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Quickstart does not mention _build is created by dune init proj project_name

Open johnwhitington opened this issue 6 months ago • 0 comments

For example:

$ dune init proj foo
Entering directory '/Users/john/Desktop/foo'
Success: initialized project component named foo
$ cd foo
$ ls
_build		dune-project	lib
bin		foo.opam	test

Why does it create _build anyway? It's odd that dune init proj followed by dune clean results in fewer files. It might also cause a beginner to erroneously check _build into their version control system. Perhaps the behaviour should be removed, so it matches what QuickStart says:



  • Version of dune (output of dune --version): 3.14.0
  • Version of ocaml (output of ocamlc --version): 4.14.2+dev0-2022-12-19
  • Operating system (distribution and version): MacOS Sonoma

johnwhitington avatar Feb 22 '24 17:02 johnwhitington