rapid-router copied to clipboard
seed data
Task Description
Whenever we need to demo Rapid Router, either at an event, conference or to teachers, we need to ensure we use an account that has enough students & RR levels data to properly showcase the features of Rapid Router. This is fine if whoever is demoing already has enough data on their machine, but for new demoers or if the local DB has been reset, then the data will need to be recreated manually which can be a painstaking process. This is because we manually need to create classes, students and then ensure that these students has varying success rates in Rapid Router, as well as creating custom levels that are shared with other students, which then need to be attempted.
It would be great if we could semi-automate this process, so that instead of creating the data manually, we could just run a script / function which would populate the local DB with that dummy data.
Acceptance Criteria
- [ ] The script could live on the root of the project and would simply to be run by calling it in a shell.
The script needs to create the following dummy data:
Base data
- [ ] At least two classes
- [ ] A handful of students, at least 3 for each class
Main levels data
- [ ] Level attempts for these students. This needs to simulate varying "abilities", ie:
- [ ] A student completing lots of levels (showcases the yellow star) and very high scores
- [ ] A student completing some levels, some perfectly some not, and failing a few
- [ ] A student attempting a few levels and failing many levels (showcases the "areas of improvement" feature)
Custom levels data
- [ ] A few custom levels, perhaps two owned by the teacher, and a few owned by some students
- [ ] The custom levels should be shared with some students, not all of them (showcasing the ownership information in the shared levels table)
- [ ] Level attempts for those custom levels, by some students (not all) and with varying scores (showcasing the marks in the shared levels table)
- [ ] Having custom levels owned by students will enable the showcasing of the moderation feature
Analytics Requirements
Copywrite Requirements