domainslib copied to clipboard
Chan.recv seems to remove domain from pool
I have written a small example to test the interaction of Chan.recv and task pools:
module T = Domainslib.Task
module C = Domainslib.Chan
let num_domains = Sys.argv.(1) |> int_of_string
let print_mutex = Mutex.create ()
let print s =
Mutex.lock print_mutex;
print_endline s;
Mutex.unlock print_mutex
let ping = C.make_bounded 1
let pong = C.make_bounded 1
let pang = C.make_unbounded ()
let run_async name p () =
let rec f () : unit =
C.recv p;
print name;
C.send pang ();
f ()
f ()
let () =
let pool = T.setup_pool ~num_domains:(num_domains - 1) () in pool (fun _ ->
let _ = T.async pool (run_async "A" ping) in
let _ = T.async pool (run_async "B" pong) in
while true do
C.send ping ();
C.send pong ();
C.recv pang
T.teardown_pool pool
The output of the program above depends on the input parameter num_domains. When called with 1, the program immediately blocks. When called with 2, it outputs "A" "A" and then blocks. If called with >= 3 it runs indefinitely, as expected. It seems to me, that a call to Chan.recv on an empty channel effectively blocks and removes the current domain from the pool.
Is that the expected behaviour?
I haven't gone through all the details, but I believe the problem is that Chan
uses Stdlib Mutex
and Condition
to block. The problem with those is that they prevent other fibers (spawned with async
) from running. Ideally your example would be able to run with just one domain (like the example I posted on discuss using Kcas). In the future, perhaps, domainslib internals get rewritten using something like Picos and everything will just work™️. 😄