obsidian-hub copied to clipboard
Updated the list of plugins using jest
Updated the list of plugins using jest
Added a simple python script to format links for future contributors (so they are not limited to the provided regex, which seems more complicated). This is a comment.
- [ ] before creating a new note, I searched the vault
- [ ] new notes have the
extension - [ ] (if applicable) attached images have descriptive file names
- [ ] (if applicable) for new notes in the folder "04 - Guides, Workflows, & Courses", I added a link to them in one of the "for {group X}" overviews: https://publish.obsidian.md/hub/04+-+Guides%2C+Workflows%2C+%26+Courses/%F0%9F%97%82%EF%B8%8F+04+-+Guides%2C+Workflows%2C+%26+Courses
Found an issue with my PR. the formatter lists https://github.com/greater-than/Obsidian-Tracker-Plus as https://github.com/greater/than-Obsidian-Tracker-Plus.
In other words, my script does not work if the author has a dash in their name. I will update and fix when I have time
Thanks for looking at this, and for spotting the issue.
hey @claremacrae. Since you are the owner of the obsidian-repos-downloader, would you by any chance be able to host this simple formatter python script on it, too? This way the user does not need to make their own file and copy+paste the code manually to format (they will already have your repo cloned)
from pathlib import Path
for path in Path('plugins').rglob('jest.config.*'):
parts = path.parts
author = parts[1]
name = parts[2]
print(f"- {author}/[{name}](https://github.com/{author}/{name})")
I propose getting rid of the previous command find . -name jest.config.\* | grep -v node_modules | sort
since it is not X-platform (e.g. won't work on Windows tmk). The user will already have Python 3 downloaded (since it's needed to run the repo downloader), so this script shouldn't be an issue.
P.S. I will submit an updated list of jest plugins in a few minutes
P.P.S. I forgot to mention, the script works by using folder structure (with the flag --group-by-user). Otherwise, there is no way to differentiate between a dash used for a username, and a dash used as a separator (to replace /)
Any updates on this? Thank you.
Hi @franciskafieh - thanks very much indeed for doing this! 🎉