@xstefank I see I was not thinking this way so far. In fact until now I thought that the Quarkus extension will be coupling the coordinator and the client. I...
I added the QE contact and added a paragraph that we need a way how to list unfinished LRA records.
@jmesnil submitting this as an issue that I would like to work on but just after the WFLY18/CD18 release.
In connection to
To me this suggestion sounds reasonable.
This feature should fix
@jmesnil I'm trying to reproduce what you observe. I didn't follow your exact setup as I use the codeready and `master` branch of the operator. But still I was not...
@jmesnil after some struggle I reproduced the issue and the trouble is that the operator runs on a different network from where the pods run. The operator needs to connect...
@jmesnil because the WFLY17 S2I does not define the `recovery-listener`. When the listener is not defined then no recovery is launched. The transactions are left unfinished and scale down proceed....
I do agree and I plan to work on the issue JBEAP-17611 soon ;-)