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Add mapper `#38` MAPPER_GG_FFF8_FFF9_FFFA_FFFE_FFFF_15_1 for "Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)" and "GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)"
I've been calling it "Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)", but the actual names are different:
SUPER G.G.15 IN 1 [label] G.G. 15 IN 1 [menu]
The label also says:
This is a 4MB ROM containing a total of 15 games, including 13 GG games: 1MB G-Sonic ~ Sonic Blast (modified to embed the menu), 512KB Slam Dunk - Shouri-e no Starting 5 (From TV animation) (JP), Mega Man (US), Yu Yu Hakusho II - Gekitou! Nanakyou no Tatakai (JP), Taisen Mahjong Hao-Pai 2 (JP), 256KB Bubble Bobble (US), 128KB Honoo no Toukyuuji Dodge Danpei (JP), Wonder Boy (JP), Ninja Gaiden (JP), Galaga '91 (JP), Alien Syndrome (JP), 32KB Pengo (JP), and Woody Pop [v0] (JP); and 2 SMS games: 32KB Bank Panic (with one byte changed) and Fushigi no Oshiro Pit Pot (with TMR SEGA header added).
NOTE: This multicart has a bug in the ROM: Bank Panic runs in native-GG mode even though it is an SMS game. It is somewhat playable but the colors are all wrong and the edges of the screen are cut off. This seems to be fixable by a one-byte patch, writing 0x4F instead of 0x8F to 0xFFFA. To do this, change the byte at linear ROM address 0xE324 from 0x8F to 0x4F. Unfortunately neither Game Genie nor Pro Action Replay can fix this on real hardware because of silly limitations: Game Genie requires a vblank handler which is missing during the menu and also refuses to attempt patching "memory" in the mapper register address range, and Pro Action Replay does not actually pass through the cartridge's assertion of SMS-GG vs. native-GG mode and instead asserts SMS-GG mode itself unconditionally.
The label contains a game list with both Traditional Chinese and English for each entry, though amusingly the entries do not correspond for items 8 and 10 (the Chinese names match the menu screens for those items but the English entry titles are swapped.)
NOTE: It is entirely possible the Chinese parts are incorrectly transcribed and/or mistranslated.
1. 音速小子 5 (i.e. "sound speed kid 5"/"Sonic 5")
2. 幽遊白書 II (i.e. "Yu Yu Hakusho II")
3. 對戰麻雀(好牌 II) (i.e. "battle mahjong (good cards II)"/"battle mahjong (Hao Pai II)")
4. 灌籃高手 (i.e. "slam dunk master"/"slam dunk")
5. 洛克人 (i.e. "Rockman"/"Mega Man")
6. 鬥球兒彈平 (i.e. "dodge ball boy Dan Ping"/"dodge ball boy Dan Pei", a Chinese name for "Honoo no Toukyuuji: Dodge Danpei")
7. 泡泡龍 (i.e. "bubble dragon"/"Bubble Bobble")
8. 忍者外傳 (i.e. "Ninja Gaiden")
9. 冒險島 (i.e. "Adventure Island")
10. '91 大蜜蜂 (i.e. "'91 big honeybee"/"'91 Galaga"; the re-ordered "大蜜蜂'91" is a Chinese name for "Galaga '91")
11. 異形 (i.e. "alien")
12. 賓果 (i.e. "bingo")
13. 恐怖銀行 (i.e. "bank of terror")
14. 打磚塊 (i.e. "brick breaker", a Chinese name for "Arkanoid")
15. 陷阱遊戲 (i.e. "game of traps", a Chinese name for "Pitfall!")
The menu contents: (the movable "→" cursor is shown in its initial position)
Screen 1:
G.G. 15 IN 1
→01.SONIC 5 [0xFFF8=0x00, 0xFFF9=0xC0, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's
02.YUU YUU [0xFFF8=0x80, 0xFFF9=0xE0, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's part-80-Yu Yu Hakusho II - Gekitou! Nanakyou no Tatakai (JP)
03.HAO PAI 2 [0xFFF8=0xA0, 0xFFF9=0xE0, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's part-a0-Taisen Mahjong Hao-Pai 2 (JP)
04.SLAM DUNK [0xFFF8=0x40, 0xFFF9=0xE0, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's part-40-Slam Dunk - Shouri-e no Starting 5 (From TV animation) (JP)
05.ROCKMAN [0xFFF8=0x60, 0xFFF9=0xE0, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's part-60-Mega Man (US)
06.DAN PEI [0xFFF8=0xD0, 0xFFF9=0xF8, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's part-d0-Honoo no Toukyuuji Dodge Danpei (JP)
07.BUBBLE BOBBLE [0xFFF8=0xC0, 0xFFF9=0xF0, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's part-c0-Bubble Bobble (US)
08.NINJA GAIDEN [0xFFF8=0xE0, 0xFFF9=0xF8, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's part-e0-Ninja Gaiden (JP)
09.WONDER BOY [0xFFF8=0xD8, 0xFFF9=0xF8, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's part-d8-Wonder Boy (JP)
10.GALAGA 91 [0xFFF8=0xE8, 0xFFF9=0xF8, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's part-e8-Galaga '91 (JP)
Screen 2:
G.G. 15 IN 1
→11.ALIEN SYNDROME [0xFFF8=0xF0, 0xFFF9=0xF8, 0xFFFA=0x8F, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's part-f0-Alien Syndrome (JP)
12.PENGO [0xFFF8=0xF8, 0xFFF9=0xFE, 0xFFFA=0x8F, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's part-f8-Pengo (JP)
13.BANK PANIC [0xFFF8=0xFA, 0xFFF9=0xFE, 0xFFFA=0x8F, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's part-fa-bank-panic-32k.sms
14.WOODY POP [0xFFF8=0xFC, 0xFFF9=0xFE, 0xFFFA=0x8F, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's part-fc-Woody Pop [v0] (JP)
15.PIT POT [0xFFF8=0xFE, 0xFFF9=0xFE, 0xFFFA=0x4F, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's part-fe-pit-pot-32k.sms
Mapper register meanings inferred from stock ROM contents and cartridge behavior:
0xFFF8 Base page offset to apply to subsequent writes to 0xFFFE/0xFFFF Initial value seems to be 0x00 0xFFF9 Paging bitmask to apply to subsequent writes to 0xFFFE/0xFFFF (1 means the bit will be from 0xFFF8, 0 means from the paging write) Initial value seems to be 0x00 0xFFFA Mode register. Bit meanings: 0x80: always set for native-GG mode games, cleared otherwise. Set for Bank Panic even though it shouldn't be. 0x40: always set for SMS-GG mode games, cleared otherwise. Should be set for Bank Panic but isn't. 0x0F: meaning unclear. Always set for games with base pages of 0xF0 and above, cleared otherwise; a.k.a. "menu screen 2". Initial value seems to be 0x80 or equivalent; if only 0x40 has an actual hardware effect, initial value could also be 0x00. 0xFFFE Sega-style paging for 0x4000..0x7FFF Initial value seems to be 0x00 0xFFFF Sega-style paging for 0x8000..0xBFFF Initial value seems to be 0x00
While this uses the same register addresses as the proposed mapper #32
from the meanings of each register are incompatibly different, as is the initial mapper state.
At startup the menu code (which is a modification injected into the larger "Sonic 5" G-Sonic / Sonic Blast program) switches slot 2 (0x8000...0xBFFF) to page 0x03 and then jumps into it at address 0xA000. After that it starts the menu, and also writes 0x00 to 0x00BE over and over again while the menu is running. This might be some sort of bug or accident, since the same value is also written to port 0xBE.
When a menu selection is made, a game-specific three byte sequence is written to 0xFFF8, 0xFFF9, and 0xFFFA. After that 0x01 is written to 0xFFFE and the game starts.
Dumping the entire ROM is actually possible using the initial mapper configuration with Sega mapper paging alone.
There are also some remnants of a 30-in-1 menu left inside this ROM, but they are not complete:
0000e360: 8000 e040 8000 c000 8000 2020 2047 2e47 ...@...... G.G
0000e370: 2e20 3135 2049 4e20 3120 2020 2020 2020 . 15 IN 1
0000e380: 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
0000e390: 2050 5553 4820 222e 232e 312e 5354 4152 PUSH ".#.1.STAR
0000e3a0: 5420 20fe 0020 3031 2e53 4f4e 4943 2035 T .. 01.SONIC 5
0000e3b0: 20fe 0120 3032 2e59 5555 2059 5555 20fe .. 02.YUU YUU .
0000e3c0: 0220 3033 2e48 414f 2050 4149 2032 20fe . 03.HAO PAI 2 .
0000e3d0: 0320 3034 2e53 4c41 4d20 4455 4e4b 20fe . 04.SLAM DUNK .
0000e3e0: 0420 3035 2e52 4f43 4b4d 414e 20fe 0520 . 05.ROCKMAN ..
0000e3f0: 3036 2e44 414e 2050 4549 20fe 0620 3037 06.DAN PEI .. 07
0000e400: 2e42 5542 424c 4520 424f 4242 4c45 20fe .BUBBLE BOBBLE .
0000e410: 0720 3038 2e4e 494e 4a41 2047 4149 4445 . 08.NINJA GAIDE
0000e420: 4e20 fe08 2030 392e 574f 4e44 4552 2042 N .. 09.WONDER B
0000e430: 4f59 20fe 0920 3130 2e47 414c 4147 4120 OY .. 10.GALAGA
0000e440: 3931 20ff fe00 2031 312e 414c 4945 4e20 91 ... 11.ALIEN
0000e450: 5359 4e44 524f 4d45 20fe 0120 3132 2e50 SYNDROME .. 12.P
0000e460: 454e 474f 20fe 0220 3133 2e42 414e 4b20 ENGO .. 13.BANK
0000e470: 5041 4e49 4320 fe03 2031 342e 574f 4f44 PANIC .. 14.WOOD
0000e480: 5920 504f 5020 fe04 2031 352e 5049 5420 Y POP .. 15.PIT
0000e490: 504f 5420 fffe 0020 3231 2e48 4145 4420 POT ... 21.HAED
0000e4a0: 4255 5354 4552 fe01 2032 322e 4d41 5050 BUSTER.. 22.MAPP
0000e4b0: 5920 4d41 4efe 0220 3233 2e5a 4f4e 4b49 Y MAN.. 23.ZONKI
0000e4c0: 2041 4c4c 4552 4d41 4e20 fe03 2032 342e ALLERMAN .. 24.
0000e4d0: 4541 5254 4845 5220 5441 494c fe04 2032 EARTHER TAIL.. 2
0000e4e0: 352e 4d41 444f 4b20 4d4f 4e4f 4741 54fe 5.MADOK MONOGAT.
0000e4f0: 0520 3236 2e4d 4f4d 4f54 4554 5552 fe06 . 26.MOMOTETUR..
0000e500: 2032 372e 5348 494e 494e 4720 464f 4f54 27.SHINING FOOT
0000e510: fe07 2032 382e 4a55 4447 4520 4452 4544 .. 28.JUDGE DRED
0000e520: 4ffe 0820 3239 2e54 5255 4520 4d45 4e20 O.. 29.TRUE MEN
0000e530: 4b45 5945 52fe 0920 3330 2e53 4f4d 4152 KEYER.. 30.SOMAR
0000e540: 4b20 4d49 4345 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff K MICE..........
0000e550: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................
0000e560: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................
0000e570: ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................
0000e580: 4447 4520 4452 4544 4ffe 0820 3239 2e54 DGE DREDO.. 29.T
0000e590: 5255 4520 4d45 4e20 4b45 5945 52fe 0920 RUE MEN KEYER..
0000e5a0: 3330 2e53 4f4d 4152 4b20 4d49 4345 ffff 30.SOMARK MICE..
Fingerprint information for a bugfixed version of the ROM: (change the byte at linear ROM address 0xE324 from 0x8F to 0x4F)
4.0M Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl) [HACK+MODEFIX].gg Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:0f7f33b32097e1d6211ac84f7bbbe8caeb2054ef3a868a53a4f651a84af03449 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl) [HACK+MODEFIX].gg sha1:99111834a79964c5d57ba125706efeb4042f6bed Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl) [HACK+MODEFIX].gg md5:d578be4adcbebb9bcb36dd712a334ee7 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl) [HACK+MODEFIX].gg mekacrc:F9DF6BCEEDD956D3 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl) [HACK+MODEFIX].gg crc32:445e468a Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl) [HACK+MODEFIX].gg
ROM fingerprint information:
4.0M Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl).gg Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:bba3a11df9651b2fae100d4229ef402c4b7482f98509bc0d49247fb71c2dfe1f Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl).gg sha1:b8e07fd7fdda494e574ab1f564d9c2ec21364ebb Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl).gg md5:78366f214ec56d44a7c056c22cf07d2a Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl).gg mekacrc:F9DF6ACEEED956D3 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl).gg crc32:ddd38967 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl).gg
1.0M Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/ Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:40de135f223030a48906f04b0b207d666f4a04e12ffcedeca928b731acc8d382 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/ sha1:083e5360025b788334ef3571a27a1ab9fc8eeacb Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/ md5:f078aac28b8cfd7b4de00180e1a6b870 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/ mekacrc:9179FC2695A23667 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/ crc32:1bb05cd6 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/
512K Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-40-Slam Dunk - Shouri-e no Starting 5 (From TV animation) (JP) Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:aa466c1de24009a0c843d588d88a6e6df7d3260bee8b9eb156355aef369cd592 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-40-Slam Dunk - Shouri-e no Starting 5 (From TV animation) (JP) sha1:bee62a373655d0ef931d8b9a4ed88fb0f4d1a8bc Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-40-Slam Dunk - Shouri-e no Starting 5 (From TV animation) (JP) md5:087039a3c04f4a3ae2f09bc258be00d1 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-40-Slam Dunk - Shouri-e no Starting 5 (From TV animation) (JP) mekacrc:B0541293B90BC5CE Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-40-Slam Dunk - Shouri-e no Starting 5 (From TV animation) (JP) crc32:751dad4c Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-40-Slam Dunk - Shouri-e no Starting 5 (From TV animation) (JP)
512K Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-60-Mega Man (US) Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:b313e90469133da5d0d39f683cc098993c3b137458804dd0aafb173eb39cd98a Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-60-Mega Man (US) sha1:085517c4ac940b937d0e0a900e4735a2247ca4dd Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-60-Mega Man (US) md5:8583950be61ffbaf0f63dde8dded2ab3 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-60-Mega Man (US) mekacrc:F0B8660AB1883B74 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-60-Mega Man (US) crc32:1ace93af Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-60-Mega Man (US)
512K Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-80-Yu Yu Hakusho II - Gekitou! Nanakyou no Tatakai (JP) Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:94ebf64dda4ecba8245b8db3c902166f4b9af4d5750d1937c4eec0dcf4571da8 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-80-Yu Yu Hakusho II - Gekitou! Nanakyou no Tatakai (JP) sha1:140efe67e886f52aeda2089a73599f7680c89f24 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-80-Yu Yu Hakusho II - Gekitou! Nanakyou no Tatakai (JP) md5:3ccef570d91851265472c90d523971b4 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-80-Yu Yu Hakusho II - Gekitou! Nanakyou no Tatakai (JP) mekacrc:33DF404CAF5A0B4E Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-80-Yu Yu Hakusho II - Gekitou! Nanakyou no Tatakai (JP) crc32:46ae9159 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-80-Yu Yu Hakusho II - Gekitou! Nanakyou no Tatakai (JP)
512K Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-a0-Taisen Mahjong Hao-Pai 2 (JP) Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:edde70d26d58946d7fa27625bb82ad9873672f51e57ec8602aa5ec948fbe75ed Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-a0-Taisen Mahjong Hao-Pai 2 (JP) sha1:8dfd49a2e740a232efc52ceefc85f51cf292d75e Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-a0-Taisen Mahjong Hao-Pai 2 (JP) md5:a85490306f09c850ddef0129deaaf9f7 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-a0-Taisen Mahjong Hao-Pai 2 (JP) mekacrc:128F9497F4469169 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-a0-Taisen Mahjong Hao-Pai 2 (JP) crc32:20527530 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-a0-Taisen Mahjong Hao-Pai 2 (JP)
256K Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-c0-Bubble Bobble (US) Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:faebc43b4219c14f34cbbd585f567e4b0e506fb43f2632117c2657e31741c77f Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-c0-Bubble Bobble (US) sha1:c2c99d798bd0d4960021743a55e74644ad9020c6 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-c0-Bubble Bobble (US) md5:4f08cab3e252c2e3979ef33e9e59f294 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-c0-Bubble Bobble (US) mekacrc:D558C670ED32D2AC Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-c0-Bubble Bobble (US) crc32:fba338c5 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-c0-Bubble Bobble (US)
128K Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-d0-Honoo no Toukyuuji Dodge Danpei (JP) Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:ac7b81ec5cdc7dd6ed1cfd8f1690fdd9461493827535f3744ddc1c95e834ba30 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-d0-Honoo no Toukyuuji Dodge Danpei (JP) sha1:66032cc214d728b2f1c59ad2934277e378b36865 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-d0-Honoo no Toukyuuji Dodge Danpei (JP) md5:a299b81a9a5455bfff538f669a5e7a0d Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-d0-Honoo no Toukyuuji Dodge Danpei (JP) mekacrc:357F4A30EE2C9A1E Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-d0-Honoo no Toukyuuji Dodge Danpei (JP) crc32:dfa805a0 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-d0-Honoo no Toukyuuji Dodge Danpei (JP)
128K Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-d8-Wonder Boy (JP) Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:05a5eff08665cc42a7c51ecbae06c9c96afa07ca297a3fbe40606d33b0d57915 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-d8-Wonder Boy (JP) sha1:7ff0f0757c7b2e84d99a4291656d74a20ec2651d Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-d8-Wonder Boy (JP) md5:917c3e4f4c50d6506e64e2f05b945d9c Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-d8-Wonder Boy (JP) mekacrc:9FF4810003787DF4 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-d8-Wonder Boy (JP) crc32:9977fcb3 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-d8-Wonder Boy (JP)
128K Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-e0-Ninja Gaiden (JP) Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:0f25d7e629ef1314bb323850cf12c03da88b85fe6d7f821306f536ac27ec518e Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-e0-Ninja Gaiden (JP) sha1:acedddaa928a96085544440c2bec2685a6cdf501 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-e0-Ninja Gaiden (JP) md5:51458678cbdc2405483b202786512afe Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-e0-Ninja Gaiden (JP) mekacrc:491A5BE482A63303 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-e0-Ninja Gaiden (JP) crc32:20ef017a Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-e0-Ninja Gaiden (JP)
128K Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-e8-Galaga '91 (JP) Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:10f4299c770ecac4380574e4a6540b5fbb1a85937cef465bc853932d4bb9cc28 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-e8-Galaga '91 (JP) sha1:7cd59fc473b9b1a1fdd659fdec2ae6cb1d3f471a Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-e8-Galaga '91 (JP) md5:c50bc608d2f6708e255e98c324e93a13 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-e8-Galaga '91 (JP) mekacrc:905D6D377D1F9D36 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-e8-Galaga '91 (JP) crc32:0593ba24 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-e8-Galaga '91 (JP)
128K Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-f0-Alien Syndrome (JP) Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:2ccac0ba78ce294a28c041e1e2ce1555093160150df0bb5ba8b2c411601e8491 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-f0-Alien Syndrome (JP) sha1:b72e54493bfa7f13883a608bcf8c9f315dd490ca Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-f0-Alien Syndrome (JP) md5:df495096e2d7ff9e2c13945e2a2bacba Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-f0-Alien Syndrome (JP) mekacrc:8E692D2511E6F5CB Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-f0-Alien Syndrome (JP) crc32:ffe4ed47 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-f0-Alien Syndrome (JP)
32K Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-f8-Pengo (JP) Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:f61b84219ecb4264942835a28c863266488c22b62e61730851a2bb13055db601 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-f8-Pengo (JP) sha1:5883e2d19ab7126d52abc177a97d44bc88c319de Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-f8-Pengo (JP) md5:95cea3a33a3f5915942904b4817b2010 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-f8-Pengo (JP) mekacrc:593C7A3470EED58A Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-f8-Pengo (JP) crc32:ce863dba Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-f8-Pengo (JP)
32K Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fa-bank-panic-32k.sms Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:1cbb449b665c4766ef5faa1983995c066e91621dc7dd68955de7b800b0590d00 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fa-bank-panic-32k.sms sha1:70e07afaa6633938124add8cdb476f1bc69f2de0 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fa-bank-panic-32k.sms md5:97b2bd168b9b41b7a693c199cab9d3ca Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fa-bank-panic-32k.sms mekacrc:D7A23BCA59CD77E5 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fa-bank-panic-32k.sms crc32:11d816cb Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fa-bank-panic-32k.sms
32K Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fc-Woody Pop [v0] (JP) Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:b6b639dcfa1492b5616b83ae4ac8b76ded84c449161291964a2fc3db0f3fb1a2 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fc-Woody Pop [v0] (JP) sha1:9e7defda6873b7bca5650fad4426a6fb443522d8 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fc-Woody Pop [v0] (JP) md5:c017baf7fa0de71219dfab91caa59f8f Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fc-Woody Pop [v0] (JP) mekacrc:902D4CDEE014FD28 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fc-Woody Pop [v0] (JP) crc32:9c0e5a04 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fc-Woody Pop [v0] (JP)
32K Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fe-pit-pot-32k.sms Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:d67feebb7757b0225f9d17e14ebd6d0c3c17232461d8c7311a26f7ef22911ce0 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fe-pit-pot-32k.sms sha1:c37c2d9406c810e6c68292b4233a0f279f90245f Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fe-pit-pot-32k.sms md5:6457f5cb00e710971820d9bd5295bb60 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fe-pit-pot-32k.sms mekacrc:B3369B6CB5B48D1A Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fe-pit-pot-32k.sms crc32:b1de1c73 Super GG 15 in 1 [Sonic 5] (Unl)/part-fe-pit-pot-32k.sms
Another multicart was found using the same mapper:
I call it "GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)" but the actual names are different
GG SUPER 68 in 1
Menu heading:
G.G. 68 IN 1
The first entry on the first menu screen is "01.ASTERIX"
I got this as a used loose cartridge
This is a 2MB ROM containing a menu and 20 distinct games: eight Game Gear games (two 512KB, two 256KB, and four 32KB) and twelve 32KB SMS games. Some of the SMS games have been modified compared to official releases to avoid accidental multicart mapper register writes. Games: GG: Woody Pop, Pengo, Columns [v0] (JP), Sega Game Pack 4 In 1 (EU), The Jungle Book (Walt Disney's Classic) (EU, FR, DE), Sonic The Hedgehog Triple Trouble (US, EU, BR), Astérix & The Great Rescue (US, BR); SMS: Super Tennis, Teddy Boy Blues, Pit Pot, Great Baseball [JP] (JP), Hang On, Great Soccer (JP), Spy vs Spy (JP, KR), Seishyun Scandal, Machine Gun Joe, Satellite 7, Ghost House, Astro Flash
The entire ROM can be dumped from the power-up state using the regular Sega paging registers
The mapper is the same one described in
Quite a few of the menu entries are duplicates, and frequently have nothing to do with the game actually launched. This lack of correspondence has been confirmed against the original cartridge running in original Game Gear hardware
The ROM also contains remnants of multiple previous menu systems, but none of them appear to correspond to the games actually present
On startup it writes:
Shortly after that it writes:
[0xFFF9=0x00, 0xFFF8=0x00, 0xFFFA=0x20, 0xFFFE=0x01]
And then:
[0xFFF9=0x00, 0xFFF8=0x00, 0xFFFA=0x00, 0xFFFE=0x01]
Menu contents: (the arrow "→" is a movable cursor and shown in its initial position)
Screen 1:
G.G. 68 IN 1
→01.ASTERIX [0xFFF9=0xe0, 0xFFF8=0x60, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-60-Astérix and the Great Rescue (US,BR)
02.SONIC TRIPLE [0xFFF9=0xe0, 0xFFF8=0x40, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-40-Sonic The Hedgehog Triple Trouble (US,EU,BR)
03.JUNGLE BOOK [0xFFF9=0xf0, 0xFFF8=0x30, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-30-Jungle Book, The (Walt Disney's Classic) (EU,FR,DE)
04.SEGA GAME PACK [0xFFF9=0xf0, 0xFFF8=0x20, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-20-Sega Game Pack 4 in 1 (EU)
05.COLUMNS [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x06, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-06-Columns [v0] (JP)
06.PENGO [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x04, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG]
07.WOODY POP [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x02, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG]
08.SUPER TENNIS [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x08, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-08-super-tennis-32k.sms
09.PIT POT [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x0c, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-0c-pit-pot-32k.sms
10.TEDDYBOY-BLUES [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x0a, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-0a-teddyboy-blues-32k.sms
11.GREAT BASEBALL [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x0e, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-0e-Great Baseball [JP] (JP)-32k.sms
12.HANG ON [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x10, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-10-hang-on-32k.sms
Screen 2:
G.G. 68 IN 1
→13.GREAT SOCCER [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x12, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-12-Great Soccer (JP)-32k.sms
14.SPY VS SPY [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x14, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-14-Spy vs Spy (JP,KR)-32k.sms
15.ACTION BOY [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x16, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-16-seishyun-scandal-32k.sms
16.MACHINE GUN [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x18, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-18-machine-gun-joe-32k.sms
17.ASTRO FLASH [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x1e, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-1e-astro-flash-32k.sms
18.SATELLITE-7 [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x1a, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-1a-satellite-7-32k.sms
19.GHOST HOUSE [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x1c, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-1c-ghost-house-32k.sms
20.ANGLES OLD MAN [0xFFF9=0xe0, 0xFFF8=0x60, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-60-Astérix and the Great Rescue (US,BR)
21.SONIC TROUBLE [0xFFF9=0xe0, 0xFFF8=0x40, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-40-Sonic The Hedgehog Triple Trouble (US,EU,BR)
22.JUNGLE BOY [0xFFF9=0xf0, 0xFFF8=0x30, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-30-Jungle Book, The (Walt Disney's Classic) (EU,FR,DE)
23.MULTGAME 4IN1 [0xFFF9=0xf0, 0xFFF8=0x20, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-20-Sega Game Pack 4 in 1 (EU)
24.KLAX [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x06, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-06-Columns [v0] (JP)
Screen 3:
G.G. 68 IN 1
→25.PENGO LAND [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x04, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG]
26.MAGIC BOY [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x02, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG]
27.GREAT TENNIS [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x08, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-08-super-tennis-32k.sms
28.COW BOY [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x0c, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-0c-pit-pot-32k.sms
29.GAME BOY [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x0a, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-0a-teddyboy-blues-32k.sms
30.SUPER BASEBALL [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x0e, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-0e-Great Baseball [JP] (JP)-32k.sms
31.SPEED RACE [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x10, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-10-hang-on-32k.sms
32.SUPER SOCCER [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x12, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-12-Great Soccer (JP)-32k.sms
33.BLACK VS WHITE [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x14, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-14-Spy vs Spy (JP,KR)-32k.sms
34.MY HERO [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x16, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-16-seishyun-scandal-32k.sms
35.DICE GAME [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x18, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-18-machine-gun-joe-32k.sms
36.STAR TREK [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x1e, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-1e-astro-flash-32k.sms
Screen 4:
G.G. 68 IN 1
→37.XEVIOUS [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x1a, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-1a-satellite-7-32k.sms
38.CASTLE VANIA [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x1c, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-1c-ghost-house-32k.sms
39.FLASH MAN [0xFFF9=0xe0, 0xFFF8=0x60, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-60-Astérix and the Great Rescue (US,BR)
40.SONIC 4 [0xFFF9=0xe0, 0xFFF8=0x40, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-40-Sonic The Hedgehog Triple Trouble (US,EU,BR)
41.PETER PAN [0xFFF9=0xf0, 0xFFF8=0x30, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-30-Jungle Book, The (Walt Disney's Classic) (EU,FR,DE)
42.GAME COLECTION [0xFFF9=0xf0, 0xFFF8=0x20, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-20-Sega Game Pack 4 in 1 (EU)
43.ARKANOLD [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x06, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-06-Columns [v0] (JP)
44.PENGUINLAND [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x04, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG]
45.MAGIC DICE [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x02, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG]
46.WORLD TENNIS [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x08, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-08-super-tennis-32k.sms
47.YOUNG BOY [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x0c, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-0c-pit-pot-32k.sms
48.DR.HELLO [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x0a, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-0a-teddyboy-blues-32k.sms
Screen 5:
G.G. 68 IN 1
→49.PRO BASEBALL [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x0e, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-0e-Great Baseball [JP] (JP)-32k.sms
50.ZIPPY RACE [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x10, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-10-hang-on-32k.sms
51.PRO SOCCER [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x12, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-12-Great Soccer (JP)-32k.sms
52.ONE BY ONE [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x14, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-14-Spy vs Spy (JP,KR)-32k.sms
53.STREET FIGHT [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x16, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-16-seishyun-scandal-32k.sms
54.FAST GUNNER [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x18, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-18-machine-gun-joe-32k.sms
55.SPACE WARS [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x1e, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-1e-astro-flash-32k.sms
56.RED SATION [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x1a, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-1a-satellite-7-32k.sms
57.HAPPY GHOST [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x1c, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-1c-ghost-house-32k.sms
58.CRAZY MAN [0xFFF9=0xe0, 0xFFF8=0x60, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-60-Astérix and the Great Rescue (US,BR)
59.SUPER SONIC [0xFFF9=0xe0, 0xFFF8=0x40, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-40-Sonic The Hedgehog Triple Trouble (US,EU,BR)
60.BOMB JACK [0xFFF9=0xf0, 0xFFF8=0x30, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-30-Jungle Book, The (Walt Disney's Classic) (EU,FR,DE)
Screen 6:
G.G. 68 IN 1
→61.SPORT GAME [0xFFF9=0xf0, 0xFFF8=0x20, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-20-Sega Game Pack 4 in 1 (EU)
62.TETRIS [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x06, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG] part-06-Columns [v0] (JP)
63.SUPER PENGO [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x04, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG]
64.ALLEY WAY [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x02, 0xFFFA=0x80, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [GG]
65.PRO TENNIS [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x08, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-08-super-tennis-32k.sms
66.CRAZY BOY [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x0c, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-0c-pit-pot-32k.sms
67.HAPPY GUNMAN [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x0a, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-0a-teddyboy-blues-32k.sms
68.WORLD BASEBALL [0xFFF9=0xfe, 0xFFF8=0x0e, 0xFFFA=0xc0, 0xFFFE=0x01]; it's [SMS-GG] part-0e-Great Baseball [JP] (JP)-32k.sms
ROM fingerprint info:
2.0M GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl).gg Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:265566946024336f0775d8990338f90d43068ebde01a5c9faad40c24bb0c7381 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl).gg sha1:9a0438986ad52012a328ee02018a3c01aac7889c GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl).gg md5:6bb52da5c703ffaeafde9e82597db661 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl).gg mekacrc:BDD37F17A8923967 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl).gg crc32:53917ff2 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl).gg
32K GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/ Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:b85e934754db0b15f7d6ea38bf87579e9b7ee94ea5582c25fc52e9e289b016d3 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/ sha1:3878488d07a38ba5caa5944849528cb7eee0d884 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/ md5:c415a64de7284ad95d048307e45c014b GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/ mekacrc:94D65AE0C1B9E4FE GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/ crc32:f86f0165 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/
32K GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/ Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:cf22231c68b26a1e42d482b474d25023e72c1345f173f675fa0cae2364e5f9d6 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/ sha1:3ed18e1ad8ef7ef629549c730c883d95885a343e GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/ md5:31a9fd292903d731a6f74364ab4e11fa GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/ mekacrc:83304DDFE016002B GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/ crc32:c2e287d1 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/
32K GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/ Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:f908b5a151141ca7d871a67d2566aec6bd84eede2def2e1086aaa5a678e72dfd GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/ sha1:a11c382a036ff295a2034cb405d12b91087ac258 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/ md5:35896d40c71a9b7669db87f1a891b400 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/ mekacrc:66437B3670F4DC66 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/ crc32:44b8267f GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/
32K GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-06-Columns [v0] (JP) Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:d57014795c01ad9f051ee7b470a9993f7b0e3a2772f128bb79afa66bcfc1879e GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-06-Columns [v0] (JP) sha1:8b39ba23132af102b8dc313c5c1c211f4a4f27e1 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-06-Columns [v0] (JP) md5:680682aaa9b7eae0642e4b9c4ef80f59 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-06-Columns [v0] (JP) mekacrc:10E74B085532032C GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-06-Columns [v0] (JP) crc32:f3ca6676 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-06-Columns [v0] (JP)
32K GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-08-super-tennis-32k.sms Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:9db9efde23022d695d1a2563cd05fe9053fb04d99fc15860bc9a530972bbd3da GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-08-super-tennis-32k.sms sha1:292eefabe4eb9cac534891a8270efab77a6e252a GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-08-super-tennis-32k.sms md5:704344e5ecd7a30f45ce6f371f03eb34 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-08-super-tennis-32k.sms mekacrc:F79AF9C358560EF7 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-08-super-tennis-32k.sms crc32:9209c282 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-08-super-tennis-32k.sms
32K GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-0a-teddyboy-blues-32k.sms Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:e1f6c44d8b5de59181f9a84b3b6d46f346638f05930c0b1b46fe53a9e1cc8ba1 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-0a-teddyboy-blues-32k.sms sha1:8772fd4607a571699c0fa00c7ec82dc1fe7fed80 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-0a-teddyboy-blues-32k.sms md5:a159e3339bbfd5abd7c8bd5c9eef300b GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-0a-teddyboy-blues-32k.sms mekacrc:B9E7D843FF8FF7C0 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-0a-teddyboy-blues-32k.sms crc32:4454baed GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-0a-teddyboy-blues-32k.sms
32K GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-0c-pit-pot-32k.sms Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:915cf4c1da6224829c2532d6051af53eed2dbeb2b0c1a0b3f5bde1c8389d8ee1 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-0c-pit-pot-32k.sms sha1:e5996f3d6e5d81983fa4dac9d1faec0e84b1e637 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-0c-pit-pot-32k.sms md5:c5ac18ca8ec054e2ddf4497e3f61850f GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-0c-pit-pot-32k.sms mekacrc:C033856CB3B49223 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-0c-pit-pot-32k.sms crc32:b81f0460 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-0c-pit-pot-32k.sms
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512K GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-40-Sonic The Hedgehog Triple Trouble (US,EU,BR) Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:3e7d3da957f1012cbba02881c8090dceaab8d8abd2ee8bea87b57f8b902ad299 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-40-Sonic The Hedgehog Triple Trouble (US,EU,BR) sha1:4965af7ffe60382ffa805710b7c8006419cc4ac4 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-40-Sonic The Hedgehog Triple Trouble (US,EU,BR) md5:f0f7e4dfe2908f0030e64fd9ed843422 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-40-Sonic The Hedgehog Triple Trouble (US,EU,BR) mekacrc:0F635FF9B1886A93 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-40-Sonic The Hedgehog Triple Trouble (US,EU,BR) crc32:d23a2a93 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-40-Sonic The Hedgehog Triple Trouble (US,EU,BR)
512K GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-60-Astérix and the Great Rescue (US,BR) Checking for export header with matching CRC... NO sha256:91b4ea618bd8fa758cbd2a2d5b0f47d571756220771f46f6b3b10eace8ab8adb GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-60-Astérix and the Great Rescue (US,BR) sha1:821a0f9087001831fb9828fe2ef193877f960db6 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-60-Astérix and the Great Rescue (US,BR) md5:21d000eba49fa3528eac46a2f9adc3a7 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-60-Astérix and the Great Rescue (US,BR) mekacrc:A662E4EF17F3CC4F GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-60-Astérix and the Great Rescue (US,BR) crc32:78208b40 GG Super 68 in 1 [Asterix] (Unl)/part-60-Astérix and the Great Rescue (US,BR)