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[IMP] model: allow to batch commands in one history step
[IMP] model: allow to batch commands in one history step
We sometime need to create a UI plugin specifically to handle a command so that its sub-commands are batched in a single history step.
This is kind of a problem when working with stores, because then we need both a store to handle all the business logic, and a plugin that handle a command created specifically to batch sub-commands (looking at you find & replace).
We can fix that easily by creating a local command BATCH_COMMANDS
that take a callback as argument, and that batches every command
and sub-command executed in the callback within one history step.
Task: 3870119
[IMP] f&r: remove find & replace plugin
Now that we can batch commands, the plugin find & replace is now useless.
Task: 3870119
review checklist
- [ ] feature is organized in plugin, or UI components
- [ ] support of duplicate sheet (deep copy)
- [ ] in model/core: ranges are Range object, and can be adapted (adaptRanges)
- [ ] in model/UI: ranges are strings (to show the user)
- [ ] undo-able commands (uses this.history.update)
- [ ] multiuser-able commands (has inverse commands and transformations where needed)
- [ ] new/updated/removed commands are documented
- [ ] exportable in excel
- [ ] translations (_t("qmsdf %s", abc))
- [ ] unit tested
- [ ] clean commented code
- [ ] track breaking changes
- [ ] doc is rebuild (npm run doc)
- [ ] status is correct in Odoo
I'm not sure for the
name, as this is more like a command that can run any kind of callback, and, by design, every commands in the callback will be batched into a single history step, but this command could be used for something else with some other kind of callback ... But I can't find a good name ATM :/ Maybe something like RUN_CALLBACK ? (But I don't like this one either)
Yeah the name isn't great. I'll go with the name Pierre proposed (ONE_HISTORY_STEP
) for now if nobody has a better idea