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[REM] UUID: remove fast strategy
THe fast strategy for uuid generator was introduced to speed up the startup of a model, specifically when generating cells which could be numerous and the calls to crypto could become a hassle. However, we realised later on that a uuid was useless for that specific purpose. More specifically, a uuid is useful to generate unique identifiers that will be shared accross users to avoid collisions in multi-user context (i.e. concurrent updates). In other cases, shortcutting the uuid generator to become a simple incremented integer value is either wrong or shows the uselessness of calling uuidGenerator in the first place.
Task: 4216816
description of this task, what is implemented and why it is implemented that way.
review checklist
- [ ] feature is organized in plugin, or UI components
- [ ] support of duplicate sheet (deep copy)
- [ ] in model/core: ranges are Range object, and can be adapted (adaptRanges)
- [ ] in model/UI: ranges are strings (to show the user)
- [ ] undo-able commands (uses this.history.update)
- [ ] multiuser-able commands (has inverse commands and transformations where needed)
- [ ] new/updated/removed commands are documented
- [ ] exportable in excel
- [ ] translations (_t("qmsdf %s", abc))
- [ ] unit tested
- [ ] clean commented code
- [ ] track breaking changes
- [ ] doc is rebuild (npm run doc)
- [ ] status is correct in Odoo