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Short break timer isn't starting or available after pomodoros.

Open DigitalNTT-Soul opened this issue 11 months ago • 2 comments

The last 2 pomodoros I have started have run their 25-minute "active" course and simply stopped. Usually, at the end of a pomodoro, a desktop notification occurs and (depending on the status of the "Start breaks manually" toggle) will either automatically start the break or allow you to click to start the break. Neither is occurring, and I'm instead getting the same pale blue screen that you would normally see at the end of a long break. The short break cannot be started automatically or manually, and clicking the button just starts a new 25-minute active window. My settings are as follows:

Pomodoro duration: 25 Skip to break button: 0 Short break duration: 5 Break extension: 2 start breaks manually: 0 reset timer after break extension: 0 long break after: 4 long break duration: 30 Pomodoro end sound: 9 Break end sound: 8 Ambient sound: clock

If there is anything I can try on my end to potentially resolve this, that would be awesome!

DigitalNTT-Soul avatar Sep 16 '23 14:09 DigitalNTT-Soul