ansible_stdout_compact_logger copied to clipboard
loop_control.label will not be considered
The default behavior of Ansible is that you see the entire content of a loop element. This can be a lot and impractical. You can use loop_control.label
to change what should be displayed. But dump_loop_items
ignores the option and dumps the entire loop element.
- hosts: all
connection: local
gather_facts: false
- set_fact:
myvar: "{{ item }}"
- name: aaa
- name: bbb
- name: ccc
extended: true
extended_allitems: false
label: "({{ ansible_loop.index }}/{{ ansible_loop.length }}) {{ }}"
Plain Ansible output:
ansible-playbook test.yml -i localhost,
PLAY [all] *********************************************************************
TASK [set_fact] ****************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=(1/3) aaa)
ok: [localhost] => (item=(2/3) bbb)
ok: [localhost] => (item=(3/3) ccc)
anstomlog (w/ dump_loop_items) output
ansible-playbook test.yml -i localhost,
[03:36:25] set_fact
localhost | SUCCESS - item={'ansible_facts': {'myvar': {'name': 'aaa'}}, 'item': {'name': 'aaa'}, 'ansible_loop': {'index': 1, 'index0': 0, 'first': True, 'last': False, 'length': 3, 'revindex': 3, 'revindex0': 2, 'nextitem': {'name': 'bbb'}}} | 30ms
localhost | SUCCESS - item={'ansible_facts': {'myvar': {'name': 'bbb'}}, 'item': {'name': 'bbb'}, 'ansible_loop': {'index': 2, 'index0': 1, 'first': False, 'last': False, 'length': 3, 'revindex': 2, 'revindex0': 1, 'nextitem': {'name': 'ccc'}, 'previtem': {'name': 'aaa'}}} | 30ms
localhost | SUCCESS - item={'ansible_facts': {'myvar': {'name': 'ccc'}}, 'item': {'name': 'ccc'}, 'ansible_loop': {'index': 3, 'index0': 2, 'first': False, 'last': True, 'length': 3, 'revindex': 1, 'revindex0': 0, 'previtem': {'name': 'bbb'}}} | 30ms