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Fixpoint and monadic combinators for `Ast_pattern`
Lets say we wanted to implement a pattern that takes a module type of the form
functor (X) (Y) (Z) -> S
and parses it to a list of the functor arguments, followed by the core module type, of the form:
([X; Y; Z], S)
Here's a simple implementation that's not quite right:
let rec strip_functors base =
pmty_functor __ (strip_functors base) |> map2 ~f:List.cons
||| (base |> map0 ~f:[])
This would work, but the strict nature of OCaml means this does nothing but run in circles.
Instead, a fix
combinator may be added to Ast_pattern
val fix : f:(('a -> ('b, 'c, 'd) t) -> 'a -> ('b, 'c, 'd) t) -> 'a -> ('b, 'c, 'd) t
Then, the definition of strip_functors
let strip_functors base =
let open Ast_pattern in
let f self n =
pmty_functor __ (self ()) |> map2 ~f:List.cons
||| (base |> map0 ~f:[])
fix ~f ()
This terminates just fine!
Here's a possible implementation for fix
let rec fix ~f x =
(fun ctx ->
let (T f') = f (fix ~f) x in
f' ctx)
Here's an example that doesn't just pass ()
to the recursive call, and searches for a let
binding with the given name to a maximum depth:
(** search through nested [let .. in ..] bindings until [let name = .. in ..] is found *)
let find_depth name d =
let pure x = __ |> map1 ~f:(Fun.const x) in
let f self n =
if n > 0 then
pexp_let drop
(value_binding ~pat:(ppat_var (string name) |> as__) ~expr:drop ^:: nil)
|> map1 ~f:Option.some
||| pexp_let drop drop (self (n - 1))
||| pure None
else pure None
fix ~f d
Inspired partly by QCheck.
With an implementation for bind : ('a, 'b -> 'c, 'd) t -> f:('b -> ('a, 'e, 'c) t) -> ('a, 'e, 'd) t
, the recursive parser can depend on parsed values:
let ( let* ) p f = bind p ~f
(** in a sequence of [let .. in ..] bindings, find a shadowed binding *)
let find_shadow =
let f (self : _ -> (_, pattern option -> _, _) t) trace =
let let_var = value_binding ~pat:(ppat_var __ |> as__) ~expr:drop ^:: nil in
let ppat_let_var =
let* pat, name = pexp_let drop let_var drop |> pack2 in
match List.assoc_opt name trace with
| Some shadow -> pure (Some shadow)
| None -> pexp_let drop drop (self ((name, pat) :: trace))
ppat_let_var ||| pexp_let drop drop (self trace) ||| pure None
fix ~f []
Here is such an implementation:
let bind (T f1) ~f =
(fun ctx loc x k ->
f1 ctx loc x (fun x' ->
let (T f2) = f x' in
f2 ctx loc x k))
Finally, this combinator might be useful:
let reject msg = T (fun _ctx loc _x _k -> fail loc msg)
I think fix
and bind
would both be very useful for writing general patterns. The performance of fix
should be acceptable, but with bind
there comes the risk of an explosion of search paths if one is not careful, given the backtracking implementation of the parser.
Is there any desire to have these included in the library?