Olivier Bonaventure
Olivier Bonaventure
Since the initial packet can contain SCIDs of different lengths, it could be interesting to have tests with different values of the SCID length to check that remote servers can...
Initial support for Multipath TCP for curl. Multipath TCP is a TCP extension defined in RFC8684 that is supported by recent Linux kernels (5.13+). Multipath TCP allows a TCP connection...
New section describing the CUBIC congestion control scheme and update to sphinx-spellchecker
ipmininet is unfortunately not maintained anymore. The ip mininet labs should be replaced by kathara labs that are maintained and run on Mac, Linux and Windows
Use the material available at https://github.com/obonaventure/mmtp-book
Describe the CUBIC congestion control scheme https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9438 and provide reference to the QUIC lab https://github.com/Aperence/linfo1341-congestion-student
For the next edition, reference model could appear earlier and be used as a guidance for the students to understand the host part
La description devrait prendre en compte https://www.securecoding.cert.org/confluence/display/c/SIG31-C.+Do+not+access+shared+objects+in+signal+handlers
Suggestions de Damien François - p6, exemples en Bash: la syntaxe avec le double crochet "if [[ ]] ; then " est préférée (vois par exemple https://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/shell.xml, section 'Features and...
Une petite démonstration (au cours magistral par exemple ou en TP avec un projo par les tuteurs) d'utilisation de la ligne de commande pourrait bien aider, surtout en début de...