oh-my-bash icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
oh-my-bash copied to clipboard

themes/powerline: Set terminal title

Open mengruxing opened this issue 4 years ago • 4 comments

mengruxing avatar Jun 28 '20 03:06 mengruxing

The PR title says that it tries to fix an error, but I don't see how this PR fixes an error. Could you describe what has been the error, and how the error is fixed in this PR? Also, this PR seems to change the style as well, which is unrelated to the purpose of the PR.

akinomyoga avatar Dec 25 '21 05:12 akinomyoga

@mengruxing Thank you for updating the PR. I would like to confirm that you intentionally updated the branch master for this PR. Or have you just updated the master branch unrelatedly to the PR for your own uses? If it is the former, could you resolve the conflicts? If it is the latter, please let us know.

akinomyoga avatar Jul 04 '22 21:07 akinomyoga

I again looked at this PR. As far as I check the commit history, I think the original patch was 7f4c2f3753ef670d0f9be44bdab995f04b16451b.

diff --git a/themes/brainy/brainy.theme.sh b/themes/brainy/brainy.theme.sh
index 90c747f..e442ea7 100644
--- a/themes/brainy/brainy.theme.sh
+++ b/themes/brainy/brainy.theme.sh
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ function __brainy_ps2 {
 function _omb_theme_PROMPT_COMMAND {

-    PS1="$(__brainy_ps1)"
+    PS1="\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]$(__brainy_ps1)"

Since this PR was made based on the master branch, I guess the PR author has forgotten that they opened this PR based on master and later pushed their personal changes to the master branch.

On the other hand, a similar feature is available with the xterm plugin. I think we could leave this PR as a customization example, but the problem is that the branch of this PR master is already used by the author's personal settings. We wouldn't like to rewrite the author's personal setting.

I'd add the Customization Example label to this PR, but the other users should look at the diff in this reply for the original customization.

akinomyoga avatar Apr 09 '23 13:04 akinomyoga


akinomyoga avatar Oct 15 '23 08:10 akinomyoga