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OS is not loaded by BBB from SD card | bbb image 2017.01
I wrote kali-2017.01-bbb.img to microSD card, inserted it into BeagleBoneBlack.
Using FT232RL USB<->Serial board, i managed to connect to BeagleBoneBlack.
The issue: BBB can't read from SD card, constantly fall back to load from eMMC.
I continued to dig to the roots of the problem.
It is NOT corruption of SD card. BBB can't read microSD ONLY after writing 2017.01 image
I tried both commands: sudo dd bs=512k if=kali-2017.01-bbb.img | pv | sudo dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 sudo dd bs=4M if=kali-2017.01-bbb.img | pv | sudo dd of=/dev/mmcblk0
And with both of them the result is:
U-Boot> mmc info
Card did not respond to voltage select!
While the same card formatted with one fat32 partition respond as:
U-Boot> mmc info
Manufacturer: ID: 27
OEM: 5048
The reason is that image can't be read after written by dd to SD card.
This is my workaround:
- still use dd to write image to SD card;
- after, re-insert this SD into the laptop, usually laptop easily read such cards despite that BBB can't;
- make two directories on your laptop: part1 and part2;
- copy everything from SD card's smaller volume into directory part1
- copy everything from SD card's larger volume into directory part2
- start Gparted utility on your laptop;
- using Gparted delete from SD card 1st and 2nd partition;
- open menu Device, choose Create Partition Table... select ms-dos type and OK
- open menu Partition, choose New, create new partition (128 MiB, fat16, label=p1);
- after, create another partition the same way but with this params (size up to the end, ext4, label=p2);
- copy everything from part1 to the partition labeled as p1;
- copy everything from part2 to the partition labeled as p2;
- unmount p1 and p2 from your OS;
- eject SD card.
Now you can use this card to boot BBB successfully!
Are you still having this issue? I can't reproduce here at all to have to essentially remake the sdcard, so I'm not entirely sure what the difference is. What sdcard are you using?