easy-format copied to clipboard
Separator before closing?
Is it possible to support adding a separator before closing so we can support trailing comma like this?
[ 1, 2, ]
This might be a dupe of this issue: https://github.com/mjambon/easy-format/issues/2
If the trailing comma should always be printed no matter how the code gets formatted, it's much simpler than issue #2.
Currently, one way of achieving this is:
#use "topfind";;
#require "easy-format";;
open Easy_format
let add_trailing_string x s =
List (
("", "", "", { list with
space_after_opening = false;
space_after_separator = false;
space_before_closing = false;
wrap_body = `No_breaks }),
[x; Atom (s, atom)]
let () =
let element = Atom (String.make 90 'a', atom) in
let element_with_sticky_comma = add_trailing_string element "," in
let elements =
List (
("[", "", "]", list),
[element_with_sticky_comma; element_with_sticky_comma]
) in
Pretty.to_stdout elements
It looks like a good idea to add a trailing_separator
option to list_param
to avoid having to go through this.
@mjambon for my usecase (printing JavaScript) we need to only print the trailing comma if we break. I tried to implement it with the above approach and using Format.pp_print_if_newline
inside a Custom node but i was unable to get it to break correctly, it would never print if part of the list and if i moved it to after the list it would always print :/
This is what i was using:
let string_on_break s =>
Custom (
fun fmt => {
Format.pp_print_if_newline fmt ();
Format.pp_print_string fmt s
I did manage to implement with a hack (as suggested by @jordwalke, but not a good long term solution) where we insert a token in places we potental want trailing commas and then after printing from EasyFormat to string we find the instances of the token followed by a "\n" and replace with ",\n" otherwise strip it. It mostly works but does mess with the indentation a little since you remove chars after doing all the breaking.