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Cypress Visual Regression Tests

Cypress ODiff

A plugin for adding visual regression test to Cypress using ODiff The fastest pixel-by-pixel image visual difference tool in the world.


ODiff Benchmarks are the main motivation for this. 🚀

Getting Started


$ npm install cypress-odiff

Add the plugin

const { addCompareScreenshotPlugin } = require('cypress-odiff')

module.exports = defineConfig({
  trashAssetsBeforeRuns: false, // needed to avoid deleting expeted screenshot
  e2e: {
    setupNodeEvents (on, config) {
      addCompareScreenshotPlugin(on, config)

Add the command in support/commands.js

const { addCompareScreenshotCommand } = require('cypress-odiff')


Using in Tests

Given the following test case under cypress/e2e/

describe('example', () => {
  it('passes', () => {

the command compareScreenshot will:

  • create a screenshot (expected) under cypress/screenshots/ and save it for further runs
  • if the screenshot is already created, the command will compare the recorded screenshot (actual) with the previously saved one (expected) and fail if there is a difference between these two screenshots. An image with the highlighted differences (diff) will be created.


compareScreenshot accepts an options object with the following keys:

  • screenshotOptions: will be passed to cy.screenshot() command to capture screenshot. see Cypress screenshot options docs.
  • compareOptions: will be passed to compare method from package. see ODiff Nodejs.
  • pluginOptions: These options define how this plugin should behave.

Plugin Options

name default
customSnapshotsDir "cypress/snapshots" should be under cypress directory. .expected, .actual, .diff screenshots will be saved under this path.
updateSnapshots undefined if true, plugin will save the screenshot with .expected suffix and this image will be used for furthur visual regressions tests
failOnExpectedMissing undefined if true the test will fail when .expected screenshot does not exist. This is particulary usefull when running test on ci.