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👽 Built with MVVM pattern, Koin , Coroutines + Flows ,Architecture Components, Data Binding , Firebase , Unit/UI Tests ,Motion Layout

Results 23 Clean-MVVM-ArchComponents issues
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Updated dependencies Changed jacoco gradle plugin dependency due to its problem with newer versions of gradle

I.e BaseViewModel,All the Binder interfaces,Base Activity,BaseFavoritesActivity I dislike them all and not necessarily "clean" when it comes to refactoring and maintenance

Some operations like deleting and writing the local database do not need a return of flow since they are "one-time" operations. For reading the database, it would be okay since...

there is one more thing needs to be done before closing this PR is adding test cases for newly added fragment by using FragmentScenario close #131

@odaridavid is there anything you want to add before I start to work on this issue :)

good first issue