vim-ocaml copied to clipboard
lag in vim on saving .ml file
hi, recently i have noticed laggy behavior when editing a small to medium sized dune project in vim. i tried to debug it by using :profile start profile.log
, profile func *
. i then performed :w
then i broke the last line in this function:
let add_products config =
let open Config in
| Empty -> ()
| Single m' -> add config m'
| Pair (m',m'') -> (* inserted line break *)
add config m'; add config m''
when i then :w
again, i get a lag of a few seconds. my final profile.log
has the following suspicious section:
Defined: ~/.vim/plugins/vim-ocaml/ftplugin/ocaml.vim:176
Called 23281 times
Total time: 17.862757
Self time: 2.871963
count total (s) self (s)
" This is for not merging blank lines around folds to them
23281 0.096067 if getline(a:l) !~ '\S'
805 0.000996 return -1
22476 0.010256 endif
" We start folds for modules, classes, and every toplevel definition
22476 0.242120 if getline(a:l) =~ '^\s*\%(\<val\>\|\<module\>\|\<class\>\|\<type\>\|\<method\>\|\<initializer\>\|\<inherit\>\|\<exception\>\|\<external\>\)'
224 0.001100 exe 'return ">' (indent(a:l)/s:i)+1 '"'
22252 0.011305 endif
" Toplevel let are detected thanks to the indentation
22252 15.161066 0.170272 if getline(a:l) =~ '^\s*let\>' && indent(a:l) == s:i+s:topindent(a:l)
1238 0.007322 exe 'return ">' (indent(a:l)/s:i)+1 '"'
21014 0.010320 endif
" We close fold on end which are associated to struct, sig or object.
" We use syntax information to do that.
21014 0.145205 if getline(a:l) =~ '^\s*end\>' && synIDattr(synID(a:l, indent(a:l)+1, 0), "name") != "ocamlKeyword"
39 0.000091 return (indent(a:l)/s:i)+1
20975 0.009617 endif
" Folds end on ;;
20975 0.078737 if getline(a:l) =~ '^\s*;;'
16 0.000060 exe 'return "<' (indent(a:l)/s:i)+1 '"'
20959 0.009870 endif
" Comments around folds aren't merged to them.
20959 1.727391 if synIDattr(synID(a:l, indent(a:l)+1, 0), "name") == "ocamlComment"
4184 0.004404 return -1
16775 0.007958 endif
16775 0.013879 return '='
i don't understand why function should be called that often? this is the function with the biggest time budget in the profile.
i am using ocp-indent
and the ALE plugin, where i set
" use ale to fix trailing spaces in ocaml
let g:ale_fixers = {
\ 'ocaml': ['trim_whitespace', 'remove_trailing_lines' ]
to trim whitespace.
actually, the ALE fixer uses a lot of time:
FUNCTION <SNR>151_RunFixer()
Defined: ~/.vim/plugins/ale/autoload/ale/fix.vim:206
Called 9 times
Total time: 53.671523
Self time: 0.000299
count total (s) self (s)
9 0.000017 let l:buffer = a:options.buffer
9 0.000012 let l:input = a:options.input
9 0.000011 let l:index = a:options.callback_index
9 0.000019 if len(a:options.callback_list) <= l:index
3 17.881809 0.000269 call ale#fix#ApplyFixes(l:buffer, l:input)
3 0.000003 return
6 0.000003 endif
6 0.000021 let [l:fixer_name, l:Function] = a:options.callback_list[l:index]
" Record new jobs started as fixer jobs.
6 0.000024 call setbufvar(l:buffer, 'ale_job_type', 'fixer')
" Regular fixer commands accept (buffer, [input])
6 0.023597 0.001429 let l:result = ale#util#FunctionArgCount(l:Function) == 1 ? call(l:Function, [l:buffer]) : call(l:Function, [l:buffer, copy(l:input)])
6 0.000241 call s:RunJob(l:result, { 'buffer': l:buffer, 'input': l:input, 'callback_list': a:options.callback_list, 'callback_index': l:index, 'fixer_name': l:fixer_name,})
and i have enabled the ALE fixer on save with au FileType ocaml let b:ale_fix_on_save=1
in the .vimrc. so it seems there is some interaction between the ocaml ftplugin, ALE removing trailing whitespace. possibly, also merlin or ocp-indent. does someone see a solution? is this an ALE problem?
I don’t know ALE, but in my memories (in fact, in comments I left for myself in my .vimrc) the builtin folder for OCaml is “slow and totally broken” (obsolete maybe?). Maybe you’d better disable it altogether? Tell me if I’m wrong.
" disable the builtin OCaml folder (but by default it should already be disabled):
unlet g:ocaml_folding
in my config, g:ocaml_folding
was enabled, and i don't set it in .vimrc; it seems to be on by default. i'll try it out.
[edit]: no, that does not seem to have been the cause. i still get lag on saving after i either unlet g:ocaml_folding
or let g:ocaml_folding=0