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Windows error after succesfull build
Hello, I am trying to get your addon working. I have a WIN10 installation with Visual Studio 2017. I installed the nightly build of openframeworks and had several successfull projects.
I added ofxKinectV2 but I can't figure out why I am getting an error on startup.
The build gives no error. But on start I am getting: The program '[53172] kinect_debug.exe' has exited with code -1073741701 (0xc000007b).
My properties are set like this: { "configurations": [ { "inheritEnvironments": [ "msvc_x86" ], "name": "x86-Debug", "includePath": [ "${env.INCLUDE}", "${workspaceRoot}\**" ], "defines": [ "WIN32", "_DEBUG", "UNICODE", "_UNICODE" ], "intelliSenseMode": "windows-msvc-x86" } ] }
Kan you please help to get this working.
Can you confirm you have installed the libusbk drivers to the composite hub? See: https://github.com/ofTheo/ofxKinectV2#windows-10-usb-setup
Yes, the libusbk was setup with that manual
you might need to copy the dlls from the ofxKinectV2/libs/libusb/lib/vs folder to you bin/ folder.
Thanks for the tip, I copied the dll's from C:\of_v20200117_vs2017_release\addons\ofxKinectV2-master\libs\libusb\lib\vs\Win32\Release to the the bin in the project folder and the error disappeared and the program window started.
No image yet as it seems we still have an usb issue: [Info] [Freenect2Impl] enumerating devices... [Info] [Freenect2Impl] 11 usb devices connected [Info] [Freenect2Impl] found valid Kinect v2 @3:24 with serial 501795143142 [Info] [Freenect2Impl] found 1 devices [Error] [usb::TransferPool] failed to submit transfer: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platform
We did the Zadig install procedure, so I am not sure where this is coming from