merlin copied to clipboard
Allow localmap mapping of the text-objects
At the moment, I've got my OCaml-specific mappings on a FileType
augroup ocamlmaps
au FileType ocaml nmap <LocalLeader>* <Plug>(MerlinSearchOccurrencesForward)
au FileType ocaml nmap <LocalLeader># <Plug>(MerlinSearchOccurrencesBackward)
au FileType ocaml nmap <LocalLeader>r <Plug>(MerlinRename)
au FileType ocaml nmap <LocalLeader>R <Plug>(MerlinRenameAppend)
" I don't know why Merlin doesn't ship with a mapping for these.
au FileType ocaml nmap <LocalLeader>y :MerlinYankLatestType<cr>
au FileType ocaml nmap <LocalLeader>l :MerlinLocate<cr>
augroup END
Unfortunately, since Merlin automagically maps the textobjects, I can't limit them to being defined on-FileType / on-load; which squats on m and Shift-M across my entire Vim configuration:
let g:merlin_textobject_grow = 'm'
let g:merlin_textobject_shrink = 'M'
This is a low-priority feature-request, though; just a minor nit-pick. (=