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Aerospace 6-DoF Simulation Platform.

Mazu Logo


Mazu simulation(mazu-sim) is 6DoF Rocket Simulation Platform.

It base on Modeling INS/GPS/Star-Tracker in 6 DoF: Simulating NGC of a Three-Stage Rocket Booster in CADAC++

The aim is to provide to verify flight software, and delivery accuracy hardware-in-the-loop and flight testing.

Getting Started

0. Clone the Repo

$ git clone --recursive

1. Dependencies

  • GCC 5.4 up
  • Python 2.7
  • cpplint
$ sudo apt-get install htop cmake vim tree git-core libopenblas-dev libboost-dev libboost-all-dev bison curl flex python-pip clang-format cppcheck
$ pip install cpplint

2. Third-Party Installation

  • Armadillo Matrix Library-9.700.2
    third-party/armadillo $ tar xvf armadillo-9.700.2.tar.xz
    third-party/armadillo $ cd armadillo-9.700.2
    third-party/armadillo/armadillo-9.700.2 $ ./configure
    third-party/armadillo/armadillo-9.700.2 $ make
    third-party/armadillo/armadillo-9.700.2 $ sudo make install
  • Google Test
    $ sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev
    $ sudo apt-get install cmake # install cmake
    $ cd /usr/src/gtest
    $ sudo mkdir build && cd build
    $ sudo cmake .. && sudo make
    # copy or symlink libgtest.a and libgtest_main.a to your /usr/local/lib folder
    $ sudo cp *.a /usr/local/lib
  • NASA Trick 17.5 dev
    $ sudo apt-get install bison curl flex g++ libx11-dev libxml2-dev libxt-dev \
             libmotif-common libmotif-dev make openjdk-8-jdk python2.7-dev swig \
             zlib1g-dev llvm llvm-dev clang libclang-dev libudunits2-dev
    third-party/trick $ ./configure
    third-party/trick $ make
    third-party/trick $ sudo make install
  • Redis-Server
    • Download Source:
      third-party/redis $ tar xzf redis-5.0.5.tar.gz
      third-party/redis $ cd redis-5.0.5
      third-party/redis/redis-5.0.5 $ make
      third-party/redis/redis-5.0.5 $ sudo make install

3. Build and Run a sample code

$ make
$ make run-sample

Build and run the specific project

  • Tutorial project: sample
    $ make project=sample
    $ make run-sample
  • Rocket project: skyline
    $ make project=skyline
    $ make run-skyline


$ sudo apt-get install graphviz doxygen
$ doxygen Doxyfile

open the docs/build/index.html in browser

Software Stack

Companies/Organization using mazu-sim

- [Linux for Rocket Flight Control](