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Add plugin: LLM Summary
I am submitting a new Community Plugin
Repo URL
Link to my plugin: https://github.com/larksq/obsidian-llm-summary
Release Checklist
[x] I have tested the plugin on - [ ] Windows - [x] macOS - [ ] Linux - [ ] Android (if applicable) - [ ] iOS (if applicable)
[x] My GitHub release contains all required files (as individual files, not just in the source.zip / source.tar.gz)
- [x] main.js
- [x] manifest.json - [x] styles.css (optional)
[x] GitHub release name matches the exact version number specified in my manifest.json (Note: Use the exact version number, don't include a prefix v)
[x] The id in my manifest.json matches the id in the community-plugins.json file.
[x] My README.md describes the plugin's purpose and provides clear usage instructions.
[x] I have read the developer policies at https://docs.obsidian.md/Developer+policies, and have assessed my plugins's adherence to these policies.
[x] I have read the tips in https://docs.obsidian.md/Plugins/Releasing/Plugin+guidelines and have self-reviewed my plugin to avoid these common pitfalls.
[x] I have added a license in the LICENSE file.
[x] My project respects and is compatible with the original license of any code from other plugins that I'm using.
[x] I have given proper attribution to these other projects in my README.md.
Please switch to Preview and select one of the following links:
- Community Plugin
- Community Theme