synergy copied to clipboard
Управление номенклатурой
Говорит: "Не знаю к какой таблице атрибут id относится", я правильно понимаю?
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Spree/admin/products#edit_multiple
Showing ruby-1.9.3-p448@paris/gems/synergy_inventory_management-1.3.0/app/views/spree/admin/products/_taxon.erb where line #3 raised:
PG::AmbiguousColumn: ERROR: column reference "id" is ambiguous
LINE 1: SELECT id FROM "spree_products" INNER JOIN "spree_products_t...
: SELECT id FROM "spree_products" INNER JOIN "spree_products_taxons" ON "spree_products"."id" = "spree_products_taxons"."product_id" WHERE "spree_products_taxons"."taxon_id" = 1 AND ("spree_products".deleted_at IS NULL or "spree_products".deleted_at >= '2013-11-25 07:35:00.925307')
Extracted source (around line 3):
1: <li id="<%= %>" <%= "rel='root' data-taxonomy='# {taxon.taxonomy_id}'".html_safe if taxon.root? %>>
2: <%= link_to, admin_edit_multiple_products_path(taxon) %>
3: <span>(<%= taxon.not_deleted_products_count %>)</span>
4: <% if taxon.children.any? %>
5: <ul><%= render :partial => 'taxon', :collection => taxon.children, :locals => {:current_taxon => current_taxon} %></ul>
6: <% end %>
На какой версии Spree пытаетесь запустить расширение?
spree (1.3.4)
synergy_inventory_management (1.3.0)