CSS Animation
CSS Animation
There are some really interesting projects that aim to identify unknown text strings, such as [pyWhat](https://github.com/bee-san/pyWhat) and [lemmeknow](https://github.com/swanandx/lemmeknow). Some of these are stored as easily-consumable regexes. We should review them...
Unfurl uses `flask` for its web interface and has version requirements set. If another project wants to use Unfurl as a library, or otherwise render their own UI and not...
**Description** Various services used "signed URLs" or similar concepts to grant access to resources, without other authentication. **References** - Azure: [38TB of data accidentally exposed by Microsoft AI researchers](https://www.wiz.io/blog/38-terabytes-of-private-data-accidentally-exposed-by-microsoft-ai-researchers#:~:text=seem%20completely%20private.-,Introduction%20to%20SAS%20tokens,-In%20Azure%2C%20a) -...
**Description** Timeflake is a 128-bit, roughly-ordered, URL-safe UUID. Inspired by Twitter's Snowflake, Instagram's ID and Firebase's PushID. **Examples** - `016fb4209023b444fd07590f81b7b0eb ` (hex encoding) **References** - https://github.com/anthonynsimon/timeflake
**Description** An update to RFC 4122 proposed adding more UUID types, some involving embedded timestamps. **References** - https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-uuidrev-rfc4122bis-11.html#name-uuid-version-8
**Description** An update to RFC 4122 proposed adding more UUID types, some involving embedded timestamps. **References** - https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-uuidrev-rfc4122bis-11.html#name-uuid-version-7
**Description** An update to RFC 4122 proposed adding more UUID types, some involving embedded timestamps. **References** - https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-uuidrev-rfc4122bis-11.html#name-uuid-version-6
Unfurl uses https://github.com/nccgroup/blackboxprotobuf to parse protobufs, and when added there wasn't a PyPI version of it. One has since been added, and it would be nice to switch to that...
It looks like LinkedIn changed the way their link shortener service works - now it pops an interstitial page warning it's sending you to a non-LinkedIn page. It no longer...
In a large Unfurl graph/text-tree, you might have one particular node of interest (say one with a timestamp). It would be nice to have an easy way to "prune" the...