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Auto-formatter for OCaml code

Results 143 ocamlformat issues
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Please don't merge this! The purpose is to visualize the diff between the current state of the ast+parser of ocamlformat and the cst+parser of ocamlformat-ng prototype (https://github.com/tarides/ocamlformat-ng), the files in...

This a rough draft for multi-version support for ocamlformat. It use first class modules to pick the specified version of ocamlformat. There are two main limitations with the design :...

https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/12236 has been merged in ocaml and contains changes to the parsetree. The changes are helping the work on the CST (https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat/pull/2213). This requires some more changes: (thanks @ncik-roberts for...

The indentation of the `object` keyword in class types is not ideal as it's aligned with both what came before it and with the content of the object. ```ocaml class...


``` begin[@warning "-3"] try let path', dist = Dijkstra.shortest_path pgraph pv1 pv2 in let path = unwrap_path path' in Tbl.set dist_tbl ~key:(pv1, pv2) ~data:(path, dist); Some (path, dist) with Not_found...

Kind/Bug :x:

**Describe the bug** Follows #985 There are many occurrences of the `Formatting did not stabilize after 10 iterations` bug. I'm opening this dedicated issue to track progress about this bug....

Kind/Bug :x:

``` avatar@pixel:~/docs/visuals/src/spark/lib$ ll ~/.ocamlformat -rw-r--r-- 1 avatar users 33 Dec 12 00:41 /home/avatar/.ocamlformat avatar@pixel:~/docs/visuals/src/spark/lib$ ocamlformat --enable-outside-detected-project server_state.ml avatar@pixel:~/docs/visuals/src/spark/lib$ ln -s ~/.ocamlformat avatar@pixel:~/docs/visuals/src/spark/lib$ ocamlformat --enable-outside-detected-project server_state.ml ``` I tried renaming ocamlformat...

Kind/Bug :x:

I'd be nice if ocamlformat would respect spacing between different types of lines. For example, I'd like for this code: ```ocaml open Transaction_snark_tests.Util open Core_kernel open Mina_base open Signature_lib module...


We have some code that looks like this: ```ocaml (a &&& b) |||| c ``` but ocamlformat rewrites it to ```ocaml a &&& b ||| c ``` which makes verifying...


Given this snippet: ```OCaml match x with | EProj (rcd, fld) -> ( match infer' env rcd with | TRecord (name, rec_ty) -> ( match List.assoc_opt fld rec_ty with |...
