tmux-window-name copied to clipboard
A plugin to name your tmux windows smartly.
Better Window Names for tmux
A plugin to name your tmux windows smartly, like IDE's.
- Use case
- Usage
- How it works
- Installation
- Configuration Options
- tmux (Tested on 3.0a)
- Python 3.6.8+ (Maybe can be lower, tested on 3.6.8)
- pip
- libtmux
Use case
If you are using tmux as your main multiplexer you probably found yourself with 5+ windows per session with indexed names but no information about whats going on in the windows.
You tried to configure automatic-rename
and automatic-rename-format
but you found yourself pretty limited.
This plugin comes to solve those issues to name your windows inspired by IDE tablines.
It makes sure to show you the shortest path possible!
This session:
1. ~/workspace/my_project
2. ~/workspace/my_project/tests/
3. ~/workspace/my_other_project
4. ~/workspace/my_other_project/tests
Will display:
1. my_project
2. my_project/tests
3. my_other_project
4. my_other_project/tests
It knows which programs runs
1. ~/workspace/my_project (with nvim)
2. ~/workspace/my_project
3. ~/workspace/my_other_project (with git diff)
4. ~/workspace/my_other_project
Will display:
1. nvim:my_project
2. my_project
3. git diff:my_other_project
4. my_other_project
For more scenarios you check out the tests.
Install the plugin and let it name your windows :)
Note: if you are using tmux-resurrect tmux-window-name
must be loaded before tmux-resurrect
You can tmux rename-window
manually to set your own window names, to re-enable automatic renames set run tmux rename-window ""
Make sure your configuration/other plugins doesn't turn on automatic-rename
and doesn't rename your windows.
Automatic rename after changing dir
By default tmux-window-name
hooks after-select-window
which trigged when switching windows, you can add hook in your .shellrc
to execute tmux-window-name
tmux-window-name() {
($TMUX_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PATH/tmux-window-name/scripts/ &)
add-zsh-hook chpwd tmux-window-name
Hooks Used
Make sure the hooks that used aren't overridden.
- @resurrect-hook-pre-restore-all
- @resurrect-hook-post-restore-all
How it works
Each time you unfocus from a pane, the plugin looks for every active pane in your session windows.
Note: if you have a better hook in mind make sure to notify me!
- If shell is running, it shows the current dir as short as possible,
, it avoids intersections too! - If "regular" program is running it shows the program with the args,
less ~/my_file
->less ~/my_file
. - If "special" program is running it shows the program with the dir attached,
git diff
) ->git diff:a
, it avoids intersections too!
To make the shortest path as possible the plugin finds the shortest not common path if your windows.
Install libtmux (must)
Note: Make sure you are using the user
python and not sudo
python or virutalenv
python3 -m pip install libtmux --user
Install dataclasses (for Python 3.6.X only)
python3 -m pip install dataclasses --user
Installation with Tmux Plugin Manager (recommended)
Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins:
set -g @plugin 'ofirgall/tmux-window-name'
Note: set tmux-window-name
before tmux-resurrect
(if you are using tmux-resurrect
set -g @plugin 'ofirgall/tmux-window-name'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect'
Press prefix + I to install it.
Manual Installation
Clone the repo:
$ git clone ~/clone/path
Add this line to your .tmux.conf:
run-shell ~/clone/path/tmux-window-name.tmux
Reload TMUX environment with:
$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
Configuration Options
Note: All options are evaluated with eval be careful!
Shell programs, will show dir instead of the program
set -g @tmux_window_name_shells "['zsh', 'bash', 'sh']"
Programs that will show the dir name too.
E.g: git diff
running in long_dir/my_repo
will show git diff:my_repo
set -g @tmux_window_dir_programs "['nvim', 'vim', 'vi', 'git']"
Programs that will be skipped/ignored when looking for active program.
set -g @tmux_window_name_ignored_programs "['sqlite3']" # Default is []
Maximum name length of a window
set -g @tmux_window_max_name_len "20"
Replace $HOME
with ~
in window names
set -g @tmux_window_name_use_tilde "False"
Replace program command lines with re.sub.
The options expect list of tuples with 2 elements, pattern
and repl
E.g: The example below will replace /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/ipython3
with ipython3
, and the same for ipython2
Note: use ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-window-name/scripts/ --print_programs
to see the full program command line and the results of the substitute.
set -g @tmux_window_name_substitute_sets "[('.+ipython2', 'ipython2'), ('.+ipython3', 'ipython3')]"
# Same example but with regex groups
set -g @tmux_window_name_substitute_sets "[('.+ipython([32])', 'ipython\g<1>')]"
# Default Value:
set -g @tmux_window_name_substitute_sets "[('.+ipython([32])', 'ipython\g<1>'), ('^(/usr)?/bin/(.+)', '\g<2>'), ('(bash) (.+)/(.+[ $])(.+)', '\g<3>\g<4>')]"
# 0: from example
# 1: removing `/usr/bin` and `/bin` prefixes of files
# 2: removing `bash /long/path/for/bashscript`
Run pytest
at the root dir