Alexander Lyabah
Alexander Lyabah
- [ ] step-by-step example of the creation one custom field. - [ ] add tests for custom field - [ ] explain all of the function the can be...
The admin panel should show an error if one of the rows has more cells than expected.
Current (0.19) version: callable attributes can be set as string ```python fetch_permission: TCallableStr = "none" update_permission: TCallableStr = "staff" view_permission: TCallableStr = "staff" ``` so the function that parses that...
* name is a primary key for `ContentSetting` model * use `BigAutoField` instead of `AutoField`
* dcs-split-by-first-line - move "split by first line" into sub module * dcs-current-user - mixin that extends Template's context by current user
Ideas of what can happen if the change was found: * highlight the changes and update the checksum - in that case, we don't need to reload the page every...
currently if I set empty value for URLString it would show an error: Not valid URL
for the local run default value should be validated, not only the value that is currently in DB. Having a setting `VALIDATE_DEFAULT_VALUE`