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基于Spring Boot提供常用的自动装配模块,开箱即用,快速提供各模块所需的服务

What is this project about?

This project offers foundational Starter Modules for Spring Boot, enabling the quick setup of services needed by various modules

maven maven code style releases

How to get started?

Find the corresponding starter module for your needs and import the dependencies.

For example, to quickly integrate a service with a web application and integrated API documentation, import the following dependencies:


Core Dependencies

Dependency Version
Java 17
Spring Boot 3.3.2
Spring Cloud 2023.0.3
Spring Cloud Alibaba 2023.0.1.2
Ok System Simple 2024.2.0.0-SNAPSHOT

Starter Modules

Module Name Use Cases Description
simple-starter-web Web Application SpringBoot Web, integrated API documentation, serialization format conversion, response body, global exception handler
simple-starter-redisson Locks and Caching Annotation usage: distributed locks, distributed idempotency, distributed rate limiter; Cacheable annotation common configurations and custom CacheName expiration time
simple-starter-s3 File Management Client Initialize client, provide basic service methods
simple-starter-socketio Long Polling Communication and Cluster Cluster uses redis subscribe and broadcast mechanism, automatic standalone if no redis
simple-starter-grpc Remote Invocation Protocol Interface Custom Grpc annotation simplifies usage: client, server
simple-starter-datasource Database Connection Application HikariCP, P6spy, auto-create database tables, generic CURD controller, GeometryTypeHandler
simple-starter-freemarker Template Engine Application Simplify importing configuration parameters
simple-starter-cloud Microservices Application Integration of common dependencies for microservices: service discovery, remote configuration center, etc.
simple-starter-gateway Microservices Gateway Microservices API gateway: integrates microservices documentation gateway
simple-starter-encrypt Encryption Annotations: encryption and desensitization (common templates or custom rules); Annotations: RSA encryption and decryption for request or response parameters
simple-starter-dict Dictionary Annotation Dictionary Translation (Open Custom Implementation for Dictionary Service Class); (Supports Single Fields, Lists, and Nested Entities)
simple-starter-email Email SMTP email delivery
simple-starter-package Build and Package Custom Maven build and package logic, consolidates common scripts and executable files

Base Modules

Module Name Use Cases Description
simple-base-config Basic Configuration Automatically initialize configuration on startup, optionally generate overrides, expose interfaces
simple-base-generator Code Generation Generate basic project code based on database tables
simple-base-s3 File Storage Management Service Provide file management service and interface
simple-base-dict Dictionary Management Service Dictionary management service and interface

Utils Modules

Module Name Use Cases Description
simple-utils-jackson Json Utilities Provides utility classes for Json serialization and deserialization
simple-utils-common Common Utilities Provides commonly used and general utility classes

Basic Modules

Module Name Use Cases Description
simple-parent Project Parent Management Used to manage common configurations and dependency versions for the project. Unified management of project build configuration, dependency versions, and plugin versions
simple-dependencies Project Dependency Management Used to centrally manage dependency versions for all modules in the project. Defines the required dependency versions for each module and manages them uniformly through the dependencyManagement tag


Thanks to JetBrains for providing support through OpenSourceSupport .