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Return Oriented Programme Evolution with ROPER

NOTE: Under development. Not yet ready for actual use.

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Genetic programming platform for evolving ROP-chain payloads, implemented in Rust. Under construction.

                      BRIEF EXPLANATION

ROPER is a genetic ROP-chain compiler that I have designed and developed. It compiles ROP-chains, by creating a miniature ecosystem in which ROP-chains evolve. ROPER can be used to develop payloads -- including payloads that exhibit learned or evolved behaviour -- unlikely to be developed by humans.


  1. Return-Oriented Programming is an exploit technique that, instead of writing malicious code ("shellcode") into a process' executable memory, collages together a series of "gadgets" that already subside in executable memory. This is useful when the process has no memory segments that are flagged as both executable and writeable (W^X/DEP).

  2. Genetic programming is the implementation of natural selection in code. A population of random programmes (in this case, ROP-chains) is generated. A fitness function is then defined, and used to rank the results of their execution. Fitter programmes are made more likely to breed. Mutation operators are applied to the offspring, and the next generation of the process begins. This carries on until the desired outcome is obtained.

[branch for adding channel based concurrency model, replacing crappy existing one]