@acoates-ms, @kenotron, do you see any blocker for having the desired cli behavior here, other than this being a last-mile UX issue for the cli experience? I'm looking to resolve...
cc @kenotron, @ecraig12345, @JasonGore. Could you help review issue when possible
> very nice, I commented some optimizations, especially the `Option` dosn't really make sense to me, even though it looks like a less verbose way to just select the first...
> Generally when you need to change a previous commit you can use [`git rebase --interactive `](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Rewriting-History) where `` is a reference to the earliest commit you might want to...
> > Generally when you need to change a previous commit you can use [`git rebase --interactive `](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Rewriting-History) where `` is a reference to the earliest commit you might want...
> LGTM. Nice first PR @okjodom! Lot's of learning too!
Can gateways self-report performance and other metadata to the clients or to the mint? I imagine we can plug into the self monitoring capabilities that nodes already do and make...
@elsirion, @justinmoon, I'm learning my way through fedimint, and I feel like a good a starter project that also happens to be low-pri would be useful to get me going....
now actively starting work on this
@justinmoon, I did spend sometime exploring the feature and I have some idea of what `mint-client` api changes may be needed to support the desired cli capability. I liked a...