oceanbase copied to clipboard
value changed after restrict where conditio
Describe the bug When I use a more restrictive condition, the query results should be a subset of the previous one, but now there are values outside the set. Environment
ubuntu:~/Desktop$ uname -a
Linux ubuntu 5.15.0-91-generic #101~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Nov 16 14:22:28 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
obclient [d1]> select version();
| version() |
| 5.7.25-OceanBase_CE-v4.2.1.0 |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)
Fast Reproduce Steps(Required)
create table table_3_utf8_undef (
`pk` int primary key,
`col_bigint_undef_signed` bigint ,
`col_bigint_undef_unsigned` bigint unsigned ,
`col_bigint_key_signed` bigint ,
`col_bigint_key_unsigned` bigint unsigned ,
`col_float_undef_signed` float ,
`col_float_undef_unsigned` float unsigned ,
`col_float_key_signed` float ,
`col_float_key_unsigned` float unsigned ,
`col_double_undef_signed` double ,
`col_double_undef_unsigned` double unsigned ,
`col_double_key_signed` double ,
`col_double_key_unsigned` double unsigned ,
`col_decimal(40, 20)_undef_signed` decimal(40, 20) ,
`col_decimal(40, 20)_undef_unsigned` decimal(40, 20) unsigned ,
`col_decimal(40, 20)_key_signed` decimal(40, 20) ,
`col_decimal(40, 20)_key_unsigned` decimal(40, 20) unsigned ,
`col_char(20)_undef_signed` char(20) ,
`col_char(20)_key_signed` char(20) ,
`col_varchar(20)_undef_signed` varchar(20) ,
`col_varchar(20)_key_signed` varchar(20) ,
key (`col_bigint_key_signed`),
key (`col_bigint_key_unsigned`),
key (`col_float_key_signed`),
key (`col_float_key_unsigned`),
key (`col_double_key_signed`),
key (`col_double_key_unsigned`),
key (`col_decimal(40, 20)_key_signed`),
key (`col_decimal(40, 20)_key_unsigned`),
key (`col_char(20)_key_signed`),
key (`col_varchar(20)_key_signed`)
) character set utf8 ;
insert into table_3_utf8_undef values (0,82.1847,1,39.0425,38.1089,-1,1,94.1106,1.009,12.991,19755,-13064,0,1,79.1429,-2,1,"well",'3
','-0','e'),(1,1,20.0078,-9.183,68.1957,1,2,1,0.0001,12.991,2,71.0510,1,-1,2,12.991,12.991,'3 ','1','3 ','-0'),(2,-2,1,-21247,1.009,2,1.009,0.0001,36.0002,-2,2,-0,0.0001,-2,0.1598,47.1515,1.009,'3 ','w','-1','e');
create table table_7_utf8_undef (
`pk` int primary key,
`col_bigint_undef_signed` bigint ,
`col_bigint_undef_unsigned` bigint unsigned ,
`col_bigint_key_signed` bigint ,
`col_bigint_key_unsigned` bigint unsigned ,
`col_float_undef_signed` float ,
`col_float_undef_unsigned` float unsigned ,
`col_float_key_signed` float ,
`col_float_key_unsigned` float unsigned ,
`col_double_undef_signed` double ,
`col_double_undef_unsigned` double unsigned ,
`col_double_key_signed` double ,
`col_double_key_unsigned` double unsigned ,
`col_decimal(40, 20)_undef_signed` decimal(40, 20) ,
`col_decimal(40, 20)_undef_unsigned` decimal(40, 20) unsigned ,
`col_decimal(40, 20)_key_signed` decimal(40, 20) ,
`col_decimal(40, 20)_key_unsigned` decimal(40, 20) unsigned ,
`col_char(20)_undef_signed` char(20) ,
`col_char(20)_key_signed` char(20) ,
`col_varchar(20)_undef_signed` varchar(20) ,
`col_varchar(20)_key_signed` varchar(20) ,
key (`col_bigint_key_signed`),
key (`col_bigint_key_unsigned`),
key (`col_float_key_signed`),
key (`col_float_key_unsigned`),
key (`col_double_key_signed`),
key (`col_double_key_unsigned`),
key (`col_decimal(40, 20)_key_signed`),
key (`col_decimal(40, 20)_key_unsigned`),
key (`col_char(20)_key_signed`),
key (`col_varchar(20)_key_signed`)
) character set utf8 ;
insert into table_7_utf8_undef values (0,-9.183,1,1.1384,2,15.1271,12.991,-2,0.0001,36.1270,79.1819,0.0001,0.0001,3.1387,52.0818,-0,0.0001,'1','3 ','0','0'),(1,79,12.991,107,2,-0.0001,0,1.009,1.009,34,1,-1,69.0208,1,2,120,12.991,'3 ','-1',"if",'b'),(2,-2,1,-9.183,1,12.991,0.0001,53,12.991,1.009,12.991,12.991,0.0001,-0.0001,12.991,0.0001,2,'3
','p','0','3 '),(3,-0.0001,12.991,1.009,1.009,-9.183,2,0,1,-2,1,2,1,2,1.009,2,12.991,'3
','0','k','0'),(4,1.009,0.0001,-1,12.991,2,47,2,0,12.991,12.991,1.009,0,1.009,1.009,-0.0001,6949,'-1',' 3','1','m'),(5,-0,1,0,0,0.0001,28.1237,12.991,0,12.991,12.991,-0,12.991,2,2,2,1.009,'0',' 3','0',' 3'),(6,45.0855,1,38.1166,1,1.009,80.0284,2,122,0.0001,0,-1,11130,0,1,1,0,"know",'-0','
WITH `MYWITH` AS ((SELECT (~`f4`) AS `f1`,(DATE_ADD(`f4`, INTERVAL 1 WEEK)) AS `f2`,(`f5`) AS `f3` FROM (SELECT `col_double_key_signed` AS `f4`,`col_bigint_undef_signed` AS `f5`,`col_char(20)_key_signed` AS `f6` FROM `table_3_utf8_undef` USE INDEX (`col_decimal(40, 20)_key_unsigned`, `col_double_key_unsigned`)) AS `t1`
WHERE ((BINARY `f6`*BINARY SUBSTRING(`f6`, 9)<<`f6`) OR (ROW(DAYOFMONTH(_UTF8MB4'2009-04-27'),DATE_SUB(LEFT(`f5`, 5), INTERVAL 1 DAY_MICROSECOND)) NOT IN (SELECT `col_decimal(40, 20)_key_unsigned`,`col_char(20)_undef_signed` FROM `table_3_utf8_undef` USE INDEX (`col_bigint_key_signed`))) OR ((`f6`)=(`f4`))) IS FALSE
HAVING (NOT ((BINARY 4295699608480015836-`f2`)<=(CHARSET(`f3`)%`f1`))) OR (NOT (CAST((`f2`) AS CHAR) NOT LIKE _UTF8MB4'%0%')) AND (CAST((`f2`) AS CHAR) NOT LIKE _UTF8MB4'%0%'))
UNION ALL (SELECT (CHARSET(1)) AS `f1`,(LOG10(0.9669438884457238)) AS `f2`,(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(_UTF8MB4'2009-08-27 08:40:08')) AS `f3` FROM (SELECT `col_bigint_key_signed` AS `f7`,`col_float_undef_unsigned` AS `f10`,`col_varchar(20)_undef_signed` AS `f9` FROM `table_7_utf8_undef`) AS `t2` JOIN (SELECT `col_double_undef_unsigned` AS `f11`,`col_decimal(40, 20)_undef_unsigned` AS `f8`,`col_char(20)_key_signed` AS `f12` FROM `table_3_utf8_undef` USE INDEX (`col_decimal(40, 20)_key_unsigned`)) AS `t3`)) SELECT * FROM `MYWITH`;
WITH `MYWITH` AS ((SELECT (~`f4`) AS `f1`,(DATE_ADD(`f4`, INTERVAL 1 WEEK)) AS `f2`,(`f5`) AS `f3` FROM (SELECT `col_double_key_signed` AS `f4`,`col_bigint_undef_signed` AS `f5`,`col_char(20)_key_signed` AS `f6` FROM `table_3_utf8_undef` USE INDEX (`col_decimal(40, 20)_key_unsigned`, `col_double_key_unsigned`)) AS `t1`
HAVING (NOT ((BINARY 4295699608480015836-`f2`)<=(CHARSET(`f3`)%`f1`))) OR (NOT (CAST((`f2`) AS CHAR) NOT LIKE _UTF8MB4'%0%')) AND (CAST((`f2`) AS CHAR) NOT LIKE _UTF8MB4'%0%'))
UNION ALL (SELECT (CHARSET(1)) AS `f1`,(LOG10(0.9669438884457238)) AS `f2`,(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(_UTF8MB4'2009-08-27 08:40:08')) AS `f3` FROM (SELECT `col_bigint_key_signed` AS `f7`,`col_float_undef_unsigned` AS `f10`,`col_varchar(20)_undef_signed` AS `f9` FROM `table_7_utf8_undef`) AS `t2` JOIN (SELECT `col_double_undef_unsigned` AS `f11`,`col_decimal(40, 20)_undef_unsigned` AS `f8`,`col_char(20)_key_signed` AS `f12` FROM `table_3_utf8_undef` USE INDEX (`col_decimal(40, 20)_key_unsigned`)) AS `t3`)) SELECT * FROM `MYWITH`;
Expected behavior In theory, the result of sql2 ⊆ the result of sql1. Because the condition "where 0 " in sql2 is always false, but the condition in sql1 may not be false. Actual Behavior However, the value 7532969986 changed to 1251333608 after changing the condition, seems like a logical bug:
| f1 | f2 | f3 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 7532969986 |
21 rows in set, 2 warnings (0.019 sec)
| f1 | f2 | f3 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
| binary | -0.014598727204942215 | 1251333608 |
21 rows in set (0.003 sec)
@akaError please take a look
Could you please confirm whether the simplification process we applied has been helpful for developers in diagnosing and addressing this issue?
(SELECT (`f5`) AS `f3` FROM (SELECT `col_double_key_signed` AS `f4`,`col_bigint_undef_signed` AS `f5` FROM `table_3_utf8_undef` ) AS `t1`
WHERE ( ((`f4`))) IS FALSE )
UNION ALL (SELECT (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(_UTF8MB4'2009-08-27 08:40:08')) AS `f3` FROM `table_7_utf8_undef` );
| f3 |
| -2 |
| 7532969986 |
| 7532969986 |
| 7532969986 |
| 7532969986 |
| 7532969986 |
| 7532969986 |
| 7532969986 |
8 rows in set (0.001 sec)
(SELECT (`f5`) AS `f3` FROM (SELECT `col_double_key_signed` AS `f4`,`col_bigint_undef_signed` AS `f5` FROM `table_3_utf8_undef` ) AS `t1`
UNION ALL (SELECT (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(_UTF8MB4'2009-08-27 08:40:08')) AS `f3` FROM `table_7_utf8_undef` );
| f3 |
| 1251333608 |
| 1251333608 |
| 1251333608 |
| 1251333608 |
| 1251333608 |
| 1251333608 |
| 1251333608 |
7 rows in set (0.000 sec)
Actually, positive zero and negative zero have distinct differences. Here is a MySQL bug report for reference: https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=9037. It mainly discusses how negative zero is not considered a bug. In the context of floating-point numbers, -0 represents a very small negative number, such as -0.00000000000000000000001.
For OceanBase, the issue primarily lies in the incorrect handling of data types. Currently all float type is converted to double when calculated, here is a simplified case help to understand. Take a took about the 'cast' logic.
drop table t1;
create table t1(`col_float_undef_signed` float);
insert into t1 values (-1),(1),(2);
select distinct (0*col_float_undef_signed) from t1;
| (0*col_float_undef_signed) |
| -0 |
| 0 |
| 0 |
3 rows in set (0.002 sec)
| (0*col_float_undef_signed) |
| -0 |
1 row in set (0.002 sec)
OceanBase(admin@test)>explain select distinct (0*col_float_undef_signed) from t1;
| Query Plan |
| ================================================= |
| ------------------------------------------------- |
| |0 |HASH DISTINCT | |3 |5 | |
| |1 |└─TABLE FULL SCAN|t1 |3 |4 | |
| ================================================= |
| Outputs & filters: |
| ------------------------------------- |
| 0 - output([cast(0, DOUBLE(-1, -1)) * cast(t1.col_float_undef_signed, DOUBLE(-1, -1))]), filter(nil), rowset=16 |
| distinct([cast(0, DOUBLE(-1, -1)) * cast(t1.col_float_undef_signed, DOUBLE(-1, -1))]) |
| 1 - output([t1.col_float_undef_signed]), filter(nil), rowset=16 |
| access([t1.col_float_undef_signed]), partitions(p0) |
| is_index_back=false, is_global_index=false, |
| range_key([t1.__pk_increment]), range(MIN ; MAX)always true |
14 rows in set (0.004 sec)
OceanBase(admin@test)>select hex(binary(0*col_float_undef_signed)) from t1;
| hex(binary(0*col_float_undef_signed)) |
| 2D30 |
| 30 |
| 30 |
3 rows in set (0.002 sec)
OceanBase(admin@test)>explain select distinct (binary(0*col_float_undef_signed)) from t1;
| Query Plan |
| ================================================= |
| ------------------------------------------------- |
| |0 |HASH DISTINCT | |3 |5 | |
| |1 |└─TABLE FULL SCAN|t1 |3 |4 | |
| ================================================= |
| Outputs & filters: |
| ------------------------------------- |
| 0 - output([cast(cast(0, DOUBLE(-1, -1)) * cast(t1.col_float_undef_signed, DOUBLE(-1, -1)), VARCHAR(1048576))]), filter(nil), rowset=16 |
| distinct([cast(cast(0, DOUBLE(-1, -1)) * cast(t1.col_float_undef_signed, DOUBLE(-1, -1)), VARCHAR(1048576))]) |
| 1 - output([t1.col_float_undef_signed]), filter(nil), rowset=16 |
| access([t1.col_float_undef_signed]), partitions(p0) |
| is_index_back=false, is_global_index=false, |
| range_key([t1.__pk_increment]), range(MIN ; MAX)always true |
14 rows in set (0.003 sec)
OceanBase(admin@test)>select distinct (binary(0*col_float_undef_signed)) from t1;
| (binary(0*col_float_undef_signed)) |
| -0 |
| 0 |
2 rows in set (0.002 sec)
@akuluasan @ammmkilo by the way, could I know which tools is used to detect this bug? we may collaborate to test for OceanBase.