If you move index.html you'll have to change the 2 paths to the `.js` files at the bottom of `index.html` to reflect the new relative location: ``` ```
Sorry for the overlook. The one in the js folder is the the older version. Forgot to remove it.
For some time now I've been getting nothing but `fail: OverconstrainedError` for anything above 640x480 with the WebRTC Camera Resolution Finder on Mac & PC with HD+ capable cameras. This...
You might want to check out this WordPress plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/audio-comments/
Recorder.js does not support encoding audio to mp3. For mp3 check out the [`vmsg`](https://addpipe.com/blog/recording-mp3-audio-in-html5-using-vmsg-a-webassembly-library-based-on-lame/) and [`WebAudioRecorder.js`](https://addpipe.com/blog/using-webaudiorecorder-js-to-record-audio-on-your-website/) libraries.
Recorder.js records 2 channel by default. You can halve the size by recording mono audio instead. You can do it from the constructor like this: ```javascript rec = new Recorder(input,{numChannels:1})...
`$.ajax()` is part of jQuery. I would suggest using `XMLHttpRequest` instead like this: ```javascript bt.onclick = function(){ var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload=function(e) { if(this.readyState === 4) { console.log("Server returned: ",e.target.responseText); }...
We have stumbled over the same warning several times: From my experience it only happens with big files of 100-150 MB. Red5 is running on a DigitalOcean VPS with CentOS...
**I can consistently trigger the issue** by recording 10 minutes of HD (1280x720) video. I just recorded a 10:21 video which resulted in a .flv.ser file of 146,5 MB (I...
We're using H.264 for video and Nellymoser for audio. Just to be clear the above image is taken with a .flv created with: `cat vs1450185683776_290.flv vs1450185683776_290.flv.ser > a.flv`