Chanchana Sornsoontorn

Results 59 comments of Chanchana Sornsoontorn

I am able to use NetMQ on Unity as a request client to connect to the python server fine. But I found 2 issues with it: 1) If I create...

It seems like uninstalling `colorama` fixes the issue. What does it mean then?

It seems that I cannot use ipython when I remove colorama. ![image]( Any workaround?

So I suffer from git tracking files larger than 50 MB and I have to manually remove them and add to git-lfs because I can't push it to GitHub. This...

Is this good enough and is there example code for building a model to replace Conv layer with strides=2?

Yes. It's weird. I need to install from source at the moment?

I can confirm this issue is still happening in Unity 2019.2.2f1 ![image]( `E:\Unity\2019.2.2f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.ugui\Runtime\UI\Core\Layout\LayoutUtility.cs(148,74): error CS0433: The type 'Func' exists in both 'WebSocket4Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=eb4e154b696bf72a' and 'netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'`...

I am now using BestHTTP package on the Unity asset store as a solution. It has implementation.

Can you clarify what those 2 commands exactly do?

I'm not sure what this piece of code does. Can you explain it to me?