
Results 79 issues of rae

if there's 1000 files, the file list will now choke and be difficult to handle. Let's page the file list. might be fixed in `hyperdrive-ui`

Priority: Low

for example, these two will probably want to be used in the desktop app https://github.com/datproject/datproject.org/tree/master/client/js/components/hyperdrive https://github.com/datproject/datproject.org/blob/master/client/js/pages/archive/index.js

Priority: Low

Share some user personas here! Describe a person who would be a user of dat land. This person has a name, occupation, personality traits, goals, and skills. Your persona(s) should...

This is helpful for breaking protocol changes + future command support! Better to get it in earlier than later. I think it's relatively straightforward to use. https://www.npmjs.com/package/update-notifier

Hey Mauve! https://webrecorder.io/ would be a great addition to this project! @ilyakreymer has a prototype extension that could be repurposed for agregore. I think its a perfect fit for a...


In a public archiving and publication case (e.g., a static PDF), you might want to reference a version of the data by a content-addressable hash. This way, you can guarantee...

it'd be cool to have a github badge for dat that when clicked goes to `datproject.org/dat/`

Type: Enhancement
Type: Documentation

If I type `dat .` or `dat clone dat.json` or `dat clone .` in a directory that has a `dat.json` file, it should use the `url` key in the file....

Priority: Medium
Type: Enhancement

### Contributor checklist: - [x] My commits are in nice logical chunks with [good commit messages](http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/) - [x] If my changes depend upon an update to a dependency, I have...

Is this necessary? Why was this added? It makes it more confusing to download the appropriate executable from the releases page.