CSS Animation
CSS Animation
**Description** Flake IDs are similar to snowflakes or UUIDv1 in that there is interesting info inside them. **Examples** - 8HFaR8qWtRlGDHnO57 **References** - https://github.com/boundary/flake
**Description** Zoom (zoom.us) has gotten pretty popular recently. What can be pulled out of Zoom URLs? **Examples** - Search to find Zoom URLs: https://www.google.com/search?q=inurl%3Azoom.us%2Fj+and+intext%3Ascheduled - https://zoom.us/j/213045107 (fictitious I hope) **References**...
**Description** The Text Fragments feature in browsers adds support for specifying a text snippet in the URL hash. Unfurl should be able to parse this out and explain what it...
**Description** GitHub URLs have a lot of info in them describing what is being viewed. **Examples** - https://github.com/obsidianforensics/unfurl/blob/master/unfurl/parsers/parse_twitter.py#L15 - From above, we can tell: - GitHub username (obsidianforensics) - Repo...
**Description** Unfurl has hash lookup integration with VirusTotal, but this requires an API key and is rate limited for free accounts. Add the hashlookup CIRCL API to Unfurl to do...
**Description** Sometimes, we don't completely understand how to parse a long string, but we can see a timestamp in part of the string. Parse out this substring as a timestamp...
**Description** Add a lookup "parser" that takes a domain name in and shows some basic reputation things; for example popularity (Alexa 1M?) or if it has been flagged as bad...
**Description** Unfurl already decodes punycoded URLS (xn--...), but not hxxp://аbc.com (a is Slavic). It does in fact handle these (shows as % encoded, then translates back to original homograph domain....
**Description** IP addresses can be represented in different ways. Add support in Unfurl to parse all these variants of IP addresses: From https://www.trustwave.com/en-us/resources/blogs/spiderlabs-blog/evasive-urls-in-spam/: - Dotted decimal IP address: (this...