twitch-viewer copied to clipboard
Module not found. What does this mean
When running this code i ran into the issue of Exception has occurred. I am new to coding
import requests
Exception has occurred: ModuleNotFoundError
No module named 'requests'
File "C:\Users\batma\Documents\GitHub\twitch-viewer\", line 17, in
I have fixed the issue but ran into a new. An Error has occurred trying to read the list of proxies: No such file or directory
same/ If possible can any 1 please help us.
import urllib import subprocess import json import sys import multiprocessing import time import random
channel_url = "" processes = []
def get_channel(): global channel_url channel_url = ""
def get_proxies(): # Reading the list of proxies try: lines = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in open("proxylist.txt")] except IOError as e: print("An error has occurred while trying to read the list of proxies: %s" % e.strerror) sys.exit(1)
return lines
def get_url(): global response try: response = subprocess.Popen( ["livestreamer.exe", "--http-header", "Client-ID=ewvlchtxgqq88ru9gmfp1gmyt6h2b93", channel_url, "-j"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print( "An error has occurred while trying to get the stream data. Is the channel online? Is the channel name correct?") sys.exit(1) except OSError: print( "An error has occurred while trying to use livestreamer package. Is it installed? Do you have Python in your PATH variable?")
url = json.loads(response)['streams']['audio_only']['url']
url = json.loads(response)['streams']['worst']['url']
except (ValueError, KeyError):
"An error has occurred while trying to get the stream data. Is the channel online? Is the channel name correct?")
return url
def open_url(url, proxy): # Sending HEAD requests while True: try: with requests.Session() as s: response = s.head(url, proxies=proxy) print("Sent HEAD request with %s" % proxy["http"]) time.sleep(20) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: print(" Timeout error for %s" % proxy["http"]) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print(" Connection error for %s" % proxy["http"])
def prepare_processes(): global processes proxies = get_proxies() n = 0
if len(proxies) < 1:
"An error has occurred while preparing the process: Not enough proxy servers. Need at least 1 to function.")
for proxy in proxies:
# Preparing the process and giving it its own proxy
target=open_url, kwargs={
"url": get_url(), "proxy": {
"http": proxy}}))
if name == "main": print("Obtaining the channel...") get_channel() print("Obtained the channel") print("Preparing the processes...") prepare_processes() print("Prepared the processes") print("Booting up the processes...")
# Timer multiplier
n = 8
# Starting up the processes
for process in processes:
time.sleep(random.randint(1, 5) * n)
process.daemon = True
if n > 1:
n -= 1
# Running infinitely
while True:
Can someone tell me whats wrong with this, Thank you