nvim-bufdel icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nvim-bufdel copied to clipboard

A Neovim plugin to improve buffer deletion


A small Neovim plugin to improve the deletion of buffers.


  • Preserve the layout of windows. Deleting a buffer will no longer close any window unexpectedly (see demo).
  • Cycle through buffers according to their number (configurable). This is especially helpful when using a bufferline: we get the same behavior as closing tabs in Chrome / Firefox (see demo).
  • Terminal buffers are deleted without prompt.
  • Exit Neovim when last buffer is deleted (configurable).


Here the same buffer is displayed in left and top-right window. Deleting that buffer preserves the window layout and the first buffer with a number greater than the deleted one is selected instead (the one immediately to the right in the bufferline).


With packer.nvim:

use {'ojroques/nvim-bufdel'}

With paq-nvim:

paq {'ojroques/nvim-bufdel'}


Delete the current buffer:


Delete the current buffer and ignore changes:


Delete a buffer by its name or number (use quotes in case the buffer name is a number):

:BufDel <bufexpr>


You can pass options to the setup() function. Here are the default options:

require('bufdel').setup {
  next = 'tabs',  -- or 'cycle, 'alternate'
  quit = true,    -- quit Neovim when last buffer is closed

The next option determines the next buffer to display after deletion. Supported values:

  • cycle: cycle through buffers according to their number.
  • tabs (default): like cycle but when the buffer with highest number is deleted, display the new highest buffer instead of going back to the first one.
  • alternate: switch to the alternate buffer (same behavior as without the plugin).

Direct Integration

The plugin fits in a single file, you can very well download it and include it among your config files.

You can also integrate the command directly into your config. Here's a condensed version of the plugin in Lua:

function delete_buffer()
  local buflisted = fn.getbufinfo({buflisted = 1})
  local cur_winnr, cur_bufnr = fn.winnr(), fn.bufnr()
  if #buflisted < 2 then cmd 'confirm qall' return end
  for _, winid in ipairs(fn.getbufinfo(cur_bufnr)[1].windows) do
    cmd(string.format('%d wincmd w', fn.win_id2win(winid)))
    cmd(cur_bufnr == buflisted[#buflisted].bufnr and 'bp' or 'bn')
  cmd(string.format('%d wincmd w', cur_winnr))
  local is_terminal = fn.getbufvar(cur_bufnr, '&buftype') == 'terminal'
  cmd(is_terminal and 'bd! #' or 'silent! confirm bd #')

Or in Vimscript:

function! s:delete_buffer()
  let l:buflisted = getbufinfo({'buflisted': 1})
  let [l:cur_winnr, l:cur_bufnr] = [winnr(), bufnr()]
  if len(l:buflisted) < 2 | confirm qall | return | endif
  for l:winid in getbufinfo(l:cur_bufnr)[0].windows
    execute(win_id2win(l:winid) . 'wincmd w')
    if l:cur_bufnr == l:buflisted[-1].bufnr | bp | else | bn | endif
  execute(l:cur_winnr . 'wincmd w')
  let l:is_terminal = getbufvar(l:cur_bufnr, '&buftype') == 'terminal'
  if l:is_terminal | bd! # | else | silent! confirm bd # | endif
