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Theano implementation of Tree RNNs aka Recursive Neural Networks.


Theano implementation of Tree RNNs aka Recursive Neural Networks.

Includes implementation of TreeLSTMs as described in "Improved Semantic Representations From Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory Networks" by Kai Sheng Tai, Richard Socher, and Christopher D. Manning.

Also includes implementation of TreeGRUs derived using similar methods.

You may immediately run "dummy" demos via and

Code for evaluation on the Stanford Sentiment Treebank (used by the paper) is also available in To run this, you'll need to download the relevant data.

Step-by-step for cloning this repo and getting the sentiment model running:

From your shell, run

git clone
git clone
cd treelstm

This will download the datasets, the word vectors, and do some preprocessing on the data. Once this is complete, go into the tree_rnn directory and start a Python shell. In that shell, we'll preprocess the word vectors:

import data_utils
vocab = data_utils.Vocab()
words, embeddings = \
        '../treelstm/data/glove/glove.840B.300d.txt', vocab=vocab)

import numpy as np'../treelstm/data/words.npy', words)'../treelstm/data/glove.npy', embeddings)

After exiting the Python shell, you can run the sentiment training directly


The first couple lines of output should be

train 6920
dev 872
test 1821
num emb 21701
num labels 3
epoch 0
avg loss 16.7419t example 6919 of 6920
dev score 0.586009174312
epoch 1
avg loss 13.8955t example 6919 of 6920
dev score 0.69495412844
epoch 2
avg loss 12.9191t example 6919 of 6920
dev score 0.730504587156