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Partial constraints not working
Describe the bug
Partial constraints not working. It's creating a primary key constraint instead of a partial unique.
To Reproduce
I have an entity that uses soft deletion. So I need a partial constraint that uses the deleted
field of the entity.
I've tried many ways to do it but any of them are working:
an example of the entity:
export class CustomerProduct extends BaseEntity {
@Transform(({ value }) => value || uuidv4())
@PrimaryColumn({ type: 'uuid' })
public id: string;
@Column({ type: 'text' })
@Transform(({ value }) => value || uuidv4())
public customerId: string;
@Column({ type: 'uuid' })
public productId: string;
@Transform(({ value }) => new Date(value ||
precision: 3,
type: 'timestamp',
public created: Date;
nullable: true,
precision: 3,
type: 'timestamp',
@Type(() => Date)
public updated?: Date | null;
nullable: true,
precision: 3,
type: 'timestamp',
@Type(() => Date)
public deleted?: Date | null;
- create the constraint using a query:
With this approach, the pg-mem converts the constraint into a pkey constraint as follows:
db.executeRaw(`CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "customer_products_customerId_productId_deleted_idx"
ON customer_products ("customerId", "productId") WHERE "deleted" IS NULL;`);
the executeRaw
method above is just wrapping the newDb.public.none
- Using the decorators in the entity:
I've add the following decorator:
@Index(['customerId', 'productId'], {
unique: true,
where: 'deleted IS NULL',
export class CustomerProduct extends BaseEntity {
// code
both results in the same issue:
the output of the pg-mem in the tests:
[QueryFailedError: ERROR: insert into "customer_products" (id, customerId, productId, created, updated, deleted) values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) returning "customerId,productId" - duplicate key value violates unique constraint "customer_products_pkey"
DETAIL: Key (customerId,productId)=(e9c88024-90e3-487d-af44-62c5f4e5b689,51814d39-3262-48bf-a497-74960a2d58d5) already exists.·
🐜 This seems to be an execution error, which means that your request syntax seems okay,
but the resulting statement cannot be executed → Probably not a pg-mem error.·
*️⃣ Failed SQL statement: INSERT INTO "customer_products"("id", "customerId","productId", "created", "updated", "deleted") VALUES ( "I REMOVED THESE DATA" ) RETURNING "created", "updated", "deleted";·
👉 You can file an issue at along with a way to reproduce this error (if you can), and the stacktrace:·
so pg-mem have created the unique index with a different name and as a primary_key as it says duplicate key value violates unique constraint "customer_products_pkey"
the tests:
the db it's being setup using the following:
dataSourceFactory: async () =>
entities: ['src/**/*.entity.ts'],
subscribers: ['src/**/*.subscriber.ts'],
synchronize: true,
type: 'postgres',
useFactory: () => ({}),
and the tests:
it('should not allow duplicates even with different IDs', async () => {
const cp1 = await CustomerProduct.create({
await expect(
// customer id is diff - should save
customerId: (customer = await Customer.create({
name: 'test',
const cp2Promise = CustomerProduct.create({
customerId:, // constraint same as cp1
productId:, // constraint same as cp1
// should throw with the same constraints and cp1 is not deleted
await expect(;
await cp1.softRemove();
// should save once cp1 is deleted
await expect(;
pg-mem version
"name": "pg-mem", "version": "2.6.13",
Hi @netogerbi, Did you solve the issue?