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A Python library for calculating string distances using C extensions (with a pure Python fallback)

========== StringDist

This package provides the stringdist module, which includes functions for calculating raw and normalized versions of the following string distance measurements:

  • Levenshtein distance
  • Restricted Damerau-Levenshtein distance (a.k.a. optimal string alignment distance)

For optimal performance, the package compiles and uses a C extension module under the hood, but a Python implementation is included as well and will automatically be used if C extensions are not supported by the system (e.g. when the selected interpreter is PyPy).


To install this package, just use pip::

pip install StringDist

All Python versions >=3.3 should be supported.


To use the package, simply import the stringdist module and call the desired function, passing in two strings::

import stringdist
stringdist.levenshtein('test', 'testing')

The available functions are as follows:

  • levenshtein
  • levenshtein_norm
  • rdlevenshtein
  • rdlevenshtein_norm

Raw distances assume that every allowed operation has a cost of 1. Normalized distances are floats in the range [0.0, 1.0], where 0.0 always corresponds to a raw value of 0 and 1.0 always corresponds to the length of the longer string, i.e. the biggest possible raw value.

Note: The restricted Damerau-Levenshtein distance is not a true distance metric because it does not satisfy the triangle inequality <>_. This makes it a poor choice for applications that involve evaluating the similarity of more than two strings, such as clustering.

Bugs and Requests

Please use GitHub Issues <>_ for bugs and feature requests, checking first to make sure you're not creating a duplicate issue.


Pull requests are welcome. Please discuss your plans first by creating a GitHub issue and use good coding style. For Python, this means following the rules laid out in PEP 8 and other relevant PEPs. If in doubt, use a linter like Pylint <>_.

To run unit tests::

git clone {directory}
cd {directory}
python install
python -m unittest -v test_stringdist

You can run tests without installing the package, but this will always cause the Python implementation to be used as the C variant has to be compiled first. By the same token, any changes to the C code will require recompilation before showing up in the tests, which can be handled by running python install again.
