Jon Häggblad
Jon Häggblad
I notice in the latest commit that that `clighterMemberRefExprVar` does not match anything, while `clighterMemberRefExprCall` matches both references to member function calls and member variables.
Well I tried setting `hi link clighterMemberRefExprVar Error` and I'm not seeing this fire anywhere in the code I've been trying it on :( Nonetheless I think that the current...
A workaround is to set `let c_no_curly_error=1`.
Sounds like something that could be useful to look into in the future. Thanks for the suggestion.
The bitset type is being highlighted because it's from the standard library.
Ah yes, good point.
Known limitation, so I'm leaving this open for now.
Thank you very much. If it is the index you're referring to, you could add a color matching ~A before the other color definitions for the index. Such as: color...
Good catch, I observe the same issue locally.
Thanks for opening the issue so we can keep track of it