callback. Called with no arguments on success, or with a single `Error` argument on failure.
Accounts.requestPhoneVerification = function (phone, callback) { };
* @summary Marks the user's phone as verified. Optional change passwords, Logs the user in afterwards..
* @locus Client
* @param {String} phone - The phone number we want to verify.
* @param {String} code - The code retrieved in the SMS.
* @param {Function} [callback] Optional callback. Called with no arguments on success, or with a single `Error` argument on failure.
Accounts.verifyPhone = function (phone, code, callback) {...};
* Returns whether the current user phone is verified
* @returns {boolean} Whether the user phone is verified
Accounts.isPhoneVerified = function () { };
Settings - you can control
- verificationCodeLength : The length of the verification code
- verificationMaxRetries : The number of SMS verification tries before verification temporary lock
- verificationRetriesWaitTime : The verification lock time after max retries
- verificationWaitTime : The verification lock time if between two retries
- sendPhoneVerificationCodeOnCreation : Whether to send phone number verification on user creation
- forbidClientAccountCreation: Don't let client create user on server
- phoneVerificationMasterCode: Optional master code if exists let user verify account by entering this code for example '1234'
- adminPhoneNumbers: Optional array of admin phone numbers - don't need to be valid phone numbers for example ['+972123456789', '+972987654321']
In order to change those settings just override the property under :
For example to change the verificationMaxRetries to 3 all we need to do is:
Accounts._options.verificationMaxRetries = 3;
More code samples
Creating new user
// Create a user.
var options = {phone:'+972545999999'};
// You can also create user with password
options.password = 'VeryHardPassword';
Accounts.createUserWithPhone(options, function (){});
// Debug: Verify the user phone isn't confirmed it.
console.log('Phone verification status is :', Accounts.isPhoneVerified());
var userPhone = '+972545999999';
// Request for sms phone verification -- please note before receiving SMS you should Follow the SMS Integration tutorial below
Accounts.requestPhoneVerification(userPhone, function(){});
//Debug: Verify the user phone isn't confirmed it.
console.log('Phone verification status is :', Accounts.isPhoneVerified());
// After receiving SMS let user enter his code and verify account by sending it to the server
var verificationCode = 'CodeRecivedBySMS';
var newPassword = null;
// You can keep your old password by sending null in the password field
Accounts.verifyPhone(userPhone, verificationCode, function(){});
//Debug: Verify the user phone is confirmed.
console.log('Phone verification status is :', Accounts.isPhoneVerified());
Login existing user - Requires creating user with password
var userPhone = '+972545999999';
var password = 'VerySecure';
var callback = function() {};
Accounts.createUserWithPhone({phone:userPhone, password:password}, function (){});
Meteor.loginWithPhoneAndPassword({phone:userPhone}, password, callback);
Full API
* @summary Log the user in with a password.
* @locus Client
* @param {Object | String} user Either a string interpreted as a phone; or an object with a single key: `phone` or `id`.
* @param {String} password The user's password.
* @param {Function} [callback] Optional callback. Called with no arguments on success, or with a single `Error` argument on failure.
Meteor.loginWithPhoneAndPassword = function (selector, password, callback) { };
* @summary Create a new user.
* @locus Anywhere
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} The user's full phone number.
* @param {String} options.password The user's password. This is __not__ sent in plain text over the wire.
* @param {Object} options.profile The user's profile, typically including the `name` field.
* @param {Function} [callback] Client only, optional callback. Called with no arguments on success, or with a single `Error` argument on failure.
Accounts.createUserWithPhone = function (options, callback) { };
* @summary Request a new verification code.
* @locus Client
* @param {String} phone - The phone we send the verification code to.
* @param {Function} [callback] Optional callback. Called with no arguments on success, or with a single `Error` argument on failure.
Accounts.requestPhoneVerification = function (phone, callback) { };
* @summary Marks the user's phone as verified. Optional change passwords, Logs the user in afterwards..
* @locus Client
* @param {String} phone - The phone number we want to verify.
* @param {String} code - The code retrieved in the SMS.
* @param {String} newPassword, Optional, A new password for the user. This is __not__ sent in plain text over the wire.
* @param {Function} [callback] Optional callback. Called with no arguments on success, or with a single `Error` argument on failure.
Accounts.verifyPhone = function (phone, code, newPassword, callback) {...};
* Returns whether the current user phone is verified
* @returns {boolean} Whether the user phone is verified
Accounts.isPhoneVerified = function () { };
* @summary Register a callback to be called after a phone verification attempt succeeds.
* @locus Server
* @param {Function} func The callback to be called when phone verification is successful.
* Function gets the userId of the new verified user as first argument
Accounts.onPhoneVerification = function (func) { };